RPDR - Season 13 - Episode 6

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

Choo Choo! Everyone aboard the disco train for episode 6 of RPDR!

The episode starts with a recap of the drama in untucked where Kandy and Tamisha went OFF at each other and in true RPDR fashion that drama is brought up again. This nearly starts another full blown fight with Kandy and Tamisha, where most of the other Queens are staying waaaay clear not wanting to get involved. Luckily the drama is stopped by the need to go and get out of drag with Elliott hilariously asking what’s for dinner.

New day in the werkroom and the Queens gather and Elliott asks if they can forget and move on, although the Queens agree (sort of) it doesn’t seem likely. Ru then enters the werkroom to give the Queens their weekly mini challenge. He asks the Queens to pair up but notes that the pairings here will also be the pairings for the main challenge. This gives me full on fashion flashbacks to the UK episode where Ru made the Queens get with their best Judy’s and then told them one would be top and one would be bottom! All paired up the Queens are tasked with creating a fashion look out of wallpaper which they will have to model, infant of that same wallpaper! Hard task but all said and done I thought Gottmik, Kandy and Tina’s look was the most put together. Ru chose Elliott and Tamisha which I was shocked at as Elliots modelling wasn’t great and you really couldn’t see the dress…

Onto the main challenge and Ru tells the Queens they will be making a documentary about Disco, just like myself most of the Queens didn’t know much of the history and origins of Disco. For the Disco-mentary the teams and their chosen section of the documentary are as follows

Gottmik, Kandy Muse, Tina Burner - Birth of Disco

Elliott with 2 T’s and Tamisha - Disco + Sex

Utica Queen and Olivia Lux - Studio 54

Rose and Denali - Disco fashion

and finally Disco sucks - La La Ri and Symone

In rehearsals some Queens are feeling it and others take a little longer, during this Tamisha opens up about not only getting over cancer but also about having a colostomy bag and the struggle that sometimes provides, now I applaud Tamisha as she didn’t tell the girls or make a big drama out of it. She wanted to be treated the same and worked through it! Something the other Queens would have no doubt loved to have used for a sympathy vote card to try and get a save from Ru.

Rehearsals done and the Queens get ready for the main stage! I really enjoyed learning a little bit of the history of disco during the Queens performance but overall I was a bit underwhelmed by most of it. It goes without saying though, some shined under that disco ball and others didn’t do so well. For me the winner in the main performance was Olivia Lux, she really embodied the feeling of disco and represented it best on stage for me. My least favourite… I mean I know Tamisha messed up and Kandy looked scared and lost again but I think Symone fell into the background for me this week which I think might be worse than doing badly.

Either way time for the runway with the theme of little black dress. Potentially a boring theme with an obvious look (which some of the Queens went down YAWN) but some really put a spin on it. My favourites for the spin on things was Gottmik and Kandy for sure, although with both but especially Kandy’s there could have been some fine tuning. Ones I wasn't such a fan of, Rose… I’m sorry girl but did you get a major discount or sponsorship from a tulle company. Its in every look, mix it up!

Ru picks his tops and bottoms of the week and for me it would have been Olivia Lux for the win despite an awful runway, girl it was so boring and bland, nay nay! (Although I did read the story behind the look on Instagram and forgive it a little more now). But as Olivia did so well in the challenge I would give the win to her. My bottoms would have probably been a three way lip sync. Not because they all did so terribly and deserve it but because I just couldn't pick who really was poor for me.

Either way lip sync done and we loose another Queen which I wont spoil in this article.

What did you think of this weeks challenge? Let us know on socials and we will see you next week! xx