Exclusive Interview with Icesis Couture
Hello my love!
You are the unlucky one having to talk to me again! (Earlier in the week I joked with the Top 3 that one of them would be unlucky and have to talk to me again when they were crowned)
I’m the winner!
Condragulations, has it has it sunk in yet?
No, not yet because I’ve just been going, going, going but once I get finished and I wash my makeup off I’m sure I’ll just like cry in the shower, you know.
Gosh, it must be so mind-boggling to be having this experience, where did you find out, where were you watching it?
Me, Pythia and Kendall had a viewing in Toronto. We were all together and that's when I found out and all our families were there, it was special, it was amazing.
I love that, such a memory to have, but before we go on and talk about Drag Race anymore, I want to go right back to the beginning, when did you realize that you wanted to do drag?
I never felt like I belonged, it wasn't okay to be myself so when I was a young kid we had the internet and I used to search online to try and find a community. I came across drag queens and when I became legal I got myself dressed on a random day and found a gay bar. I searched online as I had never been to a gay bar and I literally got dressed and went and stood there just so I could see what's going on. Totally went by myself, just stood there and then at the end of the night while I was leaving an established queen in Ottawa said, “do you perform?” and I said well I don't and then she offered me a show the following week. I've been performing for like 15 years since.
Jumping to Drag Race, you stayed true to your name and you brought the couture to every runway, which incredibly you made yourself! Where did you come up with the inspiration for your looks?
We are handed a list of general names and then because I spend a lot of time by myself and I’m slightly weird my mind just goes certain places and then I just go with whatever my hands do and that's what they created and I’m so proud of it. I worked so hard and we were literally in the middle of a pandemic! I couldn't find fabric I couldn't do anything, there was a shortage of wigs and I had to ask my friends for extra fabric, like can I borrow fabric from this secret project! The fact that I was able to get everything done in three weeks by myself, I'm just so proud of myself.
Hats off to you, you did it. Is there a favourite look that you created?
I really like the finale…
It definitely caught me off guard, it was the mouth guard that threw me, I wasn't expecting it.
There was so much drool all over the stage, I wanted to leave it in but I couldn’t because I kept (Icesis makes slurping sounds), the judges were trying to talk to me and I just couldn't, so I had to take it out.
On the show did you have a standout favourite memory, moment or experience?
My favourite part of the show… definitely the makeover challenge, that really was the point where I let myself go, I was truly being my authentic self and the fact that I was able to make so many new friends… In my meet the queens I say I just wanted to make one friend, I made 12! I love them so much and we were, like I said we were in the pandemic so we hadn't been working, we hadn't seen anybody or touched anybody in so long, the fact that I got to interact with new people and make new friends was just so magical.
The cast of Canada’s Drag Race Season 2 with winner Icesis at the finale.
During the finale you were very open and honest and spoke about the bad childhood you had growing up, what would be your advice to somebody who watches the show and connects with your story, because of course look at you now! You're here, proving that it can get better!
My advice would be to not be to give up, there was so many points in my life where I didn't think I was worth it. Like why is this happening to me? This isn't fair and I knew that there was a purpose for me.
I've got so many messages from people, you don't realize how much people suffer because no one wants to talk about it. The fact that I felt so alone for so long and the fact that the whole world is constantly suffering, I was so nervous talking about any of that stuff for this season. I feel that I made the right decision to finally tell somebody because it's helped so many people and I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. If I could be the reason for somebody not to take their own life or for them to help themselves get out of a horrible then I’m more than willing to be uncomfortable so somebody could be okay, you know.
It's so brave of you to be that honest. I think that's what you do find with the show, is that when queens do come forward it’s incredible. It's hard for you because it's your experience and you're basically saying ‘hey world this is what happened to me’ and sharing that with everyone, not just one person.
In the beginning of the show I had conversations with the producers about what I was and wasn’t comfortable with talking about because they were fully aware of my situation and they totally respected my boundaries and what I was comfortable talking about. I've done so much work on myself for so many years to get to the point that I am now… I didn't realize the last step that I really needed to take was to just share it and I feel after the finale, after this whole entire experience, that I really feel so much lighter. I’m so grateful for the whole experience on the show because it's changed my life.
At the end of our last interview together earlier in the week, you gave your shout out to Mikayla, your makeover challenge partner but that's not your only drag family member, another is your brother! Which is incredible, how did that come about?
I saw Mikayla last night at the viewing party and also my two daughters, one which is my brother and another one which is an amazing trans performer, they opened for me. My brother used to follow me around and carry my suitcases, when he became of legal age and because he was just so in awe of me, I mean can you blame him? Then I put him in drag and he's been doing drag for like six, seven years and he's amazing and such an important part of my drag journey.
In September, Priyanka was over doing her UK tour and I was at her one year anniversary crowning show and we did a little interview and spoke about the next queen of the North and what advice she would give to them. She said that she wanted them to be their own queen, to do their own thing, so my question to you is, what do you hope to achieve during your reign?
Priyanka took that title and absolutely ran with it, she's done some amazing things for Canada with her title and obviously, I'm my own individual, clearly I want to go on to do what she's doing and continiue to bring the spotlight to Canada, showing the diversity and the beauty that is in our country. She did such a good job that I have such big shoes to fill! I'm so excited for what's going to happen to me next!
Season 2 winner Icesis left hugging Season 1 winner Priyanka right at the finale
As you know from our interview earlier this week we like to end of our interviews giving you chance to give a shout out to a queer person, a King, Queen or anything in-between. Is there anyone else you would like to give a shout-out to? Don’t worry if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.
I'd like to give a shout out to you! You've been absolutely amazing and I loved speaking to you, all the other girls have said nothing but nice things about you, so thank you so much for being a part of this with all of us.
Aww thank you so much! I mean I know you're lying because you said last time you didn't want to talk to me you didn't want the crown!
Both of us burst into laughter
I gotta test the waters first, you know what I mean, I can't just be nice straight out, I can't look like this and be friendly.
Exactly well you look incredible like last time and thank you so much sitting down with me, I'll let you go because I’m sure you've got jam-packed day and you just want to rest! I can't wait to see what you do.
Thank you so much it's been an absolute pleasure.
No worries, take care darling bye-bye bye.
Thanks so much Michael!
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Photography - Courtesy of World of Wonder
Note: Some of this interview has been edited from the original transcript to help with readability.