RPDRUK Series 3 - Episode 9 Review

Apologies for the delay in this week’s review! We were in Iceland and made things a little hard to watch due to country restrictions / having a good time. However, we asked and you wanted a review still so lets jump in shall we.

The episode starts with the Queens entering the werkroom still as a top 4 for the second week in a row. Yet again the Queens all proved they were worthy of staying and we saw Kitty and Ella lip sync for a win All Stars style! But when a new day arrives in the werkroom everyone is full of fighting talk (apart from poor Krystal who is just full of cold). When Ru joins the Queens he challenges them to a roast, but one where no one is off limits, not themselves, each other, Ru or the others judges. Oh yeah… or the returning eliminated Queens. As Ella has the most badges she gets to decide the line up and chooses the following order, Krystal, herself, Vanity and then Kitty ending the show.

Whilst getting ready we get another really important chat / message section from this season. This time we see Vanity and Ella discussing dealing with showing their feminine side and how they have both had to deal with trying to be more masculine. I must applaud the series for bringing up some topics in this series which really affect the LGBTQ+ community!

Before we know it, it’s time for the Pearly Gates Roast (where of course the Queens are all dressed accordingly as angels). When Krystal takes to the podium I was actually a little scared for her but I actually think she pulled it out of the bag! Apart from an awkward moment with Michelle about being a virgin I felt she did really well and handled the heckles from the audience like a pro.Even when Ru did!

When Ella took to the stage, I mean what a natural showing the Queens how it’s done. She left that podium and was ready to put on the roast of the century. It was going to be hard for anyone to beat her so when Vanity followed she really didn’t stand a chance. Even if Kitty went up after Ella she would have been hard to beat. Poor Vanity who was already scared / struggling just buckled under the pressure. She didn’t flop and had some really funny moments but she just didn’t have the confidence to keep it going despite trying her best. Then when Kitty took to the stage I was expecting a lot and I’m not sure if Kitty felt that too as I felt she was a little off. She didn’t seem as confident as she usually does with the Queens in the werkroom and in the other challenges. I’m not sure if it was Ella doing so well or what but Kitty just seemed to stumble a little. Either way all the Queens did okay and we didn’t get the awkward crickets noise too much added onto the edit.

Moving to the runway the Queens had to present a look with the theme of ‘Oh My Goddess’. I was really excited to see what the Queens were going to bring out and when Krystal turned that corner… I mean she is the fashion Queen of the season but c’mon. This was literally perfection, all the little details just elevated this look and it really suited her. Vanity then followed in an equally gorgeous look which I think was the best look she has presented on the runway, just like Krystal the details on this look are what really took it to the heavens! Then when Ella walked around the corner I felt a little let down, I applaud her for trying to go down a route no one else would but sadly for me the hair didn’t suit her and the extra ripped bits of fabric didn’t say Goddess to me. When Kitty stepped out it was pretty but predictable and it felt a little unoriginal. There wasn’t that WOW factor for me (although I did love the hair).

With the roast complete and looks walked I think my top would be Ella for sure as she excelled way above her competitors but if it was an okay roast from her I think she would have been bottom for that look sadly. Then for my bottoms… this may shock you but I think its Kitty and Vanity. I felt Krystal did well opening the show and actually told some really funny jokes and had such an incredible outfit it deserved saving. Kitty, although she did well in the challenge she wasn’t as confident and it showed and I wasn't a fan of the runway look. Ru had other ideas though and places Krystal and Vanity in the bottom and gives the win to Ella.

After a fierce lip sync battle Krystal survives and Vanity’s lip sync assassin streak is broken. I truly am gutted, as we all know I love Vanity! So much so I asked her to interview with us way before her announcement about being on the show. To read the exit interview after the show click here or to read our exclusive interview pre-show click here. There we have it, our final three! What does everyone think and who do we think is going to snatch that crown? Let us know on our socials for who you think will win!

Imagery credit BBC, World of Wonder and Guy Levy