Meet the cast of Luna Lestrange's Macabre
For the next 4 weeks, 4 of Luna Lestranges monsters will feature each episode. Each episode will have a winner which leaves of course… 4 winners who will go into the finale! Sounds easy right… think again, whose to say there wont be twists and turns along the way? * INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE *
Want to meet these monsters? Of course you do! Simply keep scrolling and read our exclusive chat with each of the contestants.
Alotta Hell
How did you get into Drag?
I had always expressed myself through makeup and being creative but I decided to do drag to get a better understanding of who I really was.
How would you describe your Drag?
MY drag is trashy punk rock with a dash of sex appeal and a shit tone of glitter.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I’m fairly new to Drag having only been doing it for a year but I applied for Luna’s Drag Macabre because I wanted to challenge myself and learn new performance, editing and creative skills. The crystal skull trophy may have played a small part too.
Ariana Cherry
How did you get into Drag?
I got into drag by watching Drag Race and wanting to feel as fierce as the Queens on the show. Because I’m afab though, I didn’t think that’s possible until I discovered the London Drag scene and saw all kinds of Drag artists!
How would you describe your Drag?
My Drag is a mix of creepy and cute, Ariana can go from anime cherry goddess to half rotten corpse haunting your dreams.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I was looking for an opportunity to do Drag during Covid times as live performances sadly aren’t a thing at the moment and Luna’s Drag macabre seemed really fun!
Cadaverous Black
How did you get into Drag?
I have always dressed up and become the characters in my head from moment 1. Cadaverous Black has always been the shadow that follows me and the icy cold tingle on the back of my neck. Every day is Halloween and it always has been.
How would you describe your Drag?
My Drag is horrific, cadaverous macabre. It’s dark pop culture personified. I fuse together pure horror, glamour, Fx fire performance, magic and an invasion of the senses. Cadaverous Black is an experience.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
Luna’s Drag Macabre is a great space to showcase spooky underground, punk rock Drag art. It’s great that Luna’s Drag Macabre is a massive contribution and opportunity to show the world this game changing epic art form.
Cake Boi
How did you get into Drag?
I got into Drag through clowning! Heightened emotions, make-up and high camp they’re pretty damn similar. Just Drag gives me a community to be a part of and all this DRAM-I just love it MICK!
How would you describe your Drag?
A Drag clown fabulist! I’m either camp or wallowing in self pity, or sometimes both! I’m a lover of all eras of pop music and love to create numbers that give you a few laughs, a bit of a story and possibly an earache cause I am LOUD!
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I wanted to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre because it’s a HORROR competition! I thought this would allow me to get real gritty, dark and melancholy something a lotta Drag show’s don’t normally include (maybe for good reason)! The past contestants were all stunning witches and I thought who wouldn’t wanna be a part of that iconic cohort! Plus I actually wanna win something for once :)
How did you get into Drag?
I started drag after a particularly difficult year and used Drag as creative therapy to help cope with all the feelings which came in the aftermath. During 2020 and the national lockdown I established myself in both the UK and international digital Drag scene, from producing my own shows, appearing in large Ru Girl events to even speaking on panels.
How would you describe your Drag?
Whilst I like to describe my Drag as a combination of old school meets new school, Drag for me is very personal and I like to take people on a journey with me through my personal life, be it emotional or laughing with me in the shenanigans I’ve gotten up too.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I applied for Luna’s Drag Macabre as I had actually want to do the first pilot but couldn’t commit at the time! I love all the things horror to begin with and the chance to create something digital with the theme of inner demons seemed too good of an opportunity to pass up!
Diosa Aurora Oso
How did you get into Drag?
I got into Drag because I loved dancing and performing. When I realised that I could do that with Drag, I fell in love. I love creating and using Diosa Aurora Oso as a vessel for my creativity.
How would you describe your Drag?
I would say my Drag is camp and genderfuck. I love excess and creating with the concept of excess in my mind. I think that’s also why I love showing off my chest hair as well.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I was amazed by the teaser trailer. Anything in the dark motif is always gonna touch my heart and I knew the experience was going to be wonderful.
Dorian T.Fisk
How did you get into Drag?
I started doing Drag in China 5 years ago whole working backstage at a burlesque and cabaret club in Shanghai.
How would you describe your Drag?
My acts can be provocative, unpredictable and outrageous and often tell stories using a blend of comedy, horror and seduction served with a slice of hyper masculinity, a twist of burlesque and a dash of otherworldly charm.
How did you get into Drag?
Much like many other Queens I started to really get into drag and the possibility of Drag through Drag Race, but quickly moved into my more local and alternative scene for inspiration. Shows such as Dragula and the people supporting me in the scene really taught me that Drag is for anyone. So I started to explore playing with makeup and costumes in spaces I felt comfortable and gradually learnt a style that worked for me.
How would you describe your Drag?
I would describe my Drag as versatile, punk and sinister, as I love to bring the unexpected to audiences who haven’t seen Drag like me before. Going from a glamorous black widow; to a punk rebel to a horrific killer clown in the space of one show.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I wanted to apply to Luna’s Drag Macabre as I think this competition is one of the few where my Drag fits in and I want to constantly improve myself and grow my audience. To show people that a punk, trans, queer, weirdo like me can mike in this artform.
How did you get into Drag?
I got into Drag when I was 11 years old and getting bullied at school, so I created my alter ego, Khom as an armour for me. I would write Diss tracks abouts all the slags who bullied me.
How would you describe your Drag?
I would describe my Drag as the extremely creamy juicy drag spider you can’t get rid of but tolerate it’s existence so long as it stays in that one position on your wall.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
It looked like a lot of fun, the theme sounded delicious and my friend won the last season. Also Paul talked me into it, I love khompeting with other Drag people.
Kilda Mann
How did you get into Drag?
I first got into Drag at my college we had a Drag night so I did King Drag for the first time for that. Then I started following a few Queens on social media and really started to enjoy the art of Drag. I was invited to an online community for Drag artists called World of Drag and I started doing Drag inspired looks and posted them in there. Then I found an open stage to perform at and immediately fell in love with performing. So that’s How I started.
How would you describe your Drag?
My Drag is really versatile and I love experimenting with tons of different looks. I’m mostly a spooky Queen and I love doing goth and Halloween inspired looks. I'm also a really artistic Queen especially when it comes to makeup so I love exploring a bunch of different styles. I even do a pretty pageant style Drag sometimes!
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I wanted to run for Luna’s Drag Macabre because I feel like this competition is a good fit for me. I love dark and spooky Drag. I’ve also worked with Luna once before and I had such a fun time with her.
Lucius Blac
How did you get into Drag?
I got into drag primarily through cosplay
How would you describe your Drag?
Queen of the dammed cast meets Disney Villain
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
Motivation to produce more Drag & being an artist people offered a recommendation for.
How did you get into Drag?
I got into Drag because I felt Divine was way cooler than any punk I’d ever seen and I stuck with it because I realised I could be absolutely anything I could imagine with eyelash glue and makeup brush.
How would you describe your Drag?
My Drag is stream-of-consciousness, horrifying, confusing and above all cheap. A little bit like if John Waters was the casting director for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I applied to Luna’s Drag Macabre because I finally found a Drag Show where my unnerving, uncomfortable flavour of monster drag would feel right at home.
How did you get into Drag?
I love Drag and for a long time I did’t see any performers who looked like me or doing the things that I wanted, so I decided to do it myself. Drag is definitely a combination of all the things I want to do: fashion, makeup, visual art, performance.
How would you describe your Drag?
Heavy metal fashion.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I want to share my work and show everyone my own style of Drag.
Pretty Nonsense
How did you get into Drag?
I started drag at uni which I know is a pretty common cliche to start out but my debut was actually for a uni assessment as opposed to a party or night out! I believe in the feedback, my project was labelled as “vanilla” (the absolute audacity!). But I had so much fun at the time, even though I could merely waddle in heels and my makeup was more crusty than a Sainsbury’s Tiger Loaf. I began to test the waters in Bournemouth lip-sync battles and sorta just went.... okay people seem to not totally hate this ....I also don’t totally hate this....I’m getting free drink tokens.... let’s continue this idk...forever? And now the U.K. scene has been stuck with me since. Sorry!
How would you describe your Drag?
Well thanks to the ADHD that dominates my existence, I like to think I have a lot of different ideas that can really vary from one to the other. I like to think I can be funny, scary, abstract, dramatic and even sometimes sexy. But above all I love being innovative when I create a performance regardless of the theme. I love to shock audiences and make them sorta go “HOW DID SHE DO THAT?” or “WELL THAT TOOK A SHARP TURN”. To sum up Petty in three words I would say: ever changing, high energy... oh wait that’s already four words now.....
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
Like I said, I love being innovative and since I’m not an expert on film making I was so keen to give it a go when the pandemic started and I saw lots of incredible drag and queer artists creating their own amazing online performances. There were just so many ideas I wanted to try out and utilise specific editing skills to create a type of Petty Nonsense number you couldn’t see onstage! So having seen the pilot for Drag Macabre and how insane and diverse the talent was I just knew I had to give it a go!
How did you get into Drag?
I don’t actually know. Loved it for years and then one day found myself booked for a gig.
How would you describe your Drag?
Honey roast glam! Comedy, vocals and caricature.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I relish the chance to challenge myself and wanted to step outside of my campy comfort zone.
Travis Hot
How did you get into Drag?
I got into Drag to explore and express. Wit lockdown in place it gave me the push to really dive into Drag for the first time.
How would you describe your Drag?
My Drag is very fluid. Travis Hot looks no one way because I create a different character each time I paint my face.
What made you want to apply to be a part of Luna’s Drag Macabre?
I applied for Luna’s Drag Macabre to be surrounded by amazing Drag artists and to challenge myself!
Luna’s Drag Macabre is released weekly every Thursday, click here to watch.
To read our interview with the host herself click here.