RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under - Episode 5 Review

Before we jump into this, there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!

I’m really pleased to say I’m now looking forward to Sunday mornings and catching up on Drag Down Under when it lands on BBC iPlayer. It was a rocky start for me but I’m now fully loving the season. Episode 5 starts with the Queens walking into the wekroom after saying goodbye to the lovely Anita Wig’lit. If we could all have just 1% of the positivity Anita had then the world would be a much happier place.

After wiping the ‘dry ass p*ssy’ off the mirror the Queens return for a new day in the werkroom for the mini challenge. A mini challenge that is my ultimate favourite… the reading challenge! Sometimes this can be a total flop dependant on what Queens are left in the competition but I’m happy to say I think the Queens did okay (I think thanks to the editing tbh). Who did I think was the best… I think it would have to be Art Simone for sure.

Reading challenge done Ru challenges the Queens with a branding challenge of a yeast spread, ew. The Queens set off to work on their band idea and advert before joining Michelle Visage and guest Suzanne Paul. I felt all the Queens seemed very prepared, especially Elektra who was on it and ready to go the second she walked out. Poor Maxi seemed to struggle, but I think this was due to the edit because Maxi did get a commercial out with more than what was shown in the taping part.

Commercials done and the Queens start getting ready for the main stage. As the Queens get ready the topic of Scarlet Adams past comes up and the fact that they did blackface when performing in Drag before the show. I’m not going to comment on this really, yes I think its wrong and is disgusting but as a white male I don’t think its my place to go any deeper. The Queens do discuss this deeper however before heading to the main stage. The runway this week was finest sheila in the bush which you could say is a little racist but that’s a conversation for another day. On the runway my favourite look was one that shocked me, I actually really liked Kita Means. It shocked me because that’s really not the usual style that I like but it really stood out for me, however for the fit with the challenge I felt Art did the best.

We then get to see how the Queens did in the commercials, I’m happy to say I don’t think anyone flopped. Some were clearly stronger than others but no one did such a bad job that I was cringing and hiding behind my hands. The best commercial was easily Elektra Shock who really hit the nail on the head, also credit to Elektra who really stepped her p*ssy up this episode, her make up looked like it had been done by a team! Congrats girl. Before Ru sends the girls away to untuck the topic of Scarlet and blackface comes up… again! This time directly from Ru who gives Scarlet a chance to explain themselves. I’m not sure how I felt about Scarlets apology and I’m in no way saying what Scarlet did was okay. But I think Ru was right to let it slide (this once) and not kick her out of the competition for her past. We have all done awful things but as long as we can acknowledge that bad past and make real true amends then I think we can forgive people.

After deliberation Ru rightfully awards Elektra the win and I totally agree. Ru picks Maxi Shields and Etcetera Etcetera to be in the lip sync which really crushed me, I love both of these Queens but I think I might have to agree with the choice. Lip sync done and again I’m torn, Maxi yes hilariously pulled out a microphone from her sleeve but really that was it. That was all she did whereas Etcetera threw herself all over the stage doing all the moves possible. I have said this before though that sometimes that just doesn’t work with the song and can look messy. Either way Ru saves Maxi and one of my personal favourites goes home. On a side note I really hope Etcetera and A’whora do a tour together called B*tches or something. I feel they have that hilarious Mean Girls energy and I love it.

With that the episode is done, bring on next week is what I say!

RuPaul’s Drag Race is streaming on BBC iPlayer here.

Image credit - BBC / World of Wonder