Interview - Anna Toni
Anna Toni darling, welcome to Spill the Tea! To start, when did you discover you wanted to do drag?
Hi! Thank you for having me! Well I’ve always wanted to perform, always loved acting. I was just never sure what it was that I really wanted to do. From very young I was obsessed with pop stars, panto dames and Power Rangers. A friend of mine asked me to perform as the Lady Gaga to her Beyoncé at a party many, many years ago, and I caught the drag bug! This friend, by the way, ended up being my sister Vanity Milan, so you could say it’s partly her fault haha! I then decided to give drag a proper go about two years ago after playing with the idea on and off for a long time.
How did you choose your Drag name?
I knew I wanted a short, two word name, quick and easy to remember. I was thinking along the lines of Anne Tony, because I liked that it sounded like my actual name, but it just never rolled off the tongue right. I used to work in a theatre bar with my friend Anna, and it just clicked randomly one shift; ANNA TONI. It also sounds like the Italian dessert panettone and I’ve always been told I have great “cakes”. And Toni instead of Tony as it feels less “masculine” and honestly, it looks sexier.
“Performance is and always will be the core of my drag. Entertaining people, making them feel something, saying something with your 5 minutes on stage is for me far more important than looking the part and it ending there.”
Did you have any rejected names and if so, what were they?
Venus D Manhoe. She lasted a full 5 minutes haha.
We fell in love with you watching you perform on Instagram lives (hopefully now things are opening up this will be in person soon). During the live show you spoke about how you put performance over your look, why did you make this decision?
Thank you so much for watching all of those! It means so much that people enjoyed my madness from my bedroom!
Performance is and always will be the core of my drag. Entertaining people, making them feel something, saying something with your 5 minutes on stage is for me far more important than looking the part and it ending there. Makeup and an eye for fashion and style are important sure, but those can grow over time. Having said that I definitely have my own style, a video game-superhero-pop star, but gritty and hairy around the edges. I’d just rather people experience my energy and remember that over whether or not my look was perfect.
Also your performances and what you want to say with them are things you don’t need any money to work on. And that reads far more than perfect eyeliner.
How did Covid change the way you did Drag?
Well it made me take my drag online! I’ve never been the best with social media, and I’d never done digital shows before, but I ended up enjoying those far more than I expected. And looking back now, I don’t know how I would have coped during the darker parts of lockdown without my “Bedroom Ball” shows or “Sisters Act” with my drag sisters. I also took the opportunity to spend time looking at my makeup skills. I would challenge myself to change and try at least one new thing makeup wise every week for my digital show. So while the past year has been difficult for entertainers I’m glad that I got the best things I could out of it, and focused on things I wouldn’t have before.
How did it feel getting back on a stage again?
Ugh, just amazing. And with an audience of familiar faces and friends, it was the perfect way to return to the stage. I was lucky enough to have done the odd socially distanced show here and there between lockdowns, but that show a few weeks ago really felt like “we’re back!” Just such an amazing show.
What can people expect when coming to see you live?
Unreserved joy and madness! I pride myself on my lip syncing and story telling. I want an audience to FEEL, whether it’s bonkers and high energy or important and heartfelt. And of course a Gaga, Kylie or Steps medley here and there (or all three at once!) Oh and hairy armpits, obviously.
What is your go to lip sync song?
It’s so hard to pick just one because I have a different go-to depending on how I’m feeling! And I usually perform mixes with two or more songs and spoken word. If I were on stage right this second I’d say put on Call Your Girlfriend by Robyn. It has everything, a beautiful story, emotion, and a beat to dance to. And you can play it up for heart or comedy. It’s the perfect lip sync song.
Shout out time! What one other Queen deserves a shout out from you?
Camille Toe! She’s a bloody nutter and super talented but also the absolute sweetest. She reached out a bunch during lockdown, called and kept a sister in check the whole time. She knows I love her but I’m also super grateful to have a friend like her. Such a bloody star.