Exclusive interview with Sharonne
Earlier this week Drag Race España (Spain) announced it’s second winner as drag queen Sharonne. Read our interview with the superstar below!
Sharonne, firstly condragulations on being crowned the winner of Drag Race España Season 2! But before we talk about that let’s start with how and when you discovered that you wanted to do drag?
Muchas gracias! Pues desde joven siempre me atrajo el arte de la transformación. Combinar caracterización, voz, baile o cualquier disciplina necesaria para mostrar un personaje. Con 18 años formé mi primera compañía de teatro y ahí ya coqueteábamos con el arte drag. Con el tiempo fue a más.
Thank you very much! Since I was young I’ve always been attracted to the art of transformation. Combining characterisation, voice, dance or any discipline necessary to show a character. When I was 18 I formed my first theatre company and there we were already flirting with the art of drag. As time went by it became bigger.
What made you want to apply to be a part of the second season of the show?
Pues en un inicio tuve mis dudas porque no tenía claro que en una sociedad donde la juventud es un gran valor pudiera tener cabida alguien más mayor en un concurso de este tipo. Pero como hay pocas cosas que me paran y soy de lanzarme sin miedo a lo que la vida te pone delante pues lo hice.
Well, at first I had my doubts because I wasn't sure that in a society where youth is a great value, there would be a place for someone older in a competition of this kind. But as there are few things that stop me and I'm a person who is not afraid to throw myself into whatever life puts in front of me, I went for it.
Well, at first I had my doubts because I wasn't sure that in a society where youth is a great value, there would be a place for someone older in a competition of this kind. But as there are few things that stop me and I'm a person who is not afraid to throw myself into whatever life puts in front of me, I went for it.
You broke a Drag Race España record by being the first queen to hit one of the top placement spots 5 weeks in a row (3 of which you won)! Something only achieved outside of Drag Race España by Angeria Paris VanMichael’s in Season 14 of the US version. How did it feel to have your drag be received so positively?
Amo mucho a Angeria y alguna vez hemos hablado por instagram. Es una queen maravillosa. Para mí albergar algunos de los récords de la historia de Drag Race es una felicidad porque soy seguidor desde las primeras SEASON de Rupaul.
I love Angeria very much and we’ve talked on instagram. She’s a wonderful queen. For me, to hold some of the records in Drag Race history is a joy because I've been a fan since Rupaul's first SEASON.
What was one of your highlights from the season?
El Snatch Game sin dudarlo. Todos queremos hacer el Snatch, hay quien le asusta y hay quien desea por lo menos llegar. Yo pude hacer una de las grandes del cine español y quedó en la historia del programa como un bonito homenaje. Me escribió muchísimas gente agradeciéndolo y eso es algo que se queda en mi corazón para siempre.
The Snatch Game without any doubt. We all want to do the Snatch, there’re those who are scared and those who want to at least get there. I was able to do one of the greats of Spanish cinema and it remained in the history of the programme as a beautiful tribute. A lot of people wrote to me thanking me and that is something that will stay in my heart forever.
In the finale you triumphed over your sisters and were crowned the next Drag Race Superstar! How did it feel when you were announced as the winner?
Después de tanto esfuerzo, tantas vivencias con mis hermanas, tanto movimiento de redes al que ninguna estábamos acostumbradas… fue una alegría y un honor. Aunque sabíamos que cualquiera podría ganar y el día de la coronación queríamos disfrutarlo como una gran familia.
After such a big effort, so many experiences lived with my sisters, such a big social media movement that none of us were used to... it was a joy and an honour. Although we knew that anyone could win, on the day of the coronation we wanted to enjoy it as a big family
As RuPaul says with great power comes great responsibility. What do you hope to achieve during your reign?
Pues Rupaul dice esas palabras que sin duda dan en el clavo porque gran parte del público que me escribe, siente que ha sido una revelación que alguien más mayor de la media pueda alzarse con la victoria y se alegran de que las cosas cambien. Mi mensaje es que nunca es tarde y durante mi reinado espero que ese mensaje llegue a todos. Nunca es tarde y la vida es para vivirla y no quedarse en un sofá sentado y lamentándose de lo que no hicimos por miedo.
Well, Rupaul says those words, which certainly hit the nail on the head because a lot of the public who write to me feel that it has been a revelation that someone older than average can win and they are glad that things are changing. My message is that it's never too late and during my reign I hope this message reaches everyone. It's never too late and life is for living and not sitting on a couch and regretting what we didn't do because of fear.
If we saw Spain compete in a series of Drag Race Vs the World who would you like to see represent Spain and why?
Las compañeras de mi edición son talentosas todas pero es cierto que cada una tiene un perfil y una personalidad única. Todas éramos muy diferentes así que tengo claro que cualquiera podría defender bien el formato.
My mates are all talented, but it’s true that each one has a unique profile and personality. We were all very different, so it’s clear to me that any one of us could defend the format very well.
Shout-out time! What queer performer deserves a shout from you and why? - This can be a drag King, Queen or anything in-between or simply a queer artist doing their thing.
Adoro a Landon Cider! Necesitamos más Drag Kings! En España es algo que todavía no tiene casi visibilidad y ella es un referente. También he tenido el placer de saludarnos en instagram y me encanta su trabajo. Si tenemos que hablar de alguien desconocido, hablaría de Daniel Busato, un artista argentino que hace impersonator de Marilyn Monroe entre otras y que conozco su trabajo desde hace años. Es maravilloso.
I love Landon Cider! We need more Drag Kings! In Spain it’s something that still has almost no visibility and she is a reference. I've also had the pleasure of saying hello to her on instagram and I love her work. If we have to talk about someone unknown, I would talk about Daniel Busato, an Argentinian artist who impersonates Marilyn Monroe among others and I've known his work for years. He is wonderful.
Drag Race España S2 is available to stream now exclusively on the streamer of all things drag, WOW Presents Plus, to subscribe click here.
Images with thanks to our friends at World of Wonder (edit Spill the Tea).