RuPaul's Drag Race Season 14 Episode 5 Review

Welcome back to another weekly review of Rupaul’s Drag Race Season 14, this week the girls were put into groups where they had to create a ‘Save a queen’ commercial. The episode featured the return of Tempest DuJour, James Mansfield and Kamora Hall, the prokchop queens from their respective seasons. It was such a great episode and perhaps my favourite main challenge so far! The three groups were pretty even when it came to acting capabilities which meant that the commercials were comical and refreshing to see...I’m just happy there were barely any sex jokes for once!

At the start of the episode, Kerri made it clear that she is not happy with her trajectory in the competition and is adamant on no longer playing it safe...we shall see about that! The first gag of the episode is when the girls realise that their dear sister Kornbread is not actually in the workroom. RuPaul makes a surprise entrance and plays a video-clip of Kornbread in her hotel room, she tells the queens that she has unfortunately injured herself during last week’s main challenge and the doctor has ordered her to rest for a number of weeks. This truly is a bombshell moment as Kornbread was highly anticipated contestant who showed clear signs of not only being the narrator of the season, but also a possible front runner. It gets quite emotional as Kornbread addresses Kerri, Jasmine and a sobbing Willow. I won’t lie, I shed a tear watching the girls having to make peace with the loss of one of their sisters, although I’ve got a feeling that Kornbread will be back and better than ever!

Although there was no mini-challenge this episode, the queens got split into their groups through a ridiculous game of ‘pop the balloon’, where they had to squish a balloon between themselves and a member of the Pit Crew. This was a very refreshing change which definitely got a few laughs out of me. In particular, Jorgoeus’ squeals as she tried to burst her balloon had me rolling on the floor with laughter! After the queens are split into three teams, Rupaul announces the main challenge and welcomes Tempest, James and Kamora back for one more episode. Each group is assigned a porkchop queen, with whom they must come up with a ‘Save a Queen’ commercial.

The emotional roller-coaster continues throughout the episode as Willow opens up about her degenerative chronic illness. This part really got to me, especially when she mentioned how she’s only 26, but feels as though her body is melting away already. I cannot even put into words how important it is to have Willow in the competition to show how despite physical boundaries, an individual can chase their dreams and make a success out of themselves. I have developed such a love for Willow, she is a breath of genuine fresh-air in the competition and I hope she goes all the way!

In the main challenge, all three groups did pretty evenly. There was no group that collectively did bad, with only a few girls noticeably fumbling with their timing. Jorgeous and Jasmine were the obvious weaker links, but even so I didn’t think they necessarily delivered a bad performance. Unfortunately, Orion Story was categorically the worst when it came to the acting and stage presence.

Now for the ‘Spring has sprung’ runway, which was particularly polarising for me. As a whole, I think the queens could have elevated the looks and thought of more innovative ways to present this runway. 

My favourite look, other than Kamora’s gorgeous Bob Mackie original, was by Maddy Morphosis who presented perhaps one of the most captivating looks of the season. She came on the stage with a raincloud on her head and a dress adorned with beaded fringe, resembling the movement of rain. This look was everything I want to see on a Drag Race runway, conceptual and captivating. My only critique was that it didn’t really encapsulate spring, but it was close enough!

The runners up in the fashion department were Willow Pill and Lady Camden. Wow. Once again, these looks were conceptual and different! Willow came out with a gorgeously fitted dress and a house on her head. It was elevated camp and I’m obsessed. Now Lady Camden really did it for me, she took me there and brought me back with her afternoon tea ensemble. Although it did remind me of Victoria Scone’s look on Drag Race UK Season 3, Camden changed it up by having the dress act as a table and incorporating movement in her tea head-peace. Impeccable!

I was really surprised by Daya Betty’s butterfly ensemble, she looked surreal and her makeup was perhaps my favourite of the night. She really is blossoming into a consistently good competitor. I’m super happy to see her flourish given the fact that she was brought back by RuPaul himself. 

Bosco would be much higher in my list because I loved her reveal outfit. However, I really couldn’t get behind the initial storm-inspired mini dress. Perhaps it was because Maddy came out with such a strong cloud concept but Bosco’s initial outfit felt quite shapeless and, well, obviously meant for a reveal. It’s a shame because I did love her performance, but look lowered her overall score for me.

Jorgeous’ look was safe and simple, but her reveal in the lipsync elevated it for me. It was very much a middle of the pack runway and all the boxes were effectively ticked. It fit the category and her body equally as well. However, I was looking for something more than just a corset.

Angeria and Deja both had very safe looks for me, which I’m not necessarily complaining about. Angeria’s nude illusion was.... not much of an illusion, which detracted from the beautiful florals on her dress. Deja’s look was done very nicely, highlighting her love for pastels and eye for fashion. However, it did feel rather uninspired and I’m not necessarily loving the abundance of trousers we are seeing on the runway. 

Here’s a controversial one, I really didn’t like Jasmine’s runway. Yes, it was pretty. Yes, she made it herself. But it just didn’t give me any was a corset, a very nice corset. At this point, I’m going to need the queens to give me something other than a decorated corset. I might be a little harsh but I know what these queens are capable of and especially nowadays, the stakes are so high that the contestants should be pushing it on the runway!

Kerri Colby’s runway... I wish I could say I liked it. Whilst I appreciate her attempt to present something other than ‘pretty’, the look felt very disjointed and some of the fabric looked rather arts and craft. I’m just going to skip over this look and leave it to be appreciated by those who like it!

Lastly, Orion Story who came on the runway as a pink spring-time bunny. Mama, this look was pedestrian and costume-y all at once. I’ve seen this done 1000 times before and, better. I adore Orion but to come out on the main stage with this look was a massive choice that didn’t help her in a week where she was already not performing her best. It’s a no from me.

Overall, I agree with the judging this week. Orion and Jorgeous did fall a bit flat in the commercials and didn’t quite have that commanding presence. The top queens this week also felt justified, and I’m so happy that Bosco has claimed her first win! Deserved!

The bottom girls lip-synced to Ava Max’s ‘My Head My Heart’ which was ICONIC. I loved this lip-sync, but mainly because of Jorgeous. Wow. She is a lip-sync assassin if I’ve ever seen one. It’s safe to say that she cleared the stage and Orion’s wig slippage didn’t help her whatsoever. In the end, Jorgeous rightfully stayed and Orion didn’t have the golden chocolate bar. I feel content in knowing that Orion was able to showcase a bit more of her drag, but it was indeed her time to go home. 

Best performance 
Bosco (or Lady Camden)

Best runway
Maddy Morphosis

Final Thoughts 
I love this season, like a lot! The main challenges are so good and there’s been some great individual runway looks so far.

Willow Pill has my heart, that is all! 

Catch RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 14 exclusively in the UK via the streamer of all things drag, WOW Presents Plus every Saturday, subscribe now here!