RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under - Episode 2

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

Well… I ended the last episode review by saying how underwhelmed I felt about the series opener of RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under, I prayed to the gay gods that episode 2 would be better… sadly, it really wasn’t. Even Kylie and Dannii Minogue couldn’t save it, so let’s jump right into it!

Before Ru can enter the werkroom the episode is high jacked by the one and only, Miss Kylie Minogue. One of the true Queens of Pop! Kylie’s intro was pre-recorded so we didn’t get that nice interaction with the Queens but it was still a nice touch. I think the next UK series should see Miss Minogue being the big celebrity judge for sure. Anyway Kylie done the rest of Episode 2 was all about, Snatch Game! Surprisingly early for a season of Drag Race. The Snatch Game is usually left for the more elite who have survived a few weeks, but Down Under seems to be throwing the Queens into the deep end. After announcing the main challenge the Queens scramble around getting ready for it and take some time to talk to Ru. I was surprised actually, as usually with the US serious most of the time I have no clue who the hell the Queens are playing, but with Down Under I actually knew a fair few of them.

After the Queens are all ready, off they go to play with Ru as the host, and Michelle and Rhy’s as guests. Snatch game was… very one note. There weren't any leg slapping jokes, everyone just did okay. But nobody I think did so sh*t it was obvious who would be in the bottom. Or was it they were all so shit that it made it seem okay… I must admit though Etcetera Etcetera was my hands down favourite. I didn’t know who this dingo snatched baby lady was, but I was living for the stupidity of the character and thought the jokes went along well. I will say Ru, Michelle and Rhy’s didn’t seem to be giving those concerned looks they usually do when shits hitting the fan, so what came later really surprised me…

Moving to the runway and we have a category of sea-sickening. This was the only redeemable part of the episode. Some of the Queens brought some breathtaking looks and I was living for the effort. My favourites were Art Simone and Etcetera Etcetera, Arts for the quirkyness and Etcetera for actually being rather in the box but so in it she was then outside of it. Either way I loved it!

Some others looks, well lets not discuss those. Ru comes to give the feedback and Anita gets the win, which I was fine with, it wasn’t my ultimate fav Snatch Game performance but at the same time wasn't the worst, so happy for it. I would have picked Etcetera for sure but there we have it. Etcetera and Kita Mean are saved but for the rest of the Queens… its the chopping block! Ru, Michelle and Rhy’s really do go in for it and read the Queens for their performances and outfits. I know they speed up the footage when the Queens go to un-tuck backstage but I don’t think they needed to this week. I bet all of them couldn’t wait to get of the stage.

To break the ice in un-tucked Dannii Minogue comes to save the day. They didn’t show much of Dannii to be honest. She did give some really good advice to the Queens about keeping going even when things don’t go to plan but otherwise… I was a little sad, the Queens weren't so engaged (they might have been, surely they must have been right? I’m sure it was just the edit).

Either way back to the main stage we go. Now for me… it would have been Elektra Shock and Maxi Shields in the lip sync. But Ru isn’t having any of that and puts Coco Jumbo and Art Simone in the bottom. I was shook! If the season couldn’t get any worse Ru is potentially already sending home two people I thought would be in the top when we are only on episode 2! For the lip sync we get a good Kylie lip sync… oh wait no we don’t! We flipping get one of Ru’s songs already featured on a US season! I mean at least do a Dannii Minogue song if you can’t do Kylie. Anyway both brought it but maybe Coco a little more, I think her personality suited the song. I really thought it would be a double save and Ru would say right all you lot. Sort it out. I didn't fly here for no reason. But nope. Ru sends home the person I thought would win or be top 3, Art Simone. I’m really sad as I think we just lost one of the best look bringers to the season. Art is also clearly as shocked as me and has a teary walk away.

So, at the end of episode 2 has my opinion changed, no. Am I excited for episode 3, no. I’m not sure what it is but Drag Race Down Under just isn’t it. I’m not sure if its the mix of Queens (not saying any of these Queens are bad I mean maybe they just aren’t clicking to make a good season) or just the way the show is just isn’t working for Down Under, maybe it needed a little mix up. Either way I don’t think Ru will be coming back…

RuPaul’s Drag Race is streaming on BBC iPlayer here.

Image credit - BBC / World of Wonder