Interview - River Medway

How did it feel to sashay away from the competition?
I was really devastated! Everyone wants to make it all the way, but I’m really happy with everything I’ve done on the show. I’ve realised nothing good ever comes from being upset about things that are out of your control. All you can do is focus on the positives! When you do an exam, you might get some questions wrong but you can still be proud of yourself for finishing it. And just because you got some wrong, it doesn’t take it away from the stuff you got right. 

Also leaving with Choriza was a gag! I’m happy I’m here with someone who is such a good friend of mine – I got to share the experience with her. I’m just grateful for my time on the show.

What Drag Race highlights will you remember forever?
I loved the girl group challenge! That’s all I wanted – to get to the girl group challenge! I thought, if I get to talk about my mum - that’s great. And I got to sing about my mum in a song. 

What’s next for River Medway?
I would like my own West End show. I want a full production! The next thing is a full River Medway musical.

Imagery and interview courtesy of our friends at BBC Three / Drag Race UK.