RPDR-UK Series 2 - Episode 4 Review
Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy
I’m not sure what the producers of both RPDR UK and US put into the air conditioning for these last few episodes but the Queens are angry and drama is flying everywhere!
For the UK Queens this week they enter the werkroom after Asttina’s elimination and the Queens were going for each other. Daggers were flying left right and centre! Luckily Tia finally rubs off the lipstick from the mirror and a new day can start. Which when it does thankfully the Queens are all playing nice with each other again… for a few seconds at least before Tayce pipes up taking a dig at Tia. Just as A’Whora is also dropped in it for saying sh*t about Tia, Ru comes in for the save to announce this weeks challenge.
To start the mini challenge is the “Great British Fake Off’ where the Queens had to sell us their baked goods. Not my favourite mini challenge and many of the Queens flopped it. Lawrence Chaney and Bimini were my favourites, Ru awarded Bimini the win after turning the Belgium Bun into a Brexit Bun!
With a sweet breakfast out of the way the Queens are tasked with their own morning TV show called “Morning Glory’. Bimini as the winner of the mini challenge is allowed to pick her role first and then the other Queens have to fight it out. Which none of them really did tbh, unlike the Rats Rusical episode. Veronica even just waited until the end before going for a role. I’m not sure I would have gone for that strategy but its the route she went down. Now I bet the producers were rubbing their hands together when after A’Whora announced she wanted one part of the Essex girl role so did Tia. Meaning these two so far enemies were going to be paired up together! For the producers either way it would have given them more enemy drama or the flip side and they would come out on top. Both making good TV.
One awkward moment did happen though, when Ru walked around the werkroom and he got to his new favourite toy… Lawrence Chaney, Ru of course really hams it up when saying her name. With Ellie Diamond (also a Scottish Queen) Ru he doesn’t do the same. Now I don’t think Ellie meant it to come across this way but she out calls Ru out on it! Insert massive AWKS moment. I did feel for Ellie as I get it but it just came across really badly and I don’t think Ru was loving any of it and quickly moved on.
Supporting the Queens as they film their morning TV show live is none other than Lorraine Kelly.
During the filming of Morning Glory some Queens did very well, others just passed by and some really shone.
For me the winners were Bimini, Lawrence and A’Whora. Although I put Lawrence in my top for doing well, she didn’t hit the brief. It was meant to be Agony Nieces but Lawrence Chaney looked like a Aunt and that’s me being kind, more like your Grandma if I’m not haha. However, it was A’Whora who really had her character down and properly made me laugh. Good job girl!
Okay’s - Tayce, Ginny, Ellie and Tia - all did okay and were just a bit of a semi rather than a raging morning glory!
Flopped - Veronica & Sister Sister. With Sister and Veronica, it just didn’t work. Giving credit to them, goth for me is never going to be funny like the other characters. It’s almost the worst pick out of them all. HOWEVER, after thinking about it more they could have done a Wednesday type character from the Adams Family film. Or is that not goth? I’m super camp so I have no idea, my world is all rainbows and glitter. Anyway back too our two goths, Sister blamed Veronica for her doing badly but no no no. Even if your acting partner is doing terrible you do you and just take all the limelight and let them sink.
Back in the werkroom and we have a lovely heart to heart moment from A’Whora and Tia, both talk honestly about their inner demons and both end up hugging it out… are they now besties? I’m sure everyone who sent A’Whora hate last week over social is frantically running back to delete them so they can pretend they have always been a STAN!
For the runway we have the theme of Monster Mash Up. Some went very costume and others had a much more stylised look. My favourite of the night would have been Ellie Diamond for that make up, I couldn’t stop staring at it but the outfit for me just let the look down, it looked cheap, give me creepy Lord of the Rings Goblin anyway.
Lawrence had a good shock outfit where she carried her skinned face down the runway but my firm favourite was A’Whora. Although I agree there wasn’t really a mash-up I just loved how it wasn’t costumey. I really was living for this look.
My least favourite was probably Sister Sister and Ginny as their looks just didn’t say much sadly, I even liked Tia’s for once!
Looks walked and Ru picks his tops and bottoms and gives critics. Before the top and bottom Queens can join Tayce, Tia and Ellie (the safe Queens) in un-tucked they discuss who was the weakest. Of course they all voted Veronica because it was true! Sorry girl just facts. But when the Queens come all together it all kicks off as Ellie tells Veronica they all said she was going home. Which wasn’t true they said she was the weakest not that she was going home. When we first met the Queens back in episode 1 Veronica joked that she goes from looking like Gollum to gorgeous in seconds and just like Gollum’s personality she flipped out and we saw her ‘my precious’ side. It actually really put me off her, I get tension and emotion is high but I was shocked!
Anyway back on the main stage Ru picks as the winner… Lawrence Chaney. Now, I agree the outfit was good overall but looking closely the top was costume and just had a with a few rhinestones on it. Her performance as I said above was good, it just wasn’t what her character was meant to be. Anyway Ru’s love for Lawrence clearly blindsided him and A’Whora misses out. Which is who I would have given it to. Her performance properly made me laugh and her outfit was killer! Then came the biggest shock. I was sure Veronica and Sister Sister would be fighting it out but Ru ends up saving Veronica. Leaving Ginny to fight it out with Sister Sister. The lip sync starts and Ginny blows a kiss and begins to walk to the back of the stage, at first I was like awks she doesn’t know the words. But with one last glance back at the judges Ginny laughs and is gone. Leaving Sister Sister to perform with herself. Which actually I’m really proud of her for, she kept going and still gave it her all. Something I think Ru would have respected. With Ginny eliminating herself Sister Sister is safe.
When it comes to the next episode preview we don’t get much as Ru announces due to COVID they must all go home and filming has to stop! Lets see what happens next week when the episode drops.