RPDRUK - Series 2 - Episode 10 - The Grand Final!
Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!
I can’t believe we are here, the grand finale of Series 2 of Drag Race UK. This series has helped us get through maybe one of the toughest lockdowns yet and I will miss seeing thee fabulous Queens on our screens each week.
Right let’s grab some tissues and kick off our review of the final episode!
The Queens enter the werkroom after slaying it on the main stage and they can’t believe they are all still here. We have our fabulous top 4. The Queens have a little de-brief before hugging it out half-de-dragged ready to enter the werkroom for the final time. When they do they gave us a treat! With Ellie stepping in for A’Whora we get a lovely exclusive top 4 version of UK’Hun! It was hilarious and a perfect way to enter the werkroom one last time.
When Ru enters the werkroom he announces that they will have to sing and dance their way to the crown. The Queens main challenge is to write lyrics for one of Ru’s tracks and dance their little behinds off as they do so.
Getting right to work the Queens begin writing their lyrics as well as sitting down with Ru and Michelle for one final interview.
During the interviews each Queen came at it from different angles, but Ru and Michelle discussed their time on the show and their growth too. What it did show is how incredibly well these Queens have done. Whilst we all sat at home in our joggers on the sofa (apart from you key workers both retail and NHS, and for that we salute you), these Queens were fighting for one of the biggest opportunities of their lives. Something I think we all need to remember before commenting on social media.
Interviews done and its time to join Jay Revel for dance rehearsals, tbh I think the Queens did well learning it and there wasn't too much drama. Lawrence needed a little confidence boost from Ellie when it came to her solo bit but I mean who doesn’t need a little boost from pals every now and then.
Rehearsals done and the Queen head back to the werkroom to get ready. As they do the Queens discuss first impressions of each other. It was honestly lovely to see them being sisters in this moment, but we don’t have time to dwell on that as off the Queens headed to the main stage for the final performance of Ru’s track ‘A little bit of love’.
For the performance I’m going to do a little tally of how I felt they did in order of their solo verse.
Verse - 8.5/10 - The lyrics were really good and suited her well.
Moves 8/10 - I think they tried to ram too much in and in the end made some of the moves end early due to Bimini rushing to get to the next one. However, major props for having some of the hardest choreo.
Outfit - 8/10 - Not the most exciting but I wasn’t mad at it.
Overall - 8/10 - I think from trying to keep up with the moves and lip syncing made it look a little frantic which made it not a super high score, but still a good score!
Ellie Diamond
Verse - 8/10 - fun and cute but I struggled to hear all of it, due to her accent maybe she could have tried not to rap? Again I’m being super picky here and overall I loved it.
Moves - 7.5/10 Cute and simple and executed well which really helped Ellie shine here.
Outfit - 9/10 - My favourite on the stage, it was really great!
Overall - 8.5/10 - If you watched the other Queens Ellie was one of the best at being into it, even when the other Queens were having their solo she still lip synced the backing vocals bit which I think was major props.
Lawrence Chaney
Verse - 9/10 - The lyrics were great and suited Lawrence well and no surprised Ru was living for every moment of it.
Moves - 5/10 - If Lawrence was on her own sure thing, higher score but when rating them next to the others it just didn’t match and sadly being next to Tayce made Lawrence seem 20 times more off than she probably was.
Outfit - 6/10 - I wasn’t mad at it but I kinda liked the look of what was underneath more than what was over the top of it.
Overall - 7.5/10 - Although she wasn't the strongest this isn’t what Lawrence is know for. Considering that I think she did bloody well.
Verse - 8.5/10 - Funny and clever lyrics had me living and maybe my favourite despite scoring Lawrence higher.
Moves - 10/10 - Tayce was on it. I know she’s known for her moves but she was hitting them and slamming her puss down hard honey!
Outfit - 8/10 - The hair and outfit were great if I take my personal taste out of it (so 10/10) but I have to add my opinion and taste and I’m not a huge fan of it so knocked 2 points off the 10. But Tayce did look stunning.
Overall - 9/10 - She stole that show really didn’t she. As they say save the best for last and boy did she!
Then just like that we get out X-Factor moment, you know when a singer is on stage and suddenly the curtain or screen raises to reveal a 20+ choir. This was that Drag Race version when all the series 2 Queens came out. It was sooooo good to see everyone again. It did make me laugh how Joe Black and Ginny were banished to the back but they still did a cheeky shot of Joe Black struggling to keep up. My only negative was Veronicas outfit, I know she’s probably been getting ready for Series 3 but it stuck out too much and not in a good way.
And there we have it. Performance done and wasn't that magical. Massive standing ovation Queens!
Final runway here we come.
Bimini - I mean she looked stunning didn’t she. Here she comes the peoples princess! I didn't have anything negative to say about this really. I wasn't mad at any of it.
Ellie - Despite not being a massive fan of this because it reminded me of my Grandma’s Barbie looking toilet roll holder, once I was past that and remembered how Ellie is one of the only Queens to make her own stuff you really have to give this girl credit. Massive round of applause girl.
Lawrence Chaney - The earrings were cute and the outfit was clever relating to Drag Race. But overall wasn’t my cup of tea. I know it will be others just not personally mine.
Tayce - Although she will look stunning in anything she puts on I preferred the white versions used in the promo shots, it complimented her skin tone ten times better. Again not mad but not loving it.
The judges followed by giving their critiques to each Queen and then allowed them to say a little something to their younger selves. When Ru brought up the portraits though I was wetting myself at Lawrence. Bless, we all have that school photo that was a bit off. What was nice is to see though was the variety of backgrounds these Queens have had. But they have all still ended up here and are all so deserving of that crown.
Back in the werkroom to untuck the Queens are joined by their fellow sisters from this series and they all have a good natter! I tell you what, this has been one of my favourite Drag Race castings of all time (and I’m comparing that to every single version of Drag Race not just the U.K). They are all super stars showing such a wonderful variety of Drag that the UK has to offer. To each and every one of them, massive congrats, you did us bloody proud!
WARNING - Major final spoilers below (including the winner).
Back on the main stage Ru picks his top 3 and sadly Ellie Diamond isn’t in the list. Which leaves Bimini, Tayce and Lawrence to fight it out. It was an interesting song choice, although a great Elton John song, maybe it could have been a bit more up-beat or one that allowed the Queens to really move and give one final killer lip sync. Not saying they didn’t just maybe a different song choice would have suited. For the Queens, I mean they all showed unique them, I haven’t got anything bad to say to any of them.
At this point I really didn’t know who would be crowned. Bimini clearly is the people’s princess and had the public vote, Lawrence if we are honest would showcase and bring something hilarious to the legacy of Drag Race UK and Tayce smashed this final episode. It really is anyones but the winner was…
Congrats girl, now remember even if Lawrence wasn’t your winner all of these Queens are winners. All will go on to do major projects and instead of sending hate, just give extra love to the person you wanted to win and support them even after this show is over.
Now please excuse me while I go hide under a rock until Series 3 airs!
Image copyright BBC / World of Wonder
Photographer Guy Levy