RuPaul's Drag Race UK Vs The World - Episode 2 Review

It seemed like such a long wait (even with a RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 14 episode to watch in-between) since the last episode and I was ready for more international stars to fight for their chance to be crowned the first global superstar.

The episode starts with the queens entering the werkroom after one of my favourites, Lemon, has been eliminated. I think Lemon leaving first really brought home that each of these iconic queens is going to be a blow as they leave. Sadly the competition must go on without poor Lemon and her lipstick message is wiped away. As the queens de-brief on the first episode things get a little heated after Jimbo reveals to Janey that she would have sent her home. I mean was it really going to go any other way? Either way the tension was still in the werkroom when the queens await the next challenge from Mumma Ru. Shots are fired from Miss Monique towards Janey and if I’m being honest they weren’t called for, there is being honest and then there’s being cruel. Either way Mumma Ru interrupts the Queens ready to set a new challenge.

This week the queens are tasked to serve a RuPaul Ball with three looks of the following categories, first look Kitty Girl, second look Butch Queen and finally a look that the queens must create themselves with items from the werkroom of a gown Mamma Ru would wear herself. With that the green flag is waved and the queens scramble to the fabrics and accessories on display.

In this review I won’t really touch on what happened in the werkroom and instead spend more time on the looks themselves. However, the only thing I will say… is anyone else disappointed in Baga? Something isn’t right, her attitude is off and there isn’t any fight. I said this when the line-up came out that I was worried about her giving up again. I’m not sure that fight to be there is… well there! I also find the confessional really forced now, the Baga I loved in series 1 seems long gone and instead a camera hungry wh*re whose forgotten why people loved her in the first place. Just be natural Baga not a forced one trying to just give what the “TV” wants. By that I mean producers as I don’t want any of this Baga.

Moving onto the looks, I will review each Queen as I go.

First up last week’s winner Pangina Heels.

The Kitty Girl look, this is drag on drag race down well and right! It was breathtaking, it had a reveal that made sense and it took this cat creature to another level. I can’t say how much I loved this look, absolutely incredible. The Butch Queen, erm I mean it was funny yes, did I feel it fit the category, no so I will let it pass, the final look. It was different, Mumma Ru inspired, I mean she wears some questionable things sometimes but I don’t feel it hit the mark. I wish Pangina had spent all the time on herself and no Baga really. Either way one cracking look that was so good I can forgiven the other two looks.

Moving onto Miss Janey Jacke who nearly went home last week.

A mixed bag for me. The Kitty Girl look was okay, I wasn’t mad but I wasn't thrilled. I don’t know if it’s because it followed Pangina or just the fact that it was as elevated as I had hoped. For Butch Queen I really liked the concept and I loved how Janey portrayed the character on stage, for the final look. Mamma Ru ate it up and loved the simpleness and yes, I agree it was better than some other looks that tried to be too extravagant and failed but for me it wasn’t in my top lineup. That said as a huge fan of Janey I was glad to see her shown some love.

Our Essex girl Cheryl (who managed too slice her thumb open during the challenge).

I really felt for Cheryl this week. She tried really hard and brought some great looks and sold them really well on the runway but sadly the Mamma Ru outfit got the better of her. I really wish we were able to see how the other look Cheryl had planned before the meltdown (I’m guessing in the hotel room) / change of plan happened. Cheryl really stepped her p*ss up for this challenge but sadly that one look did I think cost her. It was like having great coursework but failing the main test.

I will say though, I do wish maybe Drag Race would take a leaf out of

The experienced Jujubee who I was expecting to be a pro at this.

Well, tonight proved practice doesn’t make perfect for pure Juju. I felt her looks didn't hit the mark for each of the categories and she really didn’t seem with it. Her final look I really wanted to get behind but the fact she kept flashing her under-drag garments was just a turn off. When she turned away though, the material was stunning. Sadly for this experienced US queen it was the same story for JuJu as it was Cheryl, one bad look that counted the most (however, photographed above it looks breathtaking)!

Jimbo was up next who brought his big breasts to the ball!

Jimbo brought three amazing and whacky looks which everyone expected him too. The first look I felt was the weakest of the three and after seeing Pangina’s multiple cat nipple look first Jimbo’s seemed to hit the mark less but I did like how Jimbo’s decreased in size keeping her big breasted signature. The middle look was mt favourite and Jimbo looked incredible! The look was my favourite Butch Queen look for sure. As for the last one, Jimbo looked fugly. Which I guess means Jimbo did the challenge right… Ru does wear some questionable looks.

Baga… who made zero effort the whole challenge.

The first Kitty Girl look was Baga-pus extravaganza! The whole look was drag brilliance, it was bright and really stood out in a field of normal cat looks and the way the outfit moved complimented Baga so well and had my mesmerised. The other two, military doesn’t scream Butch Queen to me and even if it did, it was too simple and boring for Drag Race, the final look which Pangina helped finish. Shocking, the fit wasn’t great and it looked nothing like what Mamma Ru would wear.

Little Irish Blu.

Blu brought two strong looks from home and an okay third made for the runway. The first two had great ideas and concepts behind theme which I thought helped shape Blu as a really strong contender. We all know Blu can pull some cracking looks and it was good to see her show that the UK really can do ‘US budget worthy Drag’. Her final look I think just needed the shoulder pad to be fuller. It looked like a sad balloon at the end of the party that had deflated. But other than that I didn't hate the look and thought Blu might be heading for a top spot this week.

Lastly, Monique.

Monique’s cat look, although I love a anime reference sadly seemed very much someone’s first time at Comic Con making their own outfit. It wasn’t polished. Michelle complimented Monique on the black cat look but when you compare a similar look by Krystal Versace on the latest UK series it just didn’t compare. Her Butch Queen look as a concept and part of the design was brilliant! Nail on the head I just didn’t like how Monique presented it. For the final look, it was a look and she gave it her all but it wasn’t top notch for me.

Overall I felt a little bit let down and unexcited by the ball (minus a few really strong looks). I’m not sure if it’s because we are seeing so many runways with all the seasons airing in one year but I feel something was missing from this ball. I wanted a Holland-esque runway full of breathtaking looks. I’m not saying it has to cost a fortune but I do want Drag worthy presentations.

Everyone had such a mixed bag of strong and weak looks that I don’t think anyone had it consistent and deserved the full praise. Mamma Ru picks Janey and Jimbo as the top spots but I think I might of put Blu up there too. I’m not sure who I would replace her with but I felt it was strong for her for sure. This left Cheryl and Juju in the bottom. Here I do disagree and I would have put Baga in the bottom. I’m not sure if it’s because I saw behind the scenes maybe but I don’t feel Baga deserved to be safe. With Baga I would have picked Juju because as awful as Cheryl’s final outfit was, the others were so much stronger than JuJu’s.

After the bottom two Queens put their bids in for why they should stay Jimbo and Janey lipsync it out and we have a clear winner. Janey dances circled around Jimbo who let again just plodded around the stage like last week, accept this time Jimbo managed to stay on their feet for once. Janey is given the episode win and sends poor Cheryl packing. To read the exit interview with Cheryl click here. I did feel for her and I hope if JuJu doesn’t step her puss up next week that the judges to call her out on it again. Something is missing from her and I wonder if maybe the magic of the werkroom is wearing off for JuJu.

Did you enjoy the ball episode and did you agree with mine of the judges decisions? Let us know on our socials.

After note: Daisy Cooper was a bloody fantastic judge and if Michelle ever can’t make filming we know who they should call!

The series airs on British screens exclusively on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer from at 9pm, with new episodes released weekly (on Tuesdays).

Imagery with thanks to the BBC.