RuPaul's Drag Race Holland - Episode 6 & 7 Review / Highlights

Now before we jump into this there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

Apologies everyone for having to combine Episode 6 and 7 reviews together. I have been away on holiday and didn’t have time to write up the reviews before or whilst I was away.

Kicking things off with Episode 6, the Queens are tasked with going on a blind date at the stage where the date is about to leave, the Queens had to save the date with desert which were all Holland favourites!

Ma’Ma Queen came out on top and won the challenge, personally I wasn't thrilled with the task and thought Nick from The Bachelor was probably the cause and came across very awkward and uncomfortable with the Queens. If I’m being honest I would have let him go and just had double the desert!

Moving swiftly on before I say something I shouldn’t, with the mini challenge done, we move to what is then an emotional rollercoaster ride of the main challenge. The Queens are set the task of making over their family members / friends for the ‘We Are Family’ challenge.

Envy Peru was joined by their Mother, Miss Abby OMG’s brother, Chelsea Boys friend, Janey Jackes Mother and Ma’Ma Queens Father. Now usually on Drag Race most of the family members who join are women but with Ma’Ma Queens father joining this mixed things up. I must also say I’m usually not down for the ‘drama’ in Drag Race as it seems always too forced and staged. (Although yes I think the episode touched on it a little too much but) the relationship between Ma’Ma Queen and her father was truly magical. I am very blessed to have such a strong relationship with both my parents but that isn’t always the case for many in the LGBTQ+ community. The thing that I loved is that anyone struggling with their sexuality or anyone who currently has a fear of their parents not loving them when they come out can see that’s not always the case.

The episode didn’t really show the Queens transforming their family members process as much as I like but we got some really great looks from this challenge on the main stage. Our favourite was…

The judges agreed and Envy secured yet another win. As you know we don’t discuss the bottom two and I know it must have been hard for the judges but I don’t think I agreed with the bottom two at all!

Episode 7

The Queens are back in the werkroom and their entrance was EVERYTHING! Sometimes when the Queens come in the werkroom in the US they have a ‘fun’ little walk they do. But they do it separately and there is always one trying to steal the spotlight (okay they all try and steal the spotlight and it just looks a mess), but the Holland Queens all came together for a really fun entrance and it was such a joy to see. It was also ten times more memorable than just one trying to steal that spotlight.

For the mini challenge the Queens are tasked with the Puppet challenge! Our favourite puppeteer was Janey Jacke and Miss Envy Peru but instead of Fred making the decision he decided to throw some tension into the room and ask the Queens who they thought should be the winner. Which resulted in Miss Envy Peru stealing the win.

For the main challenge the Queens are tasked with the Rusical challenge with the theme of Maxima the Rusical. We were totally clueless and lost as to what was going on and what Maxima was until the main challenge came to the main stage. Then when the story was told we actually learnt something about Queen Maxima.

During the performance no one really really stood out to us as a stand out and we actually enjoyed everyone equally, I think because all the roles were so different this really made it hard to pick. If we had to pick, Janey Jacke was our top overall, seems she had never done tango before she really did nail it. Although Miss Abby had another upbeat number to perform her lip sync wasn’t on point like Janeys was.

Well done to all you ladies though, standing ovation from us! That was a tough challenge and you really did all rise to it.

This wasn't the only challenge of the week, the Queens were tasked with presenting three looks not just one for the main stage with the theme Red, White and Blue.

Overall our favourite looks from each category are as follows…

Look 1

Miss Envy Peru, her looks are so polished and its all the little details that really put her above the rest.

Look 2

Miss Envy Peru again!

Third look

Ma’Ma Queen! Stealing our attention and stopping us giving a hat trick to Miss Envy Peru.

However, we have to say Janey Jacke, massive credit to you! When looking at all three looks together, these three were the only set that came together as a collection and really had a nice theme running through them above just the Red, White and Blue.

With all the looks walked down the runway Fred decides to increase the tension yet again for the second time this episode and asks each of the Queens who should go home. Although this adds in extra tension and drama for the show I do see it as a little silly as Fred and the judges don’t really listen to what they say. It never changes anything I feel.

Again, we aren’t going to discuss the bottom two however, we do feel one of them shouldn’t have made it through, perhaps even both. The song choice was okay this week but neither of these Queens looked like they REALLY wanted a place in the final. Let’s just say for one of the Queens to make it into the final is a little bit of an insult to the others when you compare them. If I were them I would feel a little annoyed right now.


The Top 3… oh wait Top 4 finalists are here. Let us know who you want to win by leaving us a comment.

We aren’t going to lie we think Envy Peru deserves it followed by Janey Jacke but we would also be happy with Ma’Ma Queen being crowned. Sorry Miss Abby OMG but if crowned, Holland you would have made a massive mistake!

Join us next week for the final episode review.