RPDRUK - Series 2 - Episode 9
Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!
We are one episode away from the final, I can’t believe how quickly this series has gone! I guess they do say time flies when you're having fun.
The start of this episode actually made me really sad, it wasn't until the Queens walked up to the lipstick mirror that I remembered that A’Whora was gone. Still, I took a deep breath and jumped into the episode. Walking into the werkroom for a new day the Queens review the badge situation and poor Ellie Diamond still is the only Queen without one, something Laurence loves reminder her after her ‘stunt’ she pulled last episode. However, it’s time for the Queens to have some fun with the puppet challenge! I absolutely love this challenge and totally forgot all about it, which made this mini challenge ten times better. Each of the Queens took turns putting their hand into (A’whoras Nans… sorry we aren’t allowed to mention that, lets say) the big pink hole pulling out a puppet that resembles another Queen. They have 20 minutes to put that puppet into drag for the puppet show. The Queens picked the following puppets
Lawrence Chaney - Ellie Diamond
Ellie Diamond - Tayce
Bimini - Lawrence Chaney
Tayce - Bimini
During the show I would say everyone was pretty level, it wasn’t the funniest puppet challenge yet but again the pattern that seems to be happening with this series Queens, no one steals the show, but no one also crashes and burns either. Bimini is awarded the mini challenge win which I did agree with if I had to pick someone.
Ru then tells the Queens they will be staring in their own soap - Beastenders, based on the famous Eastenders TV show. As the winner Bimini has the power to assign the roles, yet they fall fairly easily to each of the Queens. Thank god, I couldn’t handle another meltdown episode. Roles cast and the Queens get to work on learning their lines before heading to set with Michelle. Before they can however, a little guest judge drops in.
It’s only Natalie Cassidy who is famous for playing Sonia on Eastenders. I mean who better to give the Queens advice than someone from a British Soap. Natalie came across very natural with the Queens and was really sweet to each of the them and gave some really good advice before they set off to film.
On set our two Scottish Queens struggled with lines a little… they frequently had to ask Michelle for help but I’m not totally mad at it. The pressure the Queens must be under at this stage, you really do have to feel for them.

Either way they make it through, even when Michelle had to stop filming for Lawrence, Michelle didn’t seem mad at the Queens like we have seen on other seasons. Although, its all about that final cut. Filming wrapped and the Queens head off to get ready for the main stage.
This weeks runway theme is for Panto Dames which I thought was an interesting one for so far into the competition. I wasn’t overly thrilled with any of the looks tbh, Bimini was my favourite when I saw them all together on stage, but I did also like the tiny details of Lawrences outfit.

Before the Queens can get critics we watch the episode of Beastenders. Like I said above, this seasons Queens have a knack for no one really bombing it, they all held their own even with Lawrences constant line prompts, it didn’t come across in the final edit. I would say though that although it was good there was no iconic ‘Much Betta’ moment. Still, fantastic job, well done Queens.
Judges critics given and they all admit it’s a hard choice to make. For me I honestly thought they might scrap the lip sync, Ru doesn’t and we see Bimini crowned their fourth win and Tayce and Ellie put in the bottom. I do feel for Tayce a little, as she has ended up in the bottom 4 times now, when sometimes I really didn’t think she deserved to be. If you asked me based ob track record who has done better out of the bottom two I would probably have said Tayce. Either way after the Queens lip sync to one of my favourite Steps songs, Ru saves Tayce, giving us our top 3. Wait… Top 4! Ru saves Ellie and allows all four Queens to stay and go to the final. I do think this option was the fairest as Ellie really did turn it out against lip sync assassin Tayce!
So there we have it, our top 4 Queens. I am so excited to see who will be crowned but if I had to put my money on someone I would say its Bimini’s crown.
Who do you think will be crowned the winner? Let us know on our socials!
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy