Interview - Choriza May

What’s the one thing you won’t forget from your time on the show?
In episode four where we did the girl band challenge, I was so excited to see Emma Bunton as a guest judge because I was such a massive fan of the Spice Girls. I was so nervous about the challenge as I wanted to kill it that after we performed and left the stage I realised I had not looked at Emma once or acknowledged she was there!! A Spice Girl was looking at me and I had not even realised! 

So then when I walked the runway in my Ginger Spice outfit, Emma said “Who do you think you are?” I think that moment was a full circle moment for me! From being a little kid loving the Spice Girls to Emma Bunton telling me who the f**k I think I am! 

How did it feel to sashay away?
Well it was sad, because I genuinely was having so much fun doing it. I just wanted to go all the way for many reasons. I wanted to win but I was also having a genuinely great time. It was like being told “You can’t play with us anymore, go back to your hotel!” It was certainly very sad but my main goal was to represent Newcastle and Spanish drag - and to do it well. I think I accomplished that, so I left in peace.

Can you sum up your time on Drag Race UK in three words?

Dramatic. Fun. Dirty tights! That’s four words…

What’s next for Choriza May?
Tonight I release my first single ever, ‘My Pussy Is Like A Peach’- you can watch my music video on YouTube. I’m excited to do more camp stuff and music. I’m working on my one woman show and I can’t wait to tour the UK and tour Spain and meet all the amazing fans.

Imagery and interview courtesy of our friends at BBC Three / Drag Race UK.