RuPaul's Drag Race Season 14 Episode 8 Review

I’m back, back,, back, back again with another exciting episode review of Season 14. Stay tuned to find out what shenanigans went on in the werkroom this week!

Starting off the episode we have the iconic reading mini-challenge and I was so hyped up for this! The queens lined up and one by one had a chance to read their fellow sisters. It might sound clique but reading is indeed fundamental, it’s an activity that teaches us not to take ourselves too seriously and enjoy being present in the moment. I was particularly interested to see how the likes of Bosco and Jasmine would do, as they have been two outspoken queens that seem like they can dish out killer reads. At first, I was so surprised that the majority of the queens was making RuPaul laugh, I didn’t think anyone did really bad! I was worried for Kerri but even she delivered, although she did only have two reads of airtime! My favourite monologue was delivered by Bosco, who perfectly closed the library with her iconic pallbearer dig. Honestly this was one of the better reading challenge sin recent Drag Race seasons! Well done girlies! 

RuPaul then announces that the main challenge will be a 60s girl-group tribute with three teams of three taking on a Ru-spired girl group, The Rupremes, The Runettes and The Shangrulas. Not only was I excited to get a girl group challenge, I was glad to see that pioneering black women were being championed and remembered. Also, I must say that the set itself was so impressive... They definitely have a mega budget this season!

In terms of who I think excelled in the rehearsals, I’ve got to give it to Angeria and Willow. Angie had a surprisingly calming and melodic voice, reminding me of Diana Ross herself! Willow shocked us once again in the fact that she can not only dance, but also take control and choreograph a routine for her group. Well done to both these amazing drag artists! As for who I think struggled, Kerri and Jorgeous were both quite shy and almost insecure at first! I think they could have applied themselves just a bit more to the challenge, they could have easily smashed it.

We also get a very interesting conversation about pop culture and those who don’t have access to it whilst growing up. Kerri opens up about the fact that her parents wouldn’t let her listen to any girl groups or secular music, which ultimately caused her to repress who she really was. This discourse is so important as it’s a harsh reality for many young individuals even today. The lesson to be learnt here is, kids are going to grow up one day into their own authentic self whether parents accept them or not. Why make it harder on your child? Just support them and communicate with them, and let them listen to god damn girl groups!!!

Oh, what time is it? That’s right, runway time!

It might come as no surprise that my two favourite looks this week were from Willow and Bosco. I hate being this predictavle but when the girls are serving what they’re serving, I have no choice! Willow continues to be inventive and highly unique, coming down the runway in a long skirt made from strategically placed panties! ICONIC! Then Bosco showed up as a vampiric dream in white. Yes, this look has be done to dust on the runway, but something about Bosco’s essence and rear-end reveal made it unique and fresh!

My honourable mentions this week goes to Daya and Lady Camden. I really appreciated what Daya did on the runway, she came out in what I think is quintessential Daya drag. I loved how there was no resemblance to her drag sister Crystal Methyd, Daya is finding her own footing in the competition and I’m totally here for it! Lady Camden had a very cute and borderline safe look for me. However, her hair and makeup pushed the look into my honourable mentions!

The safe looks this week came from Angeria, Jorgeous and Kerri. I was initially gagged by Angie’s outfit, but the more I observed it, the less I started to like it. The hair was everything and the 60s inspired silhouette was epic, but the obnoxious ‘I heart u’ down the torso of the outfit took me right out of the fantasy! Jorgeous was, well, gorgeous. I want more! I absolutely loved the ostrich feather heart wings, her hair and makeup, but the outfit was ridiculously uninspired! Contrary to what the judges said, I actually didn’t mind Kerri’s look at all. Was it clean and polished? No. Was it gag worthy? No. But she brought something low-key unexpected from her and except for the visible undergarment, I think she really delivered on the runway! I definitely think it was more interesting to look at than Jorgeous’ look! 

Unfortunately, this leaves Jasmine and Deja as the bottom looks. I know you might think I’m crazy for placing Jasmine so low, but here me out! I’m just tired of the uninspired pageant gowns. It was absolutely gorgeous, but again, I’m looking to be wowed and feast my eyes on a drag spectacle. It wasn’t remarkable and I wasn’t interested by it, so it’s getting booted. Lastly, we have Deja, I’m so frustrated that I have barely been able to get behind Deja’s runways, but bear in mind that she started off having one of my favourite looks of the season (the lace bodycon moment). I think her look read totally costume-y and the judges didn’t pick up on that. I’m not impressed and want more from the amazing seamstress. 

The bottom two this week was Jasmine Kennedy and Kerri Colby, this scared me...a lot. I really didn’t want Kerri to leave but I knew all too well what Jasmine was capable of. Personally, I would have placed Jorgoeus in the bottom with Jasmine, but hey! That’s just me. The two queens lipsynced to ‘Un-Break My Heart’ by Toni Braxton and after all was said and done, Jasmine won that lipsync. I wasn’t particularly keen on their performances so I can’t really say which one did the best, but boy was I praying that Kerri would pull that golden chocolate bar. However, she didn’t and I had to quickly come to terms with the fact that I wouldn’t be seeing her on my screen next week. I really thought Kerri would go all the way, but as beautiful as she is, I really do feel that her runways at times got the better of her! Nevertheless, she’s a force to be reckoned with! All my love to you Kerri!  

Catch RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 14 exclusively in the UK via the streamer of all things drag, WOW Presents Plus every Saturday, subscribe now here!