My controversial thoughts on Sherry Pie...

  Now before you get mad without reading the full thing, just think before you go full on troll at us. 

For those who don’t know Sherry Pie has been disqualified from Drag Race Season 12 due to her catfishing people online and getting them to send her inappropriate videos and pictures pretending to be a casting director. 

Sherry Pie is on Season 12 of Ru Paul’s Drag Race

I was going to keep my mouth shut about the topic, but I have seen far too much hate online to not say something. 

Those outside the UK may not know anything about this but let me take you back to just less than a month ago when Caroline Flack, a British TV presenter took her own life. Why did she take her own life, really nobody knows but she was being investigated by Police for assaulting her boyfriend. When the story first broke people attacked Flack online sending her hate and abuse. The media also joined in as the story was bringing them in a tone of traffic.  Although her boyfriend dropped the charges the CPS still wanted to prosecute. It was clearly all too much for Flack and she sadly took her life. A few days later and we have a “Be Kind” movement spreading online, Flack forgiven and people attacking the papers for her death saying they had her blood on their hands. 

Caroline Flack sadly took her own life in February 2020

But I will stop you right there, if you clicked a single article of theirs about Flack, if you commented online in a comments section, you to have her blood on your hands too. Saying you didn’t is like saying you added a log to a fire, but when the fire got out of control and spread you had nothing to do with it. The media gets paid per visit to the site due to adverts (not us before you try and attack us on that). If Caroline Flack is their most read post, they won’t stop. Supermarkets won’t stop selling Coke because it’s bad for your health, why because it’s making them MONEY! 

In my true style I have gone on a bit of a tangent, so bringing this back to Sherry Pie. Leave the girl alone. I agree yes, she did something bad online, but she doesn’t deserve your hate. We all did stupid things growing up and probably still do to this day, no matter how big or small. Let’s just imagine you just got the biggest break in your career. There you are on cloud 9 and someone makes that come crashing down once you got it. Sherry Pie may never be able to work again in Drag, people won’t want to come and do a meet and greet, people won’t want to book her, it’s basically over. You could say she deserves it but imagine that was you, all your friends and family now know. You would feel pretty sh*t. Maybe even consider ending your life. If you think being a keyboard warrior and sending Sherry hate online will make it better, it won’t. Look how we all forgave Flack now she is dead. If we had all kept out of it instead of sending Flack abuse and instead had supported her in getting say anger management, she would probably still be here and alive today. 

Shout and scream victim blamer at me, but let’s also look at those people who believed that she was a casting director. I don’t care how desperate I am for a role, if someone asked me to get my junk out to get me a job. I don’t want it thanks. Use some bloody common sense! Again those who did fall for her trick, we have all done stupid stuff. I feel for them I really do. But sometimes I do wonder what goes through people’s minds when doing stuff like this. 

When you get an email saying you are owed a massive tax refund of ££££ just send us all your details to a you don’t do it, why? You use some common sense! Did they really think they would get a role based on that, even if they did they would end up with a sex tape! It’s 2020 nothing stays hidden anymore and their career would be done. Unless your Kim K and have a very business headed mother.  

One thing to say don’t come at me saying Hollywood is like this and Harvey Weinstein rape stuff as that is on a whole other level. No one is making you send a dick pic online. That is all on you. Rape and harassment are very different.

Now next article you see on Sherry Pie just think before you click it or leave a hateful comment.

Sherry has said she realises what she has done and is seeking help for it. Let’s support her in moving forward in getting help!  Support the Season 12 Queens who are still left and keep the keyboards in the cupboard.

We don’t want another tragic Caroline Flack on our hands.