How much of a C.U.N.T is each cast member of Drag Race UK Series 3
I started my day with an awkward conversation with my neighbours trying to convince them that no I didn’t scream at the top of my lungs because I had just discovered a dead body but instead because the cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race Series 3 had just been announced!
I mean do you blame me, I still don’t and feel it was totally justified. Either way here we are, the long awaited cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Series 3! As with each cast reveal of Drag Race I have sat down and cast my initial score based on first image only.
For each Queen I gave them a C.U.N.T rating (Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent) based solely on the promo picture… well, we have interviewed a few of the Queens at Spill the Tea before sooo…I mean I tried to stay impartial (also lets remember its just a bit of fun, all these Queens are incredibly talented and should be super proud for getting on the show).
Lets meet the cast shall we!
Victoria Scone
C - 9
U - 9
N - 6
T - 8
Total = 32
Veronica Green
C - 6
U - 7
N - 9
T - 8
Total = 30
Vanity Milan
C - 9
U - 9
N - 9.5
T - 9.5
Total = 37
We interviewed the stunning Vanity Milan at the start of this year and she’s just too fierce to pretend we don’t know her. You can read our interview here!
Scarlett Harlett
C - 7
U - 8
N - 8.5
T - 8
Total = 31.5
River Medway
C - 7
U - 7
N - 8
T - 8
Total = 30
Krystal Versace
C - 9
U - 9
N - 9
T - 10
Total = 37
The first 10 we have ever given a Queen. Why? Krystal Versace is one of my favourite Queens of all time and I am quite vocal about that. The first time I saw Krystal walk out on stage a couple of years back I loved her. Krystal was actually the first Queen we interviewed and did an exclusive photoshoot with. You can read that interview here!
Kitty Scott-Claus
C - 9
U - 7
N - 7
T - 8
Total = 31
Ella Vaday
C - 9
U - 9
N - 9.5
T - 9.5
Total = 37
Another high score… yep you guessed it! We also spilt that tea with Ella Vaday earlier this year. I really hope they let her showcase her impressive vocals on the show. You can read our interview with the lovely Ella Vaday here.
Elektra Fence
C - 8
U - 8
N - 8.5
T - 8
Total = 32.5
Charity Kase
C - 7
U - 10
N - 8.5
T - 8
Total = 33.5
Choriza May
C - 8
U - 8
N - 7
T - 8
Total = 31
C - 8
U - 8.5
N - 7
T - 8
Total = 31.5
I mean what a line up! We can’t wait for season to start on BBC iplayer this September.
Imagery - Courtesy of the BBC