Exclusive with Trinity the Tuck

We have multiple ways to enjoy this interview with the Trinity the Tuck!
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Trinity, hello my love!
How are you doing? 
I’m ready to spill some tea. 
Good, that’s what we wanna hear. How's your Drag Con been?
It's been insane, but in a great way. Everybody's been so nice and so patient. I was surprised I was like, surely on the last day we're going to get lots of attitude because of all these lines, but everybody's been great. So nice.  
Your booth has been rammed!  
It’s been rammed! And I know that I know what rammed looks like it is...  
*Both laugh* 
It’s been great though. I’ve been very blessed, thank you everybody that has supported me this Drag Con has been crazy. So good, so good. 

How does it feel to still have so much love from the Drag Race fans? 
You know, we as artists do this, kind of selfishly a little bit for attention and it definitely fills that void of knowing validation and I'm glad that people appreciate my art and it's nice to connect with people who have connected to my story. 

Of course, you treated us all to your album this year... LAST YEAR! W 're in the New Year now, it’s gone quick hasn’t it. Do you plan to release anymore music this year? 
I don't know about this year. Maybe, no new music in the works. That last album was a lot, like two years in the making, so enjoy it. But we just re-released it in November with a deluxe part. There's remixes and features from Yvie Oddly, as well as Jan so go check it out. It's really good.

Now, as you said, there's collabs on the album. If you collab with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
Dead or alive... I would absolutely love to do a song with Amanda Lepore. I'm obsessed with Amanda. I don't fangirl at all over anyone, like they could be Angelina Jolie. I'm not gonna fangirl...I still fangirl over Amanda Lepore! She's like a goddess and a little doll. Every time I've met her, she has my number and we text but I still get giddy. I just love her. Her music, ‘I don't know much about clothes, but my hair looks fierce’ was one of my first introductions to her and I love it. Go support her and check it out.  
What’s a nice little bit you can spill from this weekend that happened and no one else would know about.
From this weekend... Nothing happened! Everybody's been really good. Yeah, everybody's been really good although! I'm not really the one to ask. I'm like old and I didn't go out.  
Slippers and cup of tea.  
I was literally like I’m outta here. Had dinner and went to bed. So that’s the tea. I’m sorry! It’s like very cold tea. 
Thank you so much for chatting to us. I know it's been a long weekend for you. 
Thank you for having me! 

Note: Some of this interview has been edited from the original transcript to help with readability.

Special thanks to World of Wonder for having us at Drag Con UK 2023.