Interview with Michelle Visage, Graham Norton and Alan Carr

Everyones favourite permanent judges for Drag Race UK sit down to discuss the newest addition to the Drag Race franchise, UK Vs The World where the trio (Michelle Visage, Alan Carr and Graham Norton) return alongside Ru as they look for the first Queen of the World!

We’re back and now we’re global for the first time in Drag Race herstory! How was it to see queens from around the world together in one competition? 
It was such a buzz. Being such a huge fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race, I’ve been watching it from episode 1 of the original US version, so I got to see some of my show favourites in the flesh that I watched all those years ago and here they are competing with queens I’d critiqued in the UK version. It was all very surreal. What an honour to watch the creme de la creme fighting it out. 

What are the main qualities you think it takes to be Queen of the World? 
I think you must really be able to do everything which sounds impossible but it’s true. You’ve got to look great, have a real eye for detail, flawless make up, have a bit of sass and wit and most importantly not settle for second best. Being Queen Of The World isn’t just about winning, you’re technically an ambassador and there is a lot of negativity and misinformation about drag out there so half the battle is trying to change people’s minds. 

How do you describe your judging style? 
Bitchy! To be fair, I only get bitchy when an outfit has underwhelmed me or someone has a bad attitude. It’s such an honour to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race so no excuses - your life is going to be changed if you’re on the show, let alone if you win it so why not give it your best shot. So basically, don’t piss me off. 

What has been a particular highlight of yours across the previous series of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK? 
The highlight for me is after the series ends and seeing them all blossom into household names. When you see Tayce doing runway fashion shows, Bimini on the front of Vogue and The Vivienne, Baga Chipz and Lawrence Chaney on TV shows in their own right as stars, it makes you feel so proud.

RuPaul’s Drag Race is a global phenomenon, why do you think the show has taken the world by storm? 
I think because you can enjoy it on so many levels. Firstly on a superficial level, you can watch all the pretty outfits or you just enjoy the bitchy campness of it all, or you can be moved emotionally by the personal stories where someone is battling HIV or has been made homeless by their family for being gay. RuPaul's Drag Race is truly a triple threat. 

How important do you believe it is to showcase the best of world drag to new audiences? 
Drag is so much more than stunning outfits. Drag can be ironic, political, campy or arty. It's an amazing medium to share your opinion and moods. I don’t think drag should just make your jaw drop, it should make your mind explode. 

Do you have a particular country’s drag you enjoy the most and if so, why? 
No! Good drag is good drag! Drag doesn’t have any boundaries.  

We’re back and now we’re global for the first time in Drag Race herstory! How was it to see queens from around the world together in one competition? 
It oddly felt like a big family reunion even though we've never met. I'm a proper Drag Race fan and watch all the international versions of the show so I loved getting to know these international drag superstars. 

What are the main qualities you think it takes to be Queen of the World? 
To be crowned Queen of the World you need more than just the looks and the talent. They have to have the sort of personality that transcends language and culture and these queens all have that. 

How was it to meet some of the queens you hadn’t met before from other iterations of the show? Did they exceed your expectations? 
Drag Race contestants always exceed my expectations. I always go into the competition feeling like we must have seen the best already but then the bar gets raised again and again. I think people will be blown away by the looks and the talent that these international queens bring to the main stage. 

How do you describe your judging style? 
Pointless. Honestly, I'm just there to have a front row seat and make up the numbers. The queens only want to hear what Ru and Michelle think and who can blame them? 

What has been a particular highlight of yours across the previous series of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK? 

I loved all the Snatch Games. Baga Chipz giving us her Margaret Thatcher and Bimini Bon Boulash doing Katie Price were both real highlights for me. 

RuPaul’s Drag Race is a global phenomenon, why do you think the show has taken the world by storm? 

Apart from the obvious appeal of fabulous costumes and wigs, I think the show has enormous heart. In the end it is the emotional connection that we make with the queens that keeps the show special. 

How important do you believe it is to showcase the best of world drag to new audiences? 

I love that drag is finding a new audience and main stream acceptance. Listening to the stories that many of the queens tell about their struggles in life, it is truly joyous that when they step out on to the main stage, they don't just find that they are safe and accepted. They are celebrated! That is still a powerful message to spread around the world. 

Do you have a particular country’s drag you enjoy the most and if so, why? 
Well, I love the UK for its humour and creativity, while America blows me away with its polish and glamour. 

What can viewers expect from this series? 
Viewers can expect the best of the best. It has all the sparkle and laughs you expect from Drag Race but also more drama and emotion than I have ever seen in one of these competitions. Enjoy!  

We’re back and now we’re global for the first time in Drag Race herstory! How was it to see queens from around the world together in one competition? 
OMGOODNESS!! This was SO. MUCH. FUN!! Thing is, it has the RuPaul's Drag Race familiarity that everyone knows and loves, but there are so many twists and turns you will need a neck stabilizer! 

What are the main qualities you think it takes to be Queen of the World? 
Charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent, obviously, but also a wicked sense of humour and fantastic dragability! 

How was it to meet some of the queens you hadn’t met before from other iterations of the show? Did they exceed your expectations? 
It was my favourite part! I loved being able to not only judge, but see these international queens perform in person on the Main Stage! They are all superstars and will blow your socks off! 

How do you describe your judging style? 
I think everyone knows how I judge at this point; direct, honest but filled with nothing but pure love for these talented artists. I want them to be the best that they can be so they soar to the heights of their careers. 

What has been a particular highlight of yours across the previous series of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK? 
I'm very proud of ALL of the Drag Races, but everyone knows that the UK always has a special little place in my heart... I SO love the UK (the country) as a whole and the queens never, ever disappoint. I couldn't pick a highlight as it is all exciting and wonderful but mostly, hilarious and filled with heart! 

RuPaul’s Drag Race is a global phenomenon, why do you think the show has taken the world by storm? 
I believe it is so beloved because everyone sees themselves in the queens. There is always someone whose story you can relate to. It has so much heart, and the stories of perseverance and stick-with-it-ness inspire even the least motivated! It is so fantastic for the queer kids or the freaks, weirdos or misfits to know that they are perfect as is and there is a place where they belong. Everyone deserves to know that they matter. 

How important do you believe it is to showcase the best of world drag to new audiences?
It is important that all drag be showcased! It is so much fun to see how drag is done in other parts of the globe, that is one of the things that is so fun about this series. 

Do you have a particular country’s drag you enjoy the most and if so, why? 

I mean HOW could I say THAT?! That would be like walking into the bee's nest! I love it ALL! I love to see how individuals do drag no matter where they are from. 

What can viewers expect from this series? 

A whoooooole lotta fun and some fan-freakin-tastic drag! 

Drag Race UK Vs The World will air on British screens exclusively on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer from Tuesday 1 February at 9pm, with new episodes release weekly on Tuesdays.

Imagery and interview provided by the BBC