RuPaul's Drag Race Holland Season 2 - Episode 3 Review
Before we jump into this remember there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!
Another week is upon the Queens of Drag Race Holland and Miss Ivy Elysee has survived another lip sync battle after sending home Miss Reggy B (you can read our exclusive interview with Miss Reggy B by clicking here). For the rest of the Queens they must prepare for the next challenge!
It’s the new day and the Queens but the Queens start but discussing if the Countess should have won as it was a ‘sewing challenge’ as the countess mainly hot glued hers! I mean either way, if you pull a look together and the judges can’t tell it was sewed your a winner baby! I mean the material the Countess worked with I think even the most well experience sowers would have struggled with.
Fred then enters the werkroom to give the Queens their new mini challenge which is Hakkan on HEELS! I have never heard or seen anything like this in my life but I was living for it! The Queens had me in stitches and the win was given to Ivy Elysee but if I’m honest it was Tabitha for me. Her moves and facial expressions were HILARIOUS!
Mini challenge done and Fred drops the bombshell that the Queens will be doing… THE SNATCH GAME! This is my only struggle with the international versions, I actually don’t know who the people are half the time. This time I luckily knew a few but some of the others, clueless. For that reason I’m not going to go into a full judgement mode like I usually do but I will give my tops and bottoms of the week.
Tops for me were Keta Minaj (as one of the Cock Destroyers) Tabitha (as Kim Holland) and the My Little Puny as the crazy pigeon lady! The flops for me were Ivy (as Cardi B) and Love Misis (as Grace Jones) who just failed to make it funny. Was this the best Snatch Game ever… no, was it a total car crash, no. I think it was okay but far too many of the Queens struggled to make it a memorable one.
Back in the werkroom the Queens talk about how they felt it went and have the same sort of feelings with highs and lows. As they begin to get ready for the runway The Countess approaches Tabitha to remind her of their deal from Episode 2. The deal was that if Tabitha didn’t go home she would shave her brows to help her get ready! Tabitha is a good sport and keeps to her work and Vivaldi joins to help shave those brows away (a little bit hilarious when you couldn’t see Tabitha’s face on the runway and a week where she didn’t need eyebrows at all).
This weeks runway challenge is The Monster Ball! As per usual the Holland Queens did not hold back! I have said it once (or a million times) before but this is why I love them so much. They put so much effort into their runway looks with some of the best Drag looks we have seen on any series. This week was no exception, my favourites, The Countess with her creepy yet fashionista look with GORGEOUS feather antenna! Ugh, it was everything but I also loved Love Misisi who brought to life a true gay icon, Greta from Gremlins 2! Gremlins is one of my all time favourite films and to see someone do this had my literally screaming at the screen!
Now left Fred with the hard decision. People really excelled in the runway but flopped at Snatch Game and vice versa. After getting the judges critics Fred decides that Vivaldi and Keta Minaj are the winners of the week and places Ivy Elyse Monroe and Love Misisi in the bottom. The two queens lip sync battle it out and Fred saves Ivy for a third week in a row. When sending Love Misisi home Fred actually gets really teary which such a touching moment to see but Fred explains that he felt Misisi sadly had given up before the lip sync started.
Another week done and I can’t wait to see what challenge the Queens take on next!
Drag Race Holland S2 continues weekly every Friday exclusively on WOW Presents Plus. Subscribe here.