RuPaul's Drag Race Holland - Episode 2 Highlight / Review

Now before we jump into this there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

Another week has flown by and the second episode of Drag Race Holland is here!

After wiping the last eliminated queens lipstick off the mirror Fred quickly joined the Queens to task them with a clog challenge! The Queens were tasked with designing their own clog in a short time limit and with limited supplies.

Some were ready for the CLOGS.HOLLAND.COM and others were ready for the bin. We didn’t actually agree with the winners of the challenge however, our favourites were Sedergine and Madame Madness. For the time limit they had I was shocked at how quickly these Queens put those looks together.

Miss Envy and Chelsea Boy won the challenge in the actual episode and became team captains. As per usual someone is left standing last on their own… insert the I was picked last for P.E in school last storyline. Now I do feel sorry for anyone who has ever had to go through that, but I do wonder why they choose this way to pick teams on the show still. Growing up gay (bi or trans), yes you are often picked last, so it really must hurt when you are finally surrounded by likeminded people and yet again, you are picked last. After having this thought I’m not actually sure how you would proceed with picking teams but I will think it over.

With the teams picked the Queens are given the task of creating their own fitness video.

Another challenge taken from the early days of RPDR-US. I mean who could forget Stacey Layne Matthews workout with fried chicken!

Two very different directions taken from the Queens on this challenge but the second team clearly stole the spotlight and I think if they had a winning team it would have been them!

Onto the main stage… now this confused me a little as what the Queens were going to do as a challenge but again we had some highs and we had some lows.

Our runway winner this week was…

of course Miss Envy Peru, very worthy winner this week. The other looks that caught our eyes were also Janey Jacke and Ma’Ma Queen.

Only thing I would say is that some Queens look like they spent all their budget for episode one! You really dropped the toppling level this week Holland… we were disappointed. As Nikki Tutorials said to the Queens, if you go high you need to remain there!

I also felt some of the judging wasn’t very fair. Especially with Meghan whose face was stunning (yes outfit not very fitting) when you compare to Miss Abby OMG her face and outfit were dreadful but they let it slide. Anyway the only judging I do is on my sofa and not for the TV so who knows what I would have said if I were.

When you are wondering why I’m not commenting on the fight over a corset… well that’s because it was so ridiculous and stupid.

Anyway bring on the next episode where hopefully some of the Queens outfits who let us down this week can bring back that wow factor!