Interview - La Belle
La Belle, welcome beautiful to Spill the Tea at long last! It has been a long time coming and I am so thrilled to finally be talking to you. To start, how did you get into drag?
Well hello gorgeous! So I’ve been a dancer since I was a kid going to dance school 4 nights a week to then also training more professional when I got older. Performing was my escape from reality, When I got older and grew more into my skin I also realised I have a massive passion for makeup. In the end I put them both together and that’s when I became this fabulous person I am today!
How did you choose your Drag name?
My real surname is Le Beau what means “the beautiful” in French and the female version of that is La Belle so it was very fitting hahaha
How would you describe your Drag style?
I think my drag is very sexy and can also be very elegant. She’s broke with expensive taste babe! I really like to push myself to try all different styles as i like to show versatility and also do things out of my comfort zone.
It’s no surprise looking at your flawless mug but you are also a make-up artist. How did you first get into it?
I’m not a trained make up artist but who is now a days? I pride myself with my make up abilities as it’s one thing I've always been confident about. I would one day love to collaborate with a brand and get La Belle her London look moment haha.
What emoji describes your Drag?
Fire, horny devil and a sparkle - 🔥 😈 ✨
What does being a Drag Queen mean to you?
Drag means so much to me! Its definitely helped me get out of some very dark points in my life and pushed me way out of my comfort zone. Honestly drag really helped me mentally and physically.
What is your go to lip sync song?
Honesty I don’t have a fav, it really depends if I wanna get down and dirty or camp and stupid. Got some new numbers I can’t wait to perform when lockdown ends!! ;)
When on stage what do you love most about it?
I love the way it makes me feel, the rush is like a drug. Once I'm on stage you can’t get me off.
How has Covid changed the way you do Drag?
Covid has really affected me. I was working 5 nights a week in the most amazing venues and I was finally really happy with what I’ve achieved. La Belle wasn’t La Belle before covid, I was more androgynous but since lockdown I’ve had a full new branding. Improving for the better.
What one other Queen deserves a shout out from you?
Support ALL your local queens!! As soon as we can get back in bars and clubs make sure to go out and show you support!
What does the future hold for you?
You’re gonna have to follow me to find out! I’ve got big dreams so the worlds my oyster!
Any last shout outs?
Black lives matter!
Trans lives matter!
You can find La Belle on Instagram by clicking here.