RPDRUK - Series 2 - Episode 7
Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!
Last week we finally said goodbye to Tia Kofi. I don’t mean that in a horrible way but sadly it was her time to go and like she said, up against a three badge winner, it was only fair. As the Queens go sit down, A’Whora asks who do the other Queens think is next for the chop and in true A’Whora fashion, she opts to go first and says Sister Sister. The Queen sat right next to her. I know some people are saying A’Whora is a bitch, but I mean she’s doing it to her face at least, I’m living for it! Regina George vibes for sure. It gets a little awkward when Ellie Diamond is next on the firing line from a few of the Queens which kicks everyone into de-dragging!
However, its a new day in the werkoom and 3 or 0 badges. It doesn't matter it could be your week for the chop so watch out ladies. As Ru enters the werkroom its time for my favourite mini challenge as the library is open darling!
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy
I actually think I love the reading challenge more than snatch game you know. But who performed the best… some comments came across just a little harsh and lacked wit for me. My top for sure was Sister Sister followed closely by Bimini. The only thing that tipped it was that Sister Sister’s reads had almost a double layer to them.
Mini challenge done this weeks main challenge is to create superhero looks from literally junk. Sister Sister gets the head start (15 seconds) for winning the mini challenge and when Ru says go she grabs everything! I mean you would too. Gives you all the options but I did feel it was a little harsh leaving the Queens with not very much (that’s not a dig at Sister Sister, its more of a dig to the producers). This is the only time I find it unfair for a challenge. At least give everyone the equal opportunity or the same amount of junk to play with and see who does the best job. Otherwise its not a true representation of who can do best.
Above and below Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy
As the Queens get to work part way through they are joined by the one and only Raven from the US Series. It’s a known fact that Raven paints Ru’s face, and she always be looking flawless, so any make up advice Raven gives, you better listen.
As the Queens take it in turn showing their ideas Ru offers guidance to move in other directions to some of the Queens. Raven gives some good make up advice to Lawrence who listens and takes it on board.
As the Queens continue to get ready EMERGENCY! Tayce slices her hand open on some brillo pads and medical are brought in to… I dunno what they did but it looked painful for sure. A’Whora has a hilarious stint with Sister Sister where she tries to give compliments to Sister in return for some of her snatched junk. Sister isn’t having any of it and A’Whora walks away empty handed.
Looks complete and its time for the main stage, as there isn’t many Queens left I will give a quick rundown of everyones looks and what I thought.
All the following photography of the Queens copyright BBC / World of Wonder, Photographer Guy Levy.
Tayce - I loved the arms with the brillos and I loved her make up and hair, but that’s pretty much a given when you see Tayce walk down the runway anyway. The bottom half wasn’t great and I think I might have been okay if the lower half was brillo free. I’m not sure what happened to the huge fabric Tayce had to begin with? But hey ho she may have just ran out of time.
Lawrence Chaney - It was camp and it was funny. I know she had a hard material to work with but it was no Divina De Campo. Still an amazing effort!! I certainly couldn’t have done it and seems in the werkoom Lawrence was scared it wasn't enough I wasn’t mad at it.
A’Whora - WOW, WOW, WOW! This was stunning. This really showed A’Whoras talent and I think she should be very very proud of herself. When you looked at the other Queens nothing could compare. It was the most put together for sure out of all the girls. My only slight criticism was the glittery half face. Reminded me of Sister Sisters entrance look. Unless there was an inside joke here that didn’t make the edit I thought this was a little odd.
Bimini - I think Bimini had a very clever plan, she knew she couldn’t sew so when Ru entered the werkroom she showed her something so terrible that when Bimini walked out onto the runway, the equally not so great (but little bit better) outfit looks 100 times better than it would have, if you weren’t comparing it to the awful first one that is. Very clever indeed. If that wasn’t her plan I mean it worked and someone should steal it next season.
Ellie Diamond - If I hadn't seen the episode and saw this, I would think it was a Katy Perry runway theme look. I also probably wouldn't say it was made from junk either. A really brilliant job but again, super hero… not so sure for me.
Sister Sister - I mean, a visual representation of everyones lower region living alone in lockdown. Overgrown, not very well kept and a bit of a mess. Sadly for me I agree with the judges and the garden needed a little bit of a trim. It was a clever concept but I think being able to have so much to play with ended up over powering Sister Sisters look in the end. Maybe that 15 seconds was a curse.
After the judges give their critics its obvious we have Sister and Tayce in the bottom and I would agree. The win goes to A’Whora for me. I think it would have been cruel to give Ellie the win when comparing her and A’Whora’s looks together.
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy
Tayce and Sister both do end up in the bottom and I’m sorry to say but unless Tayce tripped up or did a Ginny Lemon it was pretty obvious that Tayce would be staying and that’s what happened.
I honestly can’t wait for next week and to see who will be our final top 4!