RPDR-UK - Series 2 - Episode 3 Review

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

We are back for another episode of Drag Race UK Series 2 where the Queens are tasked with their first design challenge! But before we can get there we have another hilarious mini challenge clearly made just to make Ru giggle. The Queens scramble to get in quick carnival drag then they play a little game of limbo! How low can you go?!? with beats from Jodie Harsh. I was surprised with how low some of the Queens could go tbh. It ended with Tayce and Veronica getting the lowest where on the final limbo they both bent their ankles to the side nearly making me vomit. Sadly neither managed to get through and both landed on their bums in sync as if it were the time in the song for a death drop or splits.

Fun had Ru then asks the Queens to pair up with their best Judy which gave us the teams of

Sister Sister & Ginny Lemon
Veronica Green & Tia Kofi
Tayce & A’Whora
Asttina & Bimini
Lawrence Chaney & Ellie Diamond

With everyone paired up with their best Judy, Ru decides to cruelly tell the Queens this weeks design challenge will have them creating a look trying to out do their partner in a ‘who wore it best’ scenario. The person who wore it best will be in the top and the other that didn’t will be in the bottom! The scary thing about this challenge is that both partners for one team could look killer than say another groups top but one will still end up in the bottom! Either way the challenge is set and Ru allows Veronica and Tayce (winners of the limbo) to assign themed colour boxes.

The Queens jump into making their looks but when Ru joins the werkroom he gives a little stir to the pot for some drama about A’Whora and Tayce having sexual tension which ends with shade daggers being thrown all over the room. Ginny has a good heart to heart with first Sister Sister and then Bimini about being non-binary which was sweet but you have to watch the episode to feel it.

When making the looks some Queens struggled and some thrived but time for the runway and the judges are joined by British model Jourdan Dunn! No pressure ladies. For each team I will say who I thought should have won.

Tayce Vs A’Whora - Now just by looks I preferred Tayce but I think due to construction it would have gone to A’Whora for me. But these were two of the best looks on the runway if you ask me.

Ginny Vs Sister - I LOVED Sister Sisters look and although I applaud Ginny for going out of her comfort zone and going ‘sexy’ for Ru those trousers Sister created were SUPERB!

Veronica Vs Tia - Now I wasn’t a fan of either looks. Veronica I’m not sure what was happening but her make-up seemed really off this time and I was just a bit meh at the outfit. With Tia it was cute and I get it wasn’t executed properly if looking closely but I actually really enjoyed it and would have probably picked her. It’s no lie I haven’t been overly impressed by Tia so far but her make-up was actually really nice so well done for stepping the pussy… face up girl.

Bimini Vs Asttina - LOVED Bimini’s it was great, I thought I was going to love Asttinas as I love Anime but sadly when it came out on the main stage it really lacked something for me.

Ellie Vs Lawrence - I was totally won over by Ellie’s outfit, although later when the judges said it was a fashion challenge not costume I kinda got where they were coming from but still I was SOLD on Ellie being that top for me.

However, Ru awards Lawrence Chaney as the winner of the whole challenge. I was as shocked as she was girl. I’m sorry but there were some other killer looks on that stage that should have won, just saying.

In Ru’s world we end up with two bottoms Asttina and Tia. No real surprise from the critics which I must quickly say. Yes Jourdan-She-Dunn-already-had-herses! I thought she came across really well and got into it with some good critics that were heartfelt and technical based. Sorry I got distracted back to the lip sync. Asttina and Tia are in the bottom and lip sync to Dua Lipa, UGH Yawn. I swear I’m the only gay that isn’t fussed about her music but there we have it. Now I know some people are shocked Asttina went home but I’m not. As I said above I’m not a huge Tia fan (or Asttina tbh but for very different reasons). But Tia won me over this week and I would have actually been happier paying to see Tia do that live than Asttina at a show. I think the problem with really good dancers (like Asttina) who work in the industry is it puts me off. It was the same for Elliott with 2 T’s in the US show. There is something about someone dancing technically really well that throws me off. I much prefer a drag performance that keeps me in the fantasy and entertained. Meaning for the first time this season I agreed with the bottom two and who went home! Finally haha.

What did you think of episode 3? Let us know in the comments or on our socials! See you next week for another review of RPDR UK or for our US review at the weekend!