Interview - Asia Thorne

Miss Asia Thorne, welcome to Image 34 magazine! Starting things off how long have you been doing drag? 

I started doing drag 2013. 13 SEPT 2013 to be exact! Hehehe 

What made you want to get into drag?

I frequent the gay scenes in Manila, Philippines when I was growing up and there will always be Drag Queens performing and my heart just skips when I see them on stage! 

When I was in Singapore, I was assisting a friend of mine who is a Drag queen and it kind of started there.

If you went back in time and saw yourself in drag for the first time, what would you have said to yourself? 

HAHAHAHAHAHA I’m always harsh to myself. I would’ve said, “You’re gorgeous, but you need to blend!” HAHAHA

“ I want them to have fun while I’m performing because that’s what we are while on stage, entertainers. “

How would you describe your drag aesthetic?  

I think I’m a mix of a few aesthetics. Dance, Pageant, Camp and a lil’ Comedy. Personally, I think it’s important to be Jack-of-all-trade when you’re a Drag Queen, however, do focus on what you know you are good at and enjoy the most!

What inspires your drag? 

I take inspiration from a lot of things! Like when we go fabric shopping, you sort of see a fabric and all of a sudden you have a look in your head! Hahahaha I do follow a lot of people and queens online, and they give me inspiration as well!

What emoji describes your drag? 

❤️ because I want to spread Love! 

For anyone who hasn’t been to a drag show before why should they? 

Because it’s Fun and we are Fabulous!!! Hahahahaha 

RuPauls Drag Race has pushed drag into the mainstream however, there is more to drag. Why is supporting local drag important? 

It’s important to give credit where it is needed and RPDR gave a lot of Queens that platform to reach a lot of fan base locally and internationally. 

That being said, it is important to support your local Queens and Kings because they work as hard as the Queens and Kings you watch online/TV! They put a lot in their craft and you will be amazed by the talent they have to offer!

What is your current favourite track to lip sync to? 

I did a mix about self love and the song I used was Came here for Love. I love performing that number! It always gives me a good feeling after performing it.

What can audiences expect when you are performing at a show? 

A good time! I want them to have fun while I’m performing because that’s what we are while on stage, entertainers.

What is the first thing you do after a show? 

Either remove my shoes or remove my wig! Hahahaha

Any last shout outs? 

To my wonderful Husband, Paul. He styles my wigs, does most of my outfits and drives me around! He’s my rock! Follow him @mywigstyles❤️ 
