Spill the Tea - RuPaul's Drag Race Season 12 Episode 2 Review

The second premiere of Ru Paul’s Drag Race is finally here. Wasn’t that just the longest week ever. 

But we have just caught up, thanks Netflix UK! Remember kids do not illegally stream Drag Race! Be good and watch it legally even if you have to pay that monthly fee for a few months (and no Netflix is not paying me to say this, I wish haha). How do you think shows like this survive… on ratings! If you watch it somewhere illegally how they going to know. 

And yes, I know you will be the first to complain when the show gets cancelled. 

With that all said lets jump right to it! 

Spoilers below if you haven’t watch Episode 2 yet! 

I have to say first 30 minutes of this episode I was like oh god this is not going to be as good. The Queens didn’t seem to click as well as the first episode, but the gay Gods were looking out for us and by the end of the episode it was just as good! 

As we know entrance looks are possibly my least favourite part of the show. 

But my favourite entrance look was 

Best Entrance Look

Dahlia Sin

Not going to lie closely followed by Sherry Pie, we were living for that camp! 

Best Confessional was a tough one this week. None of them really made me laugh or feel for them like Heidi N Closet did in episode one… so let’s just skip past this one this week. 

Jumping into the first challenge same as last week we had the fashion catwalk with the two looks. Spring and Autumn. 

Our Spring favourite look was… 

Best Spring Look

Rock M Sakura

(and yes we stole that image from Monet X Change Wow what can we say, even if this Queen didn’t draw the design herself, we would have died for it. The fact she did that was it for us, Spring winner hands down! 

I loved Dahlia Sins as well but didn’t get the Spring vibe, sorry honey! 

Our Fall favourite look was… 

Best Autumn Look

Jaida Essence Hall

Oh wait we are doing an All Stars Season 4

Huge credit also to 

Jan and Dahlia credit to you girls also loving it! 

Best Autumn Looks 2


Best Autumn Look 3

Dahlia Sin

Best out of Drag. Now I did not like how the girls were to each other when this bit happened. The others seemed alright with each other, but this was giving me all those awful Secondary School P.E changing room vibes… no mam! Very disappointed in Dahlia for her reactions. Didn’t Mumma Ru teach you anything, If you can’t love yourself how the hell you going to love somebody else! 

AMEN! Period. But still having said that our best looking men from episode two are… 

Best out of Drag

Jan & Rock M Sakura

Both of them had such cute little faces. 

Jaida Essence also caught our eye - Stunning!

Onto the main challenge, I’m glad they mixed it up. But at the same time I felt the Episode one girls had the easier job of being current. This style wasn’t going to suit all the girls. 
But all the girls I feel rose to the challenge in the end. 

For the second time in the episode I was disappointed in the girls. I get its tense and I get tensions will be high but I didn’t like how they didn’t work together. They just argued which wasn’t nice. Work together ladies, the episode one girls (minus Widow bringing negative vibes) kept it together and killed it. 

Come showtime they did bring it together. 

My favourite solo was 

Favourite Solo

Aiden Zhane & Rock M Sakura

Both showed their personalities in two very different ways so well done ladies! 

Also Michelle, grow up it was a fart! It was hilarious, oh wait maybe I should grow up haha. 

Favourite runway look… Again these ladies keep catching me off guard! Last week I had clear favourites but this week 

Favourite Runway look

Jaida Essence Hall, Jan, Rock M Sakura

Jaida Essence, Jan and Rock M Sakura were my favourite runway looks! 

Two top two…

Jaida Essence deserved the win for sure. It would have been closer if Sherry Pie had done more before her hilarious electric shock move though! 

Before you all shout at me saying you shouldn’t praise Sherry etc read my controversial thoughts on that here

We can’t wait to now see a full episode of the Queens all together! 

Disagree with us on any of our episode winners… let us know! 

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