RPDR - Season 13 - Episode 11 Review / Highlights

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

I’m still not over the fact that RPDRUK Series two has ended, but we do still have Season 13 to watch and this season seems like its been on a long ass time, anyone else? Either way lets get reviewing episode 11!

The episode starts with the Queens wiping off Denali’s mega long message and realising it doesn’t matter how well you are doing, one really bad week and you could get the chop. A few Queens have already been in the bottom, so it could be one little slip and that’s it. Which then leads us onto the next challenge and a new day in the werkroom.

The mini challenge this week was a little quiz, to see who had more brains, the Queens or the Pit Crew. It was kinda cute but nothing that made me laugh or live for! My favourite moment was when Utica seemed so excited that she pressed the button and then realised that she had to answer a question which she didn’t know the answer for.

Mini challenge over and the Queens are tasked to create their own branded drink which fits to their own. The Queens get to work scribbling out the storyboards and ideas for their drinks. Some had ideas clearer than others or should we say stronger ideas than others, but sometimes it’s hard to tell how it will actually come out on camera. Heading over to film the Queens have Carson and Ross to help them. During filming I don’t think any of the Queens were majorly off compared to past seasons. They all seemed to manage the time well and even Tina Burner who had a million scenes to shoot didn’t have the panicked edit of I’m running out of time.

Before the Queens head to the main stage they are chatting away getting ready and Kandy opens up about bullying she suffered when she was younger, she shared horrible moment when her arm was broken during an attack. It still scares me that people can be so cruel and mean, I’m not just saying towards gay people, I mean towards anyone. All I will say is no matter what, if someone is being picked on for, gender, race, sexuality, anything mean. We need to stand by them and tell people it isn’t okay! Just be calm and safe when you do it and don’t get yourself hurt in the process. And remember, as soon as you shout and swear you have lost.

Anyway, back to the show where the main stage theme was BEAST - couture. I mean, has to be said, round of applause ladies, they really went for it this time. Apart from Kandy (I’m sorry girl) everyone else really elevated their looks. It was almost like they all Gottmik’ed. My favourites though had to be Symone, Tina and Rose for sure.

Looks walked and we get to see the commercials. Again I didn’t think anyone had an awful commercial. Yes some stronger than others, but I wouldn’t say anyone seriously flopped! Or am I just being nice? Either way my favourites would have to be Rose and Symone. They both had me cackling away and literally just hit the nail on the head with this challenge. My weakest… Kandy and Gottmik. Although Kandy was funny I didn’t feel it went anywhere and that runway outfit was too awful not to land her in the bottom, okay Tina’s make up might not have been on point, but her outfit was mega! Gottmik again cool outfit, naff commercial and as cool as Gottmik’s outfit was, as she always goes above and beyond I thought we might see something more.

Either way Ru picks Tina and Utica for the bottom… lip sync done and we say goodbye to Tina which I was shocked by. I thought Utica being in the bottom already would have meant coming up against Tina would have sent her packing. Although I wasn’t a huge fan of the ‘classic’ dances moves Tina was pulling I can appreciate the show she put on and I felt the edit favoured her.

Were you surprised to see Tina go? Let us know in the comments.