Interview - Kiki Snatch
Kiki Snatch, welcome my love to Spill the Tea! To start, how did you get into drag?
I got into drag quite randomly. I always knew I had a feminine entity within me and loved performing so one random night out I nicked a friends wig, cropped my top, put on a pair of heels (my feet were killing me) and stepped out into soho.
“Performing is something I’ve loved and done since a little tot fun fact I arrived into this world in the splits”
Catsuit by Bang London
How did you choose your Drag name?
I lost someone very important and close to me before I had started drag so I took her name and reversed it throwing two i’s on the end. CHYNA - ANYHCII (pronounced An-E-Key) my nickname Kiki stuck and I’m also a Gay Party so let’s KiKi.
How would you describe your Drag style?
I don’t think Kiki has a specific style yet an eccentric ratchet & bougie doll up for anything. Eclectic creative mixed and crazy indecisive mind.
On Instagram you describe yourself as a ‘Unapologetic Bad B*tch’, what is the baddest thing you have done (in or out of drag).
Ohhh do I reeaallyy have to say? Well One time having a girls boyfriend flirt with me in front of her and all I’ll say is - The name is Mx Snatch for many a reason 👀
What emoji describes your Drag?
Hmmm that’s a hard one. I’d have to say 🔁 - for me it’s because of always wanting to go again and repeat feeding the children and leaving no crumbs. Hehe
What is your go to lip sync song?
I think my go to lipsync song would have to be my Money Mix consisting of Cardi B - Money & Rihanna - Bitch Better Have My Money. Rihanna BBHMM was my debut number and it since has gotten so much more elevated and will continue to do so.. it’s also quite grimey and very much so me.
When on stage what do you love most about it?
Performing is something I’ve loved and done since a little tot (fun fact I arrived into this world in the splits) I’d have to say the lights and the atmosphere as soon as your track goes on and the audience erupt in cheers then being able to leave it on that floor and do what I’ve always wanted to.
We interviewed your Bougie Drag Brunch Sister Honey Foxx where she gave you a shout out. What do you love most about working with your Drag Brunch sisters?
I love working with my Sisters for many reasons. But I love the fact we are all different and similar at the same time and they are so helpful and we really hype each other up to slay it on and off the stage. They got my back and I’ve got theirs.
To read our interview with Honey Foxx click here.
Shout out time! What one other Queen, King or queer performer deserves a shout out from you?
Only ONE! So many bad bi*ches deserve. I’d have to give this to Bailey J Mills. They are just everything. They’re a lovely person to talk to and be around as well as the creativity and pure genius in their mind is amazing. Talented performer and beautiful soul. Shout Outs Bailey J Mills.
I’m going to break the rules, also a shout out to Cara Melle , Honey Foxx, Camile Leon, Baby Roh, Black Peppa, Tamara Thomas and Diamond Daniels.
Photo credit with thanks to Aimee McGhee