Interview - Gingzilla
Gingzilla, welcome to your first interview with us. Starting things off what made you want to get into drag?
Well, I have always loved dressing up and going above and beyond at parties, but never dreamt of doing drag back in OZ. When I moved to London at the end of 2015 my dearest friend @cazeleon and I caught up one day and started chatting about drag and how we both wanted to try it out. Then a couple of months later @cazeleon told me about this lipsync competition Lipsync 1000 at the best East London gay pub The Glory. I entered, he didn’t. Then @cazeleon told me about another drag comp. I entered, he didn’t. As soon as I bought my first flowy ginger locks I was hooked. I loved the empowerment I felt by embodying both my femine and masculine energy.
How did you come up with your drag name?
She’s Ginger and she’s HUGE!!!!!! Fill in the gaps.
How would you describe your drag aesthetic?
Gigantuan Cocktail Chic? I wear an F Tone of red. lol For the last 3 year I have created most of my outfits with a certain performance in mind. I’m now working with my gorgeous designer collaborator Tina [Haus of Z - fashion house] to expand my aesthetic. Watch with space for a Glow Up.
What emoji best describes your drag?
I don’t use emojis (she old school) but if I could create some they would be: An exploding chicken, a big bear hug, sexy legs in high heels and a ginger hair ball (like a cat would cough up).
You have performed all over the world, but where has been your favourite so far?
Sweden hands down!!! The people are just sooo lovely, I have some extraordinarily talented friends there as well - Shout out to @SirqusAlfon!!! Did I mention the Swedish a really tall and or gorgeous?? Plus a big shout out to Brighton Fringe had a blast there. I can’t wait to get myself to JAPAN!!!!
For anyone who hasn’t seen you perform, what can audiences expect?
Hot Damn, I am a thrill ride! You never know what’s beyond the river bend. I could be devouring an entire chicken one minute, stripping naked the next, ripping out some gangster rap and then making you sob with a heart felt ballad. I’m like one of those massive Great Danes running through a field and sitting on people's laps thinking they’re a puppy. Basically, I’m a shit load of Fun.
How did you come up with your drag name?
She’s Ginger and she’s HUGE!!!!!! Fill in the gaps.
You chose to go on the X-Factor UK – what was that experience like for you?
It was super fun. Was totally overwhelmed by the comments by Simon Cowell and the flirtatiousness of Robbie Williams - Cheeky.
Would you try again?
To perform at the Wembley Stadium in front of 15,000 people again. Who wouldn’t!! Twas such a rush.
Has going on the show changed who you are as a performer at all?
Not really. Like I said to my mum (My whole family live in Australia btw) when I told her what had happened. “I’ve been packing a box for the last 15 years. Just because someone famous notices and enjoys how I pack my box doesn’t mean I’m going to change how I pack my box.”
What’s next for you?
The world is not mine yet….. so I’ve got a lot to do if I want to conquer it!
Travelling a lot, back to Australia for a cute gig in the tropical north in May (got my sunscreen packed), going to LA for some TV things (totally can’t say anything yet), Sweden in July for a festival (bring on summer), LATE NIGHT LIP SERVICE at Gilded Balloon Edinburgh Fringe in August (It’s 3rd year of epicness), and then just brushing my hair (pretty standard Saturday night for me).