Exclusive with Charity Kase

Charity , hello, my love. How you doing? 
Hello yes, I'm doing very well thank you, feeling nightmarish! 
Yes, looking gorgeous! What was the inspiration behind this look? 
So my inspiration behind this look was... I mean do, you know what, I was trying to think of an illusion today like last year. I did the bed illusion, and I really wanted to do something else that was again like impressive big and major. I live down the road from here and I have a big studio so it’s really easy for me to get stuff here. So I take advantage of the opportunity. So I was like, what can? I do and I thought of doing a head on the table, so for a while it was just gonna be a head on the table and then like 2 weeks ago I thought [Charity gasps] I need someone headless pushing me, like that's the finishing piece. I wanted to be a pig, because obviously, what else are you gonna be when you serve yourself up for dinner...pork baby! Sausages! 

We all love a bit of sausage here.  
Who doesn’t, hello! 

Now of course, when you brought your looks [to Drag Race] I’m sure you didn't think they would be everybody's tastes and maybe not Ru’s either, however, you did get massive love from the fandom, how did it feel to receive that love? 
It was amazing, you know, it was unexpected, personally I expected there to be a small percentage of people who appreciate my drag or accepted my drag because it's so out-of-the-box, but in reality, my message is quite political and it's quite important. I'm trying to showcase that womanhood and femininity is more than just the stereotype or the exaggeration of a blow up sex doll. It's more than just those stereotypical things that people expect women to be. It's more than just those boxes that straight men have oppressed women in for generations and yet we're here, the gay community like... [Charity sighs]. Sometimes it feels like we're doing the same thing by just presenting one type of woman, and so I do my drag to represent all types of femininity and all types of people. Whether you feel monstrous or beautiful, you can always be feminine and fabulous. 

Yeah, for sure. No, of course you are giving me vibes of killing lots of people.  
If we pretended that you were Sweeney Todd. 
Yes, great shout one of my favourites! 

What Queen would you love to have in your chair to make a nice little pie out of? 
Ohh who would taste the best? That's the question really. I think I’d like to kill an Anubis. I've been on tour with her for the last like, month or so and I would have to kill her because she's better than me on a microphone. She's funnier than me. She always whips me round up on the stage. If I'm flustering trying to find something funny to say and she’s like well that didn't land did it and I’m stood there like UGH! So that would be fun to get my own back. I’d do it really slowly and really, painfully, I'm sure her blood is very sparkly because she's full of fabulousness. 

What would you call the pie, would you have a name for it? 
Ohh gosh maybe like a mince teet. She loves the good teet. She's a very teety lady [Charity cackles] 

Last question, would you bring all this gorgeous creepy glamour back to Drag Race again or are you done? 
You know, for a long time I said no, I would not do All Stars, but I think recently that I would like to go back and I would like to showcase all different sides of my drag and I'd like to give the show what they wanted from me because I feel like I didn't give them the drama that they wanted I feel like I wasn't playing up to it as much as they thought I would and I'd like to do that and be the villain. 

I'd love to see, should it happen!  
I know right, bring it on! [Charity cackles] 

Note: Some of this interview has been edited from the original transcript to help with readability.

Special thanks to WOW Presents Plus for having us at Drag Con UK 2024.

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