Meet the Queens interview with Choriza May

How does it feel to represent the UK?
I’m honoured to represent the UK! I’m a Valencian, who’s been living and working in  Newcastle for a few years now,  and after my debut as a drag Race UK queen, I'm very proud to be one of the UK representatives. Also, my life’s mission is to solve the world's hunger one spicy sausage at a time.

How did you do in your season?
Well, you might remember me for my BDE, that’s big drag energy, and for being a member of the winning girl group, and you might also remember that I was in  shocking double elimination – the first in Drag Race UK herstory. Actually, I don't want to talk about this, it's quite triggering. But this season, I am telling you there will be no double elimination for me as I’m bringing the BDE now,  more than ever!

What have you been doing since we last saw you?
I've been busy, busy, busy both here and in Spain.  I haven’t stopped working. I was a guest judge on Drag Race España, and I walked London and Madrid Fashion Week. I’ve also released some excellent music too. Generally, I’m more fabulous than ever -  I know. I am fully aware of how gorgeous I look.

If you were a fruit, what would you be?
Thank you for that question. If I were a fruit, I would be a mango because my titties make all the mango crazy.  Bring me the crown right now.

Are you ready for the competition?
I'm ready to do it again. I come with a strategy. As we say in Newcastle, shy bairns get nowt. And let me tell you, I don't have a single shy bone in my body.  I'm gonna win the competition. Someone call immigration!