Exclusive with Bratpack (Kendall Gender, Gia Metric and Synthia Kiss)

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SPT: Hello Brat Pack


SPT: How are we doing? 

Kendall: We're so good. How are you? 

SPT: Yeah, doing very well. I can't believe it's been like 2 years since I had exclusives with you all on your season of Canada's Drag Race. 

Kendall: It it feels like just yesterday that the season came out, I can't believe it. It's flown by. 

Gia: And now we're in the UK together time it.

Synthia: Time flies when you're having fun. 

Kendall: I've heard that. Did you just make that up?
Synthia: No.
SPT: First person, copyright it!  
 Kendall: You should put that on a T-shirt.
SPT: Get it done. You still have time left at Drag Con! 
 Kendall: I know you new new merch idea.
Synthia: Just write it on there.
Gia: Really quick!
SPT: Get it on there! Now how has your Drag Con been for you?
Gia: Oh my gosh, it's been absolutely phenomenal. It's the first Drag Con that we're doing all together and you know being in a new country, being completely honest we didn't know what we were going to walk into we didn't know if we were going popular if the fans were going to know who we are and we were so pleasantly surprised.  
SPT: Your booth was rammed!
Gia: Oh my gosh, it is like it is so hype!
Kendall: Yeah, it's like a party. I feel like it's a party booth. We got music, we got vibes, it's so fun.
Gia: And like there was a literally a point where the beautiful fans were sitting on the floor waiting for us to come back from our break and as we walked, they chant and it's the most beautiful experience we have together. It's surreal.
Kendall: Yeah. It's surreal because, like I feel like we're hanging out with them just as much as they are coming to meet us. It's such a fun interaction.
SPT: What more could you wish for?
Gia: Absolutely, and I think sometimes, like I was a big Gaga Stan and I used to like follow her around and try to get meet and greets and you see those photos where it's not personable. Where with us, we're just like hanging out with the fans and we're just like we're just having a good time. Like Kendall said it’s a little party.
SPT: Yeah, it must be nice having that moment with the fans and especially of course not being from the UK. Did it feel really nice to have that love from the UK fans?
Kendall: Absolutely.
Synthia: Incredible! You guys are so stylish and every accent is like music to my ears!
Kendall: * In a British accent* Hello gorgggoues! That's my favourite one.
Synthia: We're butchering it.
Kendall: I’m sorry!
Synthia: But we love it. Love it. Love it!
SPT: Stick on, stay a few more days, it'll catch on.
Synthia: Here’s hoping.
SPT: Now of course you have a new single which you did performance of. 
All: YES
Kendall: Yes for the very first time we performed it live.
SPT: Happy we have how it went?
Gia: We just watched the video
All: * LAUGH *
Kendall: Seconds ago! That was full popstar fantasy. Yeah, that was like full pop star fantasy. Music is something that we wanted to get into for a while and it really took the right team and the right sort of like moment in all of our careers to actually come together. And I think the coolest thing about Brat pack is that it's such a sort of like melting pot of like all of our styles. And I think this song is such a cool example of that like that.
SPT: Now Kendall, I had the pleasure of seeing you in the after show and I was right on the split, so I got the where you came through the audience. So I got the whip!
Kendall: You did! I'll be honest with you, I saw a couple of videos of me like fluffing people with hair and I was like I love that!
SPT: I got whiplash in my neck and I was like uh! I hope this never heals.
Kendall: Oh my God, it was sexy, wasn't it?
SPT: Yeah!
Gia: Whip me again Kendall, whip me again.
Kendall: Yeah, it smelled good though didn't. I sprayed a little perfume in it before I went out.
Gia: Such a diva.
SPT: What was that like though performing for everybody? The crowd were wild that night.
Kendall: It was so wild, you know it was one of those things where I was backstage for the [Drag Race] Vs the World show and the whole versus show didn't necessarily go the way that I planned it. But I was like I'm gonna give it to all of y'all. I'm gonna give you the best pork chop performance you've ever seen. I really feel like I channelled so much energy in that performance. I had so so so much fun and honestly, it's really cool to be a part of that stacked cast with all these international people, it's a smaller group, we've only had two seasons of it so far, so it was an honour.
Gia: You smashed it.
SPT: Well done! Now of course you had... well, like you said Vs didn’t go the way you intended.
Kendall: Short but gorgeous really...Like you!
SPT: Aww thank you very much. * Points at Gia and Synthia *. Would you both like to go back and like, try again and go on another season?
Gia: Absolutely.
Kendall: It’s going to happen.
Gia: We're manifesting it and we decided that this time we don't want to. Do it together.
SPT: I was going to ask that.
Gia: It was a really cool experience to be all three of us.
Synthia: I was joking before but get to make that choice. Yeah, we get. 
ALL *Laugh*
Gia: We get to decide.
Synthia: RuPaul! This is what we want to do.
Kendall: We want three different seasons, he's like who are you.
SPT: You’ll have to go on a a 3 way call, like have you already asked the other one yet? Alright I’m not doing it. One or none of us.  
All: Yeah. 
SPT: I love it, well, thank you so much for sitting down with me. I hope you enjoyed Drag Con.
Gia: We're excited to come back. Hopefully we can do a tour sometime. Get to touch other cities and you know be able to perform for them.
Kendall: Touch.
Gia: Meow!
Kendall: Shine on other cities!
Gia: It'll just be cool to you know, just experience new audiences and show off our talent to the rest of the world.
SPT: All the best thanks.
Kendall: Thanks gorgeous.
Gia: Thanks bye.
Sytnhia: * Blows a Kiss* 

Check out the Bratpack music video for Shine below.

Note: Some of this interview has been edited from the original transcript to help with readability.

Special thanks to World of Wonder for having us at Drag Con UK 2023.