Interview with Loreen

Who is Loreen?
Good question, I ask myself that all the time, haha. If you ask my friends, they would say she's a
hardworking, sexy, fashionable lady that is the greatest singer in the world. This is at least what I
hope they think about me, haha. But if you ask me, I would say I'm a pretty spiritual, calm and nature
loving creator.

When did you first discover your passion for music?
As a child, I grew up in a very big family with a lot of things happening. It was my sanctuary, so I
usually found space for me creating music. With that I mean, just singing for myself in the bathroom
or just finding spaces like the church down in the village. Spaces where I could be alone. But I never
thought that I was going to be an artist. I think it was one teacher who heard me after everybody
went from school. She told me “maybe you should share that”. And my grandmother told me that,
too. “That thing that you're doing all by yourself, maybe it's for sharing”. And it was at that point I
realize that maybe it is, maybe I should.

How do you feel about representing Sweden again in Eurovision Song Contest?
I never imagined that Eurovision was going to be my path again. But when the song was sent to me,
just the embryo, the demo, I instantly intuitively felt like I'm going to do something with this song.
And then they popped the question about Melodifestivalen and I was a back and forth and back and
forth. But eventually I felt like whenever I say I'm going to, there is a really positive energy flowing.
So it was the song, but it was also the people around me that made me feel like my life was really
pointing very clearly at one direction. And now I'm here at Eurovision feeling happier than ever.
Which is crazy because I never thought that I would be here again.

What inspired you to enter the competition again?
You. I would say my biggest inspiration is the people. Because I felt people got so happy around me
when I said that I might do this again. And that response just became my purpose. I'm like, okay, this
is what I'm going to do, and it feels crazy good.

How was it working with the songwriters behind “Tattoo”?
The process of making a Tattoo was pretty simple. It's funny, cause when you're at the right place, it
is simple. I’ve worked with the songwriters many times and they know me very well. So they know
that if they want something really good to happen, they just sit back and relax and let whatever
happens, happens. So, I went into the studio and the relationship between me and the song became
even stronger. It just flowed. One or two hours later it was done. And it's pretty magical. You know,
when you don't let the mind interrupt, you just sing and suddenly you see pictures and everything.
It's pretty amazing.

What message would you like to pass on to the people watching your performance?
What I want to say with the performance is that it's layered. I wanted to create a safe space and
what I think is a safe space is something that we all have and that we all love, which is nature.
I call nature a safe space because it's almost like a big battery. And we are like small energy batteries.
So, the nature is where we charge our batteries. It's a safe space where we remember how much we love nature and that we need to reconnect and ground ourselves so that we know what we're doing.
We have all that wisdom and knowledge within ourselves of course, but we just need to remember
ourselves about that. So, the performance is about that. And hopefully, when you see it, it starts to generate positive energies within you – that you feel hope, that you feel strengthened, that you feel joy and that you feeI creative. And this energy and creativity is the perfect medicine or antidote to all this minority of negativity that is happening around us right now. And I would like to say minority because the majority around us is beautiful.

What does “Tattoo” personally mean to you?
I'm in love with “Tattoo”. I just feel it has a beautiful purpose. With this song there is a certain energy
movement created that people are resonating with. So it's beautiful and I get to be a part of it.

What can we expect from your performance?
Well, a lot of love, a lot of light, a lot of joy, a lot of spirituality, a lot of nature. You can expect
everything I have because there is no in-between. I don't know what that is. So, it's going to be 100%
me, completely channelling whatever is coming to me - to you. Because I'm just a servant, that’s the
way I see it.

What is your favorite moment of the journey this far?
All the beautiful connections that I've had. I've met so many beautiful people. But also to create - it's
a very beautiful and overwhelming feeling to work with other creators moulding this space, moulding
this thing that becomes the performance.

In 2012, you won Eurovision with the song "Euphoria". What did it mean to you to perform on the
stage & win the contest?

It changed my whole life. And it also really taught me a lot about intuition. Before “Euphoria” I was
struggling compromising back and forth, doing things I wasn’t supposed to. Or I was supposed to do
them because I was supposed to learn, but it was painful. After “My heart is refusing me” I felt like
this is too painful for me because I sensed that I was doing something that I wasn’t supposed to do.
So with Euphoria – it was the first time I decided to do what I wanted to do. And yes I was afraid and
I was worried that it might not even work, but I needed to go with my gut feeling, my intuition. And
my intuition told me that the performance needed to look like it did. I don’t know why, but my
intuition told me that that song needed to have that siren in the beginning. My intuition also told me
that I needed to be barefoot, that it should snow and that you’re not supposed to see anything on
stage. So you can imagine when people said it’s never going to work. But it did.

How do you feel about the pressure to succeed second time around following winning the first time?
The whole reason to why I'm doing this again is because I truly, deeply believe that I have something
that I can give. So, for me it's not about success, it's about communication. We are all creators, and
we have a purpose. We all have creativity within us, and we're supposed to send that out. I would
say that the competition is a play. It's a beautiful play because it includes people, so I wouldn't want
to take that out to be honest. It's an important part because we're rooting for the ones that we love.
My pressure, or as I call it, my discipline is to be a servant of creativity and to create something that
hopefully is authentic for you guys. And I love that.

How will you react if you win again?
I haven't even thought about it, to be honest. You know my body, mind and soul is only in this
performance. It’s really difficult to answer, because for me it's not about that. But I would say the
little girl in me would be very happy.

Do you have any advice to people that would like to be an artist?
That is to understand that creativity is a very powerful tool that exists within you, but also a
responsibility. And why I say that, is because you need to protect it with all your power. With that
said, with the business and everything, it's so important to be authentic and real because that is such
a powerful energy that you send out.

What are some of the things you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Usually I like to work with the body. For example, renovate windows which I do very much. And I can
take my little motorbike in the woods if I want fast energy. But you'd probably see me with some
animals in the forest just wandering.

Aside from Eurovision, what other 2023 plans do you have? More music? Can we expect a full tour
any time soon?

There's going to be more music this year. I think 2023 is a music year for me where it's going to be a
lot of new music out. And then there's going to be this tour this fall, maybe continuing til spring
2024. And I don't know what more life has in store for me. I guess you’ll have to wait and see.

What would you like to say to the all the people that support you?
For the ones that support me and the ones that enjoy the performance and have showed me love
and have a positive vibe. Thank you. Thank you for everything. I wouldn’t to be able to do this
without you guys. You're my biggest motivation. And you know what, I see in Liverpool where I'm
going to give you my heart on a plate. Love you.

Loreen will perform at the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 will take place in the Liverpool Arena on Saturday 13 May.

Photography credit:
Charli Ljung