RPDRUK Series 3 Episode 1 Review

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show, don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

Buckle up b*tches, Drag Race UK Series 3 is here and the Queens are ready to TAKEOVER! First to walk into the competition is a familiar face of Veronica Green (from series 2) despite it being a totally different colour this time. Was this the most impactful look to kick off the series… not for me. I don’t know what it was but I was expecting something a bit more, BAM from the first Queen and especially as it was Veronica. Either way in usual fashion the Queens walk in one by one and we get to see their first impressions of each other.
My favourite entrance look… oooo probably Anubis and Vanity Milan, both were impactful both no so over the top that it didn’t make sense. My least favourite, poor Elektra. Sadly her electric fence viral video (which I had seen before) won’t be as remembered as her entrance look. I know money is tight but it just wasn’t it. This is the first time everyone is seeing you, meaning you need to bring it.

After all the Queens are in Ru comes to join them, poor Victoria Scone got so excited she even dragged a stool with her for the ride (maybe it had been a long day of filming already and she wanted a sit down, she probably could have hidden it under her outfit). With Ru in the workroom he welcomes the Queens and reminds them that yes trolls sadly exists but to remember, if they aint paying your bills, pay them b*tches no mind! With introductions out of the way Ru announces the first mini challenge, ‘ Ru’s Dirty Charades’, which to be honest felt like when your Mum is trying to keep Christmas spirits going after everyone has had a little too much excitement from opening presents and eating a year’s food in one sitting! Still just like normal Mamma knows best and the challenge is a hoot. After Chroiza May expressed not knowing what the hell they were doing they seemed to do the best and was a pro at guessing!

Mini challenge done Ru very quickly announces it’s time for the runway! Already!? I know right, but Ru asks the Queens to bring not just one but two looks to help the judges get to know them all. The first look must be inspired by their hometown and then their second must be something they love. First one would be unique to them but my first gut reaction was… don’t they all love Drag? They are already dressed for the runway.

When the next day comes the Queens start to get ready for the runway. Some of the conversations seemed a little to forced but one touching moment was between Vanity and Choriza who admits she’s been really lonely during lockdown. Choriza explains that she moved to the UK for her boyfriend from Spain, but he then got a teaching job in Spain and has moved over there! Leaving poor Choriza all alone, to see her get upset honestly touched my heart and I loved how Vanity shared the love and support.

Moving to the runway Ru is joined by Michelle, Graham and special guest Matt Lucas. Now, as there were lots of looks I’m just going to talk about my tops and bottoms for each category.

The first – Queen of your hometown. My favourite here had to be Victoria Scone, I mean she was a giant daffodil for f*ck sakes and looked incredible! It doesn’t get much camper than that does it. This ladies and gentleman is how you take a theme and go right lets make it drag! My other favourite was Ella Vaday, her look wasn’t maybe the most polished and could have come across like a costume BUT, it had a really fun and clever message weaved into it which meant all that was forgiven. Oh gosh and Vanity Milan! How stunning was that! I honestly loved the reveal too. Ugh it was fierce for sure.

My least favourites, sadly Elektra Fence, it was just a bit… bland for me and just didn’t seem runway ready. I also must admit I wasn’t a huge fan of Krystal’s garden look. Yes the mug was beat and looking gorgeous but sadly a let down overall. Okay, I just remembered another favourite, Chratiy Kase. Now that’s a garden inspired look made for a drag runway. From the details on the thorny legs to the face as the rose, ugh it was brilliant! Special shout out goes to River Medway, I mean it wasn’t the best look but boy oh boy was that hilarious. That is a way to have an okay outfit but make it work! I think I would take a negative critic from Ru if I could make him laugh the way River did. That’s what you want from Ru right? To have him really love you for being you.

Moving onto their favourite things, now again like I said before isn’t Drag on of their favourite things but still the Queens did all come up with other concepts and like the above I will say my tops and bottoms. Stand outs – Choriza May! That was painted by her?! If she doesn’t release some merch inspired by this she’s missed a trick. It was honestly beautiful, and I loved the concept. Now I hate horror films but Charity Kase again with the effort levels, they were really up there and I was sh*tting it but also living for it. I did really like Krystal’s cat look as well but I have seen her do another cat look which I thought was better. I would have also liked one of the looks to have a wig with it just to give the two looks a clear divide. But still she looked killer and I was living for it. My least favourite had to be poor River. I don’t really know what it was but it just wasn’t runway ready. I know River is a huge Hannah Montana fan so I would have totally gone down that route more. I also really didn’t like Veronicas look here. I don’t know anyone who games like that, as a gaymer myself I have never come across it.

Either way well done ladies! Putting looks together for this show must be so hard and each of them should be proud as I don’t think anyone flopped both looks at all! For me my top Queen would have probably been Charity Kase, it wasn’t my cup of tea but I could tell the effort and time that had gone into it. My least favourite, Veronica Green. I know shocker but both her looks were flops for me where Elektra Fence was close, her second look just saved her for me.

The judges had different ideas to me and put the tops as Krystal, Veronica and Scarlett with Elektra, Anubis and River as the bottoms. I do agree with the bottoms but for me Krystal’s first look let her down and then Victoria although her first was epic and yes the bottom was too it looked half complete. If that’s how my afternoon tea stand came out I would be pissed!! I wanted something else on the stand rather than just the bottom layer. Maybe if she had painted her face like a piece of cake maybe I would have forgiven it. The Queens de-tuck whilst Ru debates with the judges and the Queens talk out their feelings and who had the highs and the lows of the week together.

When called back Ru drops a bombshell that the top 2 Queens (Krystal and Victoria) will have to lip sync for the win and the bottoms will then lip sync for their lives! Starting with the tops both did a great job and brought different performances, Krystal brought the fierce energy I know all too well and have had the pleasure of seeing many times and Victoria gave a brilliant comedy rendition. My winner I think Ru chose correctly and awarded it to Krystal.

Then came the bottoms, River is saved which leaves Elektra and Anubis to fight it out. Again, both given different energy, Elektra giving just that… all the energy which fit her outfit like a child on a sugar rush with Anubis brining the comedy factor! It was a tough call but Ru makes his decision and sends home Anubis.

And with that episode one is done. Wowser, that was a bit jam packed wasn’t it. What did everyone else think and did you agree or disagree with me? Let us know on our socials.

You can also click here to read a Q&A with eliminated Queen Anubis.

Imagery credit BBC, World of Wonder, Guy Levy