RPDR - Season 13 - Episode 3 Review

Before we jump into this remember there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

We are back, back, back again for another week in the US Werkroom. This week basically followed suit of last week starting with the opposite group. The episode starts with the self titled ‘Winners Circle’ Queens all discussing their recent triumph where they wonder what the other girls are up to.

Luckily for us the episode moves onto a new day where the Pork Chop girls enter the Werkroom. Like the others Queens when Ru joins them he tasks the Queens with bringing two looks to a fashion runway, but this week the themes are different. We have the first look Lady and second Vamp. The Queens are given just one hour to get ready and lets just say some did better at that than others… Kahmora Hall struggled with timing and ended up being left in the Werkroom alone to finish getting ready. However, as Shea Coule said on Hey Qween once about Valentina taking her time, they won’t start without her, but that seemed a little different this time around for Kahmora with the producers announcing they would start if she wasn’t there.

Once the Queens had walked we loved some of the looks but not others, as per usual we will just talk about our favourite.

Our favourite for the Lady look was…

Well it was split! For concept we loved Rose’s look but sadly for me it didn't have the polished feel we wanted. I get that was part of the outfit but yeah didn't work for us.

but the one that really shouted lady to us was Kahmora Hall, despite being late!

Onto the Vamp look, our top 3 were Utica, Rose and Kahmora who would have stolen it for us until Rose walked out. Vamp to the MAX! I love Alexander McQueen so much and this was giving me all of that and more.

Leaving the fashion stage behind the Queens start to prepare for the next challenge, which is to write lyrics for Ru’s song Phenomenon. Lyrics written the drama starts when the Queens get to the main stage. We have Denali, Rose and Joey all fighting for choreo leadership. Luckily Tamisha is a professional honey and pulls those reins in at the right time and the Queens manage to pull together.

Big question though, who will be better, the winners circle or the pork shop girls.

For me, honestly, I LOVED it, both the groups did fantastic but I think the Queens were correct, they came so close to being sent home that they had a huge fire lit under their asses! With the outfits, none of them were real winners for me, Kahmora was my fav if I had to pick but she didn't sell it like her other looks. Lyrics wise Denali SOLD IT! Like really killed it with the lyrics and moves. I got the most from character from Denali giving the best insight into who she. Sadly though minus points for outfit, there is something about Denali’s looks which I’m not enjoying but lets see how the season goes. The other Queen that stood out the most to me was Utica for being all quirky and funny. In the words of Priyanka the others were… forgettable.

Performance done, the Queens bring another look for we’re here, we’re sheer, get used to it. Some Queens brought some killer looks but the odd came out on top for me, Utica was my favourite for sure. The Make up was what really did it for me and it brought the whole look together.

Critics done Ru announces yet again that no-one will be going home and picks Denali and Rose as the top two Queens of the week. Giving the two a chance to lip sync for a tip of 5,000 dollars! Denali is the winner and I totally agree with Ru.

Episode done, Ru makes it clear from episode 4 Queens will start going home. Will it be one, two or more in the next episode to make up for the 3 episodes saving Queens?!? Who knows, either way who do you think will go home first?