Meet the Queens interview... Ginger Johnson

Tell us about yourself?

Hi! I’m Ginger Johnson, I’m 34 years old from County Durham and I am a helium balloon in the shape of a woman!

Describe your drag in five words?

Well-seasoned but not salty!

Who are your drag influences?

One of my big heroes is Lucille Ball because she can be really glamorous and really silly at the same time and that's what I strive for with my drag.

What would we get if we come to a Ginger Johnson show?

Well you wouldn’t get a refund! I love to create a fun space, so you will get songs, sequins, silly stories, and maybe a little bit of sausage meat in your hair. In my drag, I like to take quite serious subjects and present them in a really ridiculous way because I think that open up the audience to think and talk about their experience.

How did you get into drag?

I've been doing drag for about 15 years now. I wrote a radio play as part of my university degree that was based on an older woman from the Northeast, and I couldn't find anyone to play the part so I did it and then my drag career just snowballed from there! The theatre is where I love to be. I write and direct theatre shows too and I absolutely adore it.

Why Drag Race UK?

I love a challenge. I am the person that throws himself down the well and tries to climb out of it and there is no deeper well for drag than Drag Race. Every element of your drag is going to be put to the test. I love that so that’s why I'm here.

What makes you unique?

I’m a helium balloon in the shape of a woman - great fun at parties but highly flammable and prone to floating away if left unattended.

What challenge are you most looking forward to? 9

Anything that involves making RuPaul laugh - I could eat Ru’s laugh for breakfast, lunch and dinner – they’re so delicious.

Do you have a game plan?

My game plan is to trick the other queens into thinking I’m a bit of an idiot, when in fact I am an ABSOLUTE idiot.

What are the challenges you’re nervous about?

Anything that involves direct eye contact with Michelle Visage - she’s far too stunning for my little pea brain to comprehend and it gives me the heebie-jeebies.

RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Series 5 will air on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer soon.