Spill the Tea - RuPaul's Drag Race Season 12 Episode 3

Wow has it been a week already?!? 

I guess so as Episode 3 has landed which means it’s time for our review. 

Spoilers below so if you haven’t watched the episode girl, go watch it then come right back! 

It was really nice to see all the Queens together and I actually think this has been one of the strongest season yet. No one is really standing right right out as the clear winner so this should be interesting. 

Let’s start with the mini challenge… 

The top 2 Queens from the last two episodes had to rate the Queens they just met and say who they thought were their biggest competition. 

Lets start with Widow. 

I like Widows confidence and if you are going to put someone in the bottom then do it and be like yeah, I think I’m better than them. But I do feel for poor Aiden Zhane. I think she will be a real underdog of the season, let’s see. 

Onto Jaida. 

But before we can Heidi N Closet, girl! I am living for this Queen, I keep having to rewind it because I am genuinely laughing at what she is saying or doing. 

Strongly disagree with Heidi being in the bottom! I love you Jaida but watch out Heidi might come and kick your butt. 

I did like the team captain twist though than then put Heidi and Aiden as the other two team captains. I get they have to get people to pick team but it’s part of the show I really hate. Let’s be honest most of these guys would have been picked last every time in their lives during school P.E picking days. Now for the one picked last surrounded by their adopted family… Mmmm just seems a little cruel to me. 

Also, I don’t think Rock M Sakura should have been picked last. She has so much energy to bring and for an acting challenge? Hello!?!? 

I’m not going to comment on the teams to much but I love how when Sherry and Brita were like erm no to Aiden about being slightly out of time, that’s what bloody made it so funny. She was right all along! Well done Aiden what a way to show them! 

Now I don’t like Mamma Ru’s suggestion of changing Heidi N Closets name. It’s her name leave it be. She chose it. That’s her brand so don’t be coming for it. I personally love it so much more than the basic Heidi Ho etc. Stick with it Heidi we love you for it. 

Now for the groups in the main challenge I am going to rate them out of 5 for how well they did as a group. 

The Del Rio Trio 4.5/5 – A few rocky moments but otherwise perfection!!! Haha 
Again Heidi had me in stitches! 

Squirrel Scouts – 2.5/5 – Wasn’t feeling any of it, sorry ladies. 

The Fruity Patooties – 3/5 – Could have been much funnier. 

3 Girls 1 Brain – 3.5 / 5 – Some strong moments but overall couldn’t top The Del Rio Trio. 

Now staying with the 3 Girls 1 Brain I thought Aiden did very well with some huge personalities to content with. One thing I did not like was Brita and Sherry coming for her. Shame on you ladies I don’t think your comments were valid. I like the fact that Aiden wanted it to be everyone’s decision. To me that does make a good leader, yes you have the final say but listen to your team. Don’t just demand everything. 

Buttons and Bows was the runway theme for the week. Again like the groups I’m going to judge the girls out of 5 on their looks. 

Jaida Essence Hall 
2.5/5 – From last week I expected more 

Dahlia Sin 
2/5 – I liked the idea but some of the outfit just didn’t work for me. 

Rock M Sakura 
3.5 / 5 – Love the idea but again something was a bit simple or missing for me. I don’t know how I can say that when there’s literally a skipping rope of hair there but there I have! 

4.5/5 – I was not expecting that at all. It was so not the Jan I thought we would see from the promo and I LOVE that. 

Heidi N Closet 
4/5 – Loved how different it was and again, but something was slightly missing from giving it the full 5/5 wow factor. I also think this is why she wasn’t the winner of the week. 

Gigi Goode 
4/5 – Really well put together and she is working IT! 

Jackie Cox 
3/5 – It was good but sadly I wasn’t feeling it. 

Widow Von’Du 
1.5/5 – High fashion Widow… really this was not High Fashion and was definitely not our cup of tea. We are British so know a lot about Tea! Haha 

Crystal Methyd 
3/5 – Not good not bad just okay and sadly forgettable next to the other girls. 

Nicky Doll 
4/5 – IDEA Brilliant! The full outfit mmm not sure what could have been improved but it was missing that final WOW factor for me. Having said that some of the details she put in we excellent! 

Aiden Zhane 
3/5 – Head to Shoulders brilliant. Knees and Toes down not so much. 

3/5 – Again a bit like Crystal not good or bad just forgettable. 

Sherry Pie 
4.5/5 – I will be having nightmare all week! 

The Winner – Sherry do I agree? Maybe, maybe not. I think Heidi killed the challenge more and Sherry did okay. But then Sherrys runway look was too good and Heidi when stood next to it couldn’t compare. So sadly yeah I probably do. 

Before you come hating on us for showing some love to Sherry Pie we will judge this as she is there and for what she is doing in the competition alone. Just like the other girls when we judge them. Also if you haven’t already click here to read our full controversial feelings on Sherry. 

Bottom two 

Dahlia and Nicky – Did I agree, yeah probably. Both we forgettable and must know by now you can’t just get by on looks. If that were the case Plastique Tiara would have won hands down. WOMAN. With the girls all being so good now it really is hard to pick the bottoms of the week. I also find it harsh as some of the older Seasons Girls would not have been able to compete or do half the stuff these Queens are! So well done ladies. 

The Lip Sync Battle was to Grande and Iggy Problems. I love the song but a hard one to do anything fun with I feel. Did the right Queen go home. Tbh both have brought stunning looks from just two episodes each, but that can only get you so far. I wonder how long it will be before we say goodbye to Nicky as well if she doesn’t pull it out the bag. 

One thing I must say though, Dahlia control yourself girl. How you acted in the end was not cool. I know you must have been angry and upset but seriously. Hold some composure until you get off stage 

Did you agree with our review of the girls this week? 

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