Interview - Lana Evoli
Lana Evoli! My favourite Queen, welcome to Image 34 Magazine. Starting things off, when did you discover drag was for you?
So I get asked this a lot! The thing is dressing up has always been apart of my life! I remember being 9 years old in Spain and me and my family was at this like family friend cabaret bar! And they dressed me up as Dolly Parton and I done Jolene! I was 9! I have always loved the idea of dressing up and entertaining! Wasn’t till I was older I realised it was called drag!
How old were you when you began getting into drag?
Well like I say I’ve been dressing up since I can remember, I even remember being like 6 maybe 7 and putting on wigs dancing to songs to my family! But when I seriously wanted to do it when I was older I would have to say I started practicing makeup at like the age of 16!
For those who haven’t worked out your name yet. Please explain and let us know how you came up with it?
Backwards or Forwards you gotta love me *wink wink* so my name is Lana Evoli, now say it back wards... yes I love anal! I wish I had some cool elaborate story to how I made my name but I have to be honest! I asked my friends and they just chucked loads of name at me and this one stuck! And well like I say backwards or forward you gotta love it!
What is your favourite thing about being a Drag Queen?
My all time favourite thing about being a Drag Queen is all the love and support I get! It’s incredible there is no greater feeling then knowing you had someone smile or scream “Yasss” hearing hundreds of people scream my name just makes me the happiest lil gay alive!
Backwards or Forwards you gotta love me *wink wink* so my name is Lana Evoli, now say it back wards... yes I love anal! “
What is the hardest thing about being a Drag Queen?
The hardest thing about being a drag queen?! Well the hardest thing about being Lana is the fact I would say I have pressure to always look my best! I never give 50% neither do I want to! But it’s always a thought in my mind what people are gunna think of what I do!
Do you think being a Drag Queen helps or hinders your chances on the dating scene?
I wouldn’t even class my self a generic type in the gay community so being a drag queen and the biggest night club in the southeast doesn’t help what so ever! Everyone either gets put off it or wants to know what Rupauls Drag Race girls I have worked with! So yeah I definitely hinders any chance of anything!
What is your go to lip sync song and why?
At the moment my go to lip sync song is sweet but psycho I don’t tend to listen to modern music but I learnt this song to do a performance with some dancers and I just feel in love with it!
RuPauls Drag Race has pushed drag into the mainstream however, there is more to drag. Why is supporting local drag important?
Supporting drag and supporting local drag will only help the success grow on any platform! Local girls put in a lot of effort for what they do! You should always go and see your local girls because who know they might be the next big thing! Alaska thunderf**k was only working in a club before she become a gay icon!
Condragulations on becoming a Drag Mother for the first time! How did it feel putting someone else in drag?
Why thank you, can’t believe I’m a mother! Well I didn’t necessarily put my daughter into drag for the first time but she was a very good friend of mine before who didn’t have the courage to do drag! And I just helped with anything and helped give her the courage to go out and do it! Go check out my daughter Orla Evoli! (Orla.evoli on Instagram)
What is your favourite thing about your Drag Daughter?
My favourite thing about my daughter is she definitely gets the beauty from her mother! If I say so myself! She is honestly one of the most stunning young queens I know! And definitely someone to look out for!
What does the future hold for you?
Well well well what does the future hold for me! We will have to wait and see I guess! *wink *
I just want to be working in as many clubs and travelling around as much as I can! Making people gag makes me happy so why not ayy
Any last shout outs?
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supports me and who continues to give me love every week at Glitterbomb! Keep an eye out for any Glitterbomb in your area and maybe if you ask nicely I might just appear! And to be a clique, I want to say a huge shout out to my family for supporting me and believing in me! I love you guys!