RPDRUK - Series 2 - Episode 6 - Highlights and Review
Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!
The time has come to separate the Queens from the Pirncesses. It’s time for Snatch Game! Now I know some people really do say, depending how you do in Snatch Game is what makes or breaks you as a good Queen. But I disagree, I think it’s just like any other challenge, this one just favours peoples acting and improv.
Now grab those tissues and lets go as there were lots of tears in this episode! Starting the Queens return to the werkroom where they discuss Ru’s steamy rant over Joe Black wearing H&M (if you haven’t seen it what are you waiting for! Go watch episode 5 before reading this). Sister Sister stops the chat after Lawrence Chaney takes a dig about wearing the same thing as A’Whora which kicks starts a new day in the werkroom.
New day and the Queens already know what’s coming so even when Ru appears they know its time for Snatch Game. For anyone who doesn’t know Snatch Game is where the Queens must impersonate a celebrity or person of their choosing and enter a game show as them. They are ranked on how funny they are / how well they bring their character to life with Ru.
After the Queens discuss a few of their ideas Ru enters the Werkroom to give a little bit of advice to each Queen (although we only see a handful). This is where we get the first set of tears from Ellie and A’Whora. I do feel for the Queens, they are under such pressure and all just want to do well. Stick a camera and Ru in their faces and a crack is bound to show after a little while.
Joining the Queens as we previously announced was Gemma Collins who I must admit seemed a little reserved (in fairness I have never seen a full show with Gemma in just clips so I could be wrong). For the Snatch Game I will give a quick review on each of the Queens.
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy
Tia Kofi as Mel B - I’m not a huge Spice Girls fan (I know what a gay sin) but I have seen Mel B on various TV shows and although some jokes were there, more were missed than hit. It was fairly obvious that Tia was going to be in the bottom just from this performance. I don’t think it was a total crash and burn but compared to the other girls it wasn’t the best. I will credit Tia though for listening to Ru in the werkroom and taking the advice to steer away from their first choice.
Sister Sister as pPsychic Sally - Again an okay performance, none of the jokes actually made me laugh, I think this was because we have seen people do physic people on the show before. Nothing great, nothing bad just a little forgettable, sorry girl. Actually one bit that did make me laugh was the big roll joke! Credit for that one.
Lawrence Chaney as Miriam Margolyes - Again not an amazing performance from Lawrence but I did think Miriam was done justice. I have seen her in many interviews and this is how she comes across in her personality (maybe not her language) but she is hilarious and tells stories just like Lawrence. Very long winded!
Ellie Diamond as Matt Lucas or should we say Vicky Pollard - I grew up with Little Britain in my household too and Ellie did a fantastic job as Vicky Pollard (I know they don’t show everything so it might not have been aired) but the one line I was waiting for was the ‘Yeah but no but’ and ‘face bothered’ lines. If Ellie had got those in I think she could have been a top this week. Great job though and a step up for Ellie as she has already shown that acting isn’t her strongest skill.
Tayce as Jane Turner - I’m not sure if it was just because I didn’t have a clue who that was at first but I struggled to laugh. It wasn't a terrible performance but for me it just wasn’t anything to roll around laughing at.
A’Whora as Louie Spence - I tell you what, this had me in stitches!! The voice, the acting A’Whora killed it. I thought Louie was in the room! One thing I will note was that A’Whora was 100% in character at all times, whenever you caught her in the side shot of someone else she was still in character, something I didn’t really see the others doing, they only seemed switched on when it was their turn to talk. For me A’Whora was a sure top this week!
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy
Bimini as Jordan aka Katie Price - Oh Bimini, I snorted because I was laughing so hard, I actually had tears down my face. It was perfect, again like A’Whora the language was perfect and it was all a character we knew! Absolutely brilliant. I couldn’t fault it. Another sure top and brilliant performance.
Now I know I had a few critics above but honestly amazing job Queens. No one really really bombed! That is so rare for Snatch Game. Usually we see one really crash and burn but all the Queens held their own and should be really proud. Everyone let the other have their moment and no one interrupted or took over which made for a better Snatch Game I felt. I also haven’t laughed out loud from a Snatch Game in a long time! Brilliant job Queens.
Back in the werkroom Ellie really opens up about her struggles and family life after coming out. Although yes we need these stories (and I know it makes good TV) but for every bad home story I really wish they would massively focus on a good one. I know by the end we see Ellie’s Mum choose her over his Dad and before the show aired they met and he apologised but not all coming out stories are scary or bad. Yes my parents and I had to adjust shall we say, to me finally coming out but I always had a home. They always loved me and treated me no differently. We need to show more of that, especially as Drag Race now has a young queer following who might scared to come out!
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy
For the runway we have a theme of Prehistoric Drag. Lots wen’t down the obvious cave woman look, yet some really stood out. My ultimate favourite was Bimini for going outside that box and really stepping that look up! But A’Whora girl! She looked stunning, one thing I love about A’Whora’s drag on the runway is it’s always stepped up with an extra bit of polish. It is always that little bit better than everyone else’s which I think is sometimes overlooked and something she isn’t given credit for.
This means my top two this week - Bimini and A’Whora - I think Bimini would win overall just for the really out there look / idea.
My bottom two this week - Tia and Lawrence.
One of my tops disagreed with Ru’s choice but my bottoms were the same. I want to say that I felt the critics that A’Whora got were the positives that Bimini got. They commented on the voice but that is Louie and I felt the leg thing took Louie to another level where we didn’t see that from Bimini. Don’t get me wrong as I said I LOVED Bimini but just comparing the comments, I didn’t see their negative ones for A’Whora when they seemed to love a bit bland performance from Tayce. Sadly for Tia it was third time in the bottom and it was time for her to finally sashay away. I mean we all saw it coming when she announced her single release for today! I really did warm to Tia over the season though, as at first I wasn’t a huge fan if I’m honest. Yet her final comment before leaving the stage is a clear example of why I now love her.
Only 6 Queens remain… who do we think will be top 4?