RuPaul's Drag Race Holland - Episode 1 Review

Hallo! Apart form that we didn't understand a single word the Drag Race Holland cast said but we were living for the first episode!

I did have the subtitles on, but I will have to watch the episodes a few times. Once to enjoy the looks these Queens are bringing and then again to understand what they are saying and finally a third time with a mix to get the full experience!

Now before we jump into this there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

The Queens of Holland strutted into the Werkroom and my oh my did they make an impact. I think some of these looks have to be my all time favourite entrance looks from any cast, so many of the Queens were sooo polished. That said we have to pick a winner and that was…

Miss Envy Peru and Chelsea Boy!

Miss Envy stole my heart for how fierce and strong she looked. You could tell she knew she looked good and wasn’t ready to move away until you had really taken it all in. I live for a fishy Queen and this was giving me all that and more.

Chelsea Boy was my second pick for how strong it was and I could really appreciate the craftsmanship that went into it.

For the mini challenge the Queens were thrown into the deep end, literally! The Queens were tasked with the underwater photoshoot challenge. I really miss these types of challenges being on Drag Race for pure comedy and how some of the results actually come out. Round of applause to all the Queens for giving it their best effort (lets all remember the meltdown of Alaska). The only thing I will say is I felt for lots of the Queens as their outfits were built for an entrance not a swimming pool and if it were real life a brief would have been sent to the Queen. Anyway despite this some of the images came out really well. Our winner was…

Miss Abby OMG

Miss Abby OMG really gave us the Drag Ariel fantasy and rightfully won the challenge!

After having a quick dip in the pool the Queens had to de-drag and we got to see them in their boy form.

Now I think I have to go visit Holland some time soon (when Covid goes away) as this cast is very tasty! Which is why I am split on who is the best out of Drag…

Despite lots of eye candy Chelsea Boy and Janey Jacke won the award for us.

For the next challenge the Queens then had to come up with a sentence of why they should win, which usually comes at the end, I liked hearing it at the start. I couldn’t 100% read the subtitles fast enough on my first watch so I will have to go back and let you all know whose I liked the best.

For the runway just like the entrance looks and I must say, these Queens really pulled out all the stops and showed up some other recent series runway looks. Full round of applause girls for a cracking first runway. You really knocked it out of the park!

That said my I am splitting my favourite looks this week with…

Madame Madness and Sedergine well done ladies!! You really had well thought out details in these outfits which made them winners to me. From the heart moustache to the full tea set under the dress… both had me gagging!

I won’t reveal who went home, that isn’t why I’m here. But I do have one last question…

Why was Baga Chips in Holland dressed as a Nun?!?!