Elimination interview with Gothy Kendoll

Gothy, your famed as the first ever queen out of Drag Race UK -  what was it like coming back to the Drag Race UK Set? 
It was amazing to be able to show a bit more of myself this time! I really was surprised when I got the call - you never expect Drag Race to happen, let alone happen twice! I learnt on Season 1 that the preparation is key, so  I made sure I ignored any spoilers or gossip about who I might be competing with, just so that I could focus on my best drag.  

What was the highlight of your versus journey? 
The category was “When I Glow Up” and so it was brilliant to leave dressed as the queen again. You couldn’t make this shit up! 

Everyone was so sisterly towards you – were you surprised? 
Honestly no - I’m a good time gal. I appreciate them all seeing my potential and wanting me to do well, I see them in the same way!  

Who did you most bond with?
I really did get close with Tia whilst filming, but I feel like I formed a bond with all the girls! We’re thrown into this crazy intense situation together, you have to form those bonds to get through it! 

Did you teach them about the British way of life or any British sayings?
I think the international girls quickly learnt the word ‘bog’ from me…and  ‘Kick it in the dick’ was something Aussie that I picked up from Hannah! 

If you could do it all over again, is there anything you would do differently? 
No, I really do think I was completely myself.  And so I’m glad this time I was authentically me.  

What’s next for Gothy?
Honestly, Drag Race UK has opened so many doors and I’ve  been able to do so many things I never thought I would do - release music, travel the world, meet incredible people! I hope continue doing that… and hopefully more!