RPDR - Season 13 - Episode 10 Review / Highlights

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

Another day in the US werkroom and the episode was an interesting one. It starts with Utica expressing her enjoyment at being in the bottom and lip syncing for her life. All the Queens looked at her like she was nuts and so did I to start with, but after reflecting on it I guess its a little like adrenaline junkies?! With this the mirror is scrubbed and it’s time for a new day in the werkoom.

The starts with the Queens not taking on a mini challenge but instead going to see physic, it was all very odd and even Uticas cow turned up to say hello. I’m just going to skip past it as I honestly don’t know what to say about it.

Back in the werkroom the Queens are told by Ru that they will be put into pairs and must make over the other to look like them. This gave us the following groupings…

Tina and Rose
Denali and Olivia
Utica and Symone
Gottmik and Kandy

During the episode the Queens get a chance to head to the main stage to get a feel for how the other walks down the runway but the rest of the time they worked on looks. I did find it interesting that no body seemed to use any of the material provided for them to make outfits, instead the Queens chose to create looks from items they had with them. This wasn’t a huge issue for most of the Queens as they are similar sizes, but Gottmik and Kandy had the biggest challenge with size.

Either way I am now going to review how I think each of the pairs did.

Rose as Tina Burner - The outfit was mega uggers and I’m not sure if it was because it wasn't on Tina but to me it didn’t show Tina Burner at all. It didn’t even have her signature colours (yellow red and orange). Rose’s face wasn’t the best so overall it was a boot for me.

Tina as Rose - Tina looked pretty and did a good job at being Rose with her mannerisms but again I don’t think it was great. I wasn’t blown away by anything but having said that it also wasn’t the worst.

Denali as Olivia - Erm it wasn't great was it. I’m not sure where Olivias signature afro was but yeah, it didn't work for me and I couldn’t see Olivia at all. Maybe if Denali was padded a bit more to give Olivias lovely curves maybe, but sadly, for me, it didn't work.

Olivia as Denali - It was okay but it was so odd that she tried to pretend she was on skates, if she couldn’t wear her rollerblades I wouldn’t have added that part. Her face wasn’t the best either but I could see Denali in there from the outfit for sure.

Symone as Utica - It wasn't the best look in the world and for me it could have been more ‘arty’ but Symone sold it so well. She embodied Utica brilliantly. I only had one real issue and that was the funny white upper lip, it made it look like Symone drank some milk before coming out on the runway.

Utica as Symone - After Utica was nervous about her look as she didn’t want to cause any offence they did go with it. It was the right choice and with Utica getting Symone movements down really well it worked!

Gottmik as Kandy - Gottmik had the movements down really well seems in rehearsals all they could do was laugh. I’m not sure the outfit screamed Kandy to me but the movements Gottmik did certainly made up for it.

Kandy as Gottmik - Although they struggled with the size difference I think being painted as Gottmik was one of the easiest as they are really the only person who has a distinctive look with their make-up.

Overall I think the judges comments were fair and I agreed with Ru’s tops (Utica and Symone) and the bottoms (Olivia and Denali). After the lip sync Denali was sent home. I did think it would be her time as I feel Ru really likes Olivia more, which is why I wasn’t surprised. I do think Denali should have stayed longer but I didn't see her being in the final if I’m honest. I do however, see Denali coming back and killing All Stars!

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