Interview - Soju

Soju my dear, welcome to Spill The Tea!
Many will know you from Ru Paul’s Drag Race Season 11. What made you apply for the show?

I did it as a practice. I wanted to just do it for fun. I had no idea I was actually gonna get on. I’m glad I did tho.

However, before you appeared on the show you had and still do have a successful YouTube channel ‘Shot with Soju’ – tell us a little bit about the show.

My youtube show Shot with Soju is basically a gay Korean Talk Show. We talk about drag, makeup, gay culture, and Kpop. It’s a show that’s like no other shows in America.

Omg yes, I feel like I don’t recognize the girl from Season 11. I’m feeling myself way more these days. I love it.

Congrats on your fabulous new single Bang! What was the inspiration behind the track?

I wanted to sing about something that was true to me and what I haven’t been showing. I love sex and I love talking about sex so why not sing about it!

What do you enjoy most about making music?

I love that it will live on forever. That’s why I’m so hands-on when it comes to making my song. This is something that will live on after me. I want people to remember me through my music.

What one emoji describes the single the best?

Fire emoji. It’s hot and sexy. It’s fire.

If you could record a duo with anyone dead or alive who would it be?

I really want to work with Pabllo Vittar. I really love her style and sound.

Can fans expect more music from you in the future?

2020 is gonna be the wildest year for Soju. I have SO many songs ready to be released all in 2020. I’m very excited.

Click here Soju’s brand new single Bang!