RPDR - Season 13 - Episode 4

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

How are we at episode 4 already?!? Either way here we are and the ‘Pork Chop’ Queens enter the werkroom to be greeted by guess who the Winners Circle Queens * INSERT DRAMATIC MUSIC HERE* minus Elliott with 2 T’s who already agreed with the other Queens to hide. Tina Burner is right in to stir that pot and asks the Queens where is Elliott? The Queens start giving lame excuses about why they voted her off, but I mean what else are they going to say? They couldn’t really go off anything but first impressions.

Either way out comes Elliott and surprises all the Queens that she is still here!! Elliott confronts the Queens asking why they chose her and tbh I saw the beef pointless and it seemed all a little too staged with Elliott facing sideways for the cameras rather than going in. Side note I know some people have said oooo Elliott shouldn’t have said to Tamisha why didn’t you say vote me home (with some trying to play a race card) but b*tch she was just clapping back, sit down, calm down! It’s a TV show. But Tamisha’s face though! haha, priceless.

A new day is here and Ru tells the Queens what this weeks challenge is all about. The Queens are given the challenge of being split into three teams to create mini films for the RuPaulmark Channel. Each given a script basically the same as the others with minimal changes (just like all trash movies are). Twist though, Ru ends up picking the teams. Which I kinda preferred so we didn’t have the one person being left having not been picked. Meaning they couldn’t enter the sob storyline of ‘I was always picked last for PE’. THANK GOD!

The teams and the theme were as follows

Misery Love’s Company - Elliott with 2 T’s, Olivia Lux, Denali and Kahmora Hall

God Loves Flags - LaLa Ri, Rose, Symone and Utica

April Fools Rush In - Kandy Muse, Gottmik, Tamisha Iman, Tina Burner and Joey Jay.

Ru does let the teams assign their roles and tbh there wasn’t any drama and it was all rather civil. When Ru comes in for a little check up it was funny how he didn’t walk round and instead made the Queens walk over to him (dunno if that is such a random comment but I don’t think I have seen that before). One moment that sticks out from these catch-ups is when Ru asks Utica has she smoked weed before. Utica responds with a hilarious montage of funny faces which has Ru in stitches, I honestly love it when Ru laughs like this (usually on the UK version). I think the show has really made an effort to show a softer side to Ru which they never did before and I love it.

During the acting challenge the Queens are given their time with Ross Matthews and no surprise but there were those who thrived and those that failed. Again feeling for the Queens as most wont have acted before this challenge and it must be hard with that and the pressure of wanting to do well. Before we get to see the performances we get the runway of “Trains for days”. Some really outside the box looks here which I applaud the Queens on, sadly though some didn’t even get out of the station…

Our favourite looks tonight were Denali and Kahmora Hall! Toot Toot ladies. Full steam ahead for those looks, they really stood out to me and you could tell lots of effort had gone into them.

Looks walked we move onto the films. Tbh I didn’t find any of the mini videos hilarious… sorry just saying but a stand out for me as the best acting was Symone or Rose. But I think Symone stole the Oscar for me.

Now sadly my favourite looks didn’t save either from seeing themselves in the bottom two! The top this week rightly so was Symone who won another $5,000!!! Ru be dishing out that cash this time!

Bottom two set we witnessed one of the best lip syncs from a Queen in a long time if not ever. Denali brought the house down and sadly this meant we said goodbye to Kahmora Hall.

If it was me, I think Denali wasn't that bad in the acting challenge and her look should have saved her. Kahmora, as strong as this look was, sadly it wasn’t enough to make her safe. The other bottom for me would maybe be LaLa Ri. Her acting was forgettable and her runway look wasn’t polished. Her hood should have come more forward, it made her look bald and her forehead too big which wasn't for me. I mean would have picked Jeffrey Bowyer Chapman to be in the bottom alone if it was me but sadly that isn’t allowed!

But as we say goodbye to Kahmora its sinking in that each week now we will be saying goodbye to the Queens.