Interview - Tequila Thirst
Tequila Thirst darling, this interview has been a long time coming, but finally, welcome to Spill the Tea! To start, when did you discover you wanted to do drag?
Well worth the wait though! So happy to be a part of this, thank you! It was a bit accidental to be honest, I started out doing some cosplay and making my own outfits. All the characters I loved were strong, powerful, female presenting characters, so I’d go to conventions as Princess Leia, to Wonder Woman, and Storm! Then that evolved when one of my drag friends put me in make-up, took me to BGWMC (Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club) and I ended up winning the lip-sync competition there and the rest is history!
How did you choose your Drag name?
Surprise, surprise, I love tequila! I’m the eccentric one at parties where I will disappear to the bar, and come back with a tray of tequila shots! If you’re thirsty, I’m here to quench your thirst, and so Tequila Thirst (“to kill a thirst”) was born! HAHA!
“My shows are like a cross between the Duracell bunny and Tigger after they’ve come out of a bottomless sweetshop brunch! It’s bright, camp and energetic, you won’t know which way to look.”
I’m assuming you have never woken up hungover going… I shouldn’t have had those tequila shots?
Oh the stories, the stories my friends could tell you – goodness me! It’s more I shouldn’t have done this or that (or them) than shouldn’t have done tequila shots :D! Or maybe the tequila was to blame!
Tell us a funny or embarrassing story that involved you drinking too much!
Which to even decide or where to start?! A bunch of my uni mates and I would love to play the very typical truth or dare game with plenty of your favourite drinks – (can you guess which one?) – one too many later we stumble onto a group dare – which this time meant all of us heading to the River Cam in the dead of night with nothing on under our coats (plus this was freezing winter too!), jump straight in naked – only to climb out into stinging nettles/brambles, not remembering where we left our coats as it was so dark, and flashing lights – being a random stranger on a balcony taking a million photos of us butt naked!
Did you have any rejected names and if so, what were they?
Omg, my first drag name was Whoremione (taken after the infamous Hermione Granger)! I’d dress up to host the Gaymers Inc Just Dance party night at the Two Brewers in my schoolgirl outfit and wand and would give you a bit of slut drop action to follow!
Queer venues and stages are now opening back up! How does it feel getting back on a stage again?
Half of my drag career has been in lockdown, so although I do love digital drag and I’ve learnt so much during it, I do not want to see another Zoom show mute my audio or Instagram Live cutting out because of my song choices!! LOL – it was an experience for sure! So getting back on stage and seeing those massive grins, and hearing the roar of the crowd is absolutely priceless!
What can people expect when coming to see you live?
My shows are like a cross between the Duracell bunny and Tigger after they’ve come out of a bottomless sweetshop brunch! It’s bright, camp and energetic, you won’t know which way to look. I love, love, love being on stage so you’ll always see a smile on my face. Expect dancing pop princess vibes with stunts, reveals and a few wigs flying off at 100mph!!
What is your go to lip sync song?
Ooooh can there only be one?! As it’s a fight between Britney’s Work Bitch or Janet Jackson’s All For You. Quintessential pop with a dance beat. I also love doing my fun Mean Girls mix with Barbie Girl and Rain on Me! CAMP CAMP CAMP! I’ve also started to do a new mix of Dua Lipa’s Physical which I love – and funnily enough it happened just before my fellow green sis Laganja Estranja made her famous Drag Race AS6 debut! Coincidence?!
Shout out time! What one other Queen, King or queer performer deserves a shout out from you?
Oh man, this is so hard as I’d love to shout out more than one though – you know who you are! If I absolutely must, I want to give a shout out to Ella Veryde (“‘ell of a ride”) - we totally connected and bonded from a drag competition heat we did together and since then we always have a camp old time together and are on completely the same wavelength. Always love to have a good kiki with them. Not only is their drag so expressive and diverse, they bring a whole message/meaning with it too. They are a pro-active champion on climate change and raise important political topics; I love that they are pro-active and more than just a pretty face (though that’s not a bad thing!)