RuPaul's Drag Race Holland Season 2 - Episode 1 Review
Before we jump into this remember there are spoilers below if you haven’t watched the episode yet. All the comments below are just my fun opinion, its a TV show don’t get upset if I didn’t like your favourite Queen!
Season 2 of Drag Race Holland has landed! I couldn’t be more thrilled as I truly loved the first season. However, that did add a little more pressure for Season 2 to live up to a fantastic first season. So let’s dive into it.
In usual fashion the Queens enter the Holland Werkroom one by one. Credit where credit is due, for an outfit not worn for very long the Holland Queens didn’t hold back. It’s hard to pick a favourite but I think my winner was the Countess or Ivy-Else, I mean both incredible looks for a first impression!
As the Queens walk in they didn’t take long to remind me why I love this spin off. Outside of the US, the Queens have something extra, I can’t put my finger on it. In this instance it was the banter they gave each other when walking in, the way they all read each other but then were instantly supportive of each other too. It’s so lovely to see. When this happens in the US it doesn’t come across as well. It might just be the edit, who knows.
After the Queens have entered the werkroom they get a pre-recorded message form Ru before Fred walks in. Two seconds for Fred… What an amazing job Fred has done, not just in the last season but in this first episode too. He does such a fantastic job as a host and I actually really like his role in the show rather than having Ru (that’s not a read to Ru who we usually love). Fred tells the Queens about the grand prize that is up for grabs before announcing that the first maxi challenge for this episode is for the Queens to put on a talent show! Once de-dragged Fred goes around the room to find out what each of the Queens are doing and we have a real mix!
If performing in the talent show wasn’t bad enough the Queens got extra added pressure because the season 1 cast return to act as the audience! In general the show was okay and no one really flopped in my eyes, I guess with so many Queens doing so many different things it’s very hard to judge them equally. But that’s what I am here to do! For each Queen I will give an out of 10 rating…
Vivaldi - Burlesque 6.5/10 - The performance was okay saved by the comedy element to it but maybe it just went on a little long so I got a tad bored.
Ivy-Elyse - Dance - 7/10 - I really enjoyed the performance and I thought it took great skill to do what this Queen did.
My Little Puny - Pole dancing 7 / 10 - Again like Ivy it took great skill to do, however, I have seen other Queens do it better so I was a little underwhelmed in all honesty.
Reggy B - Rap - 5 / 10 - sadly it was hard to get into / understand and that was with the subtitles on!
Tabitha - Salsa - 6/10 - Few little slip ups but overall she gave it her all.
Masisi - Singing - 7.5/10 - Credit for writing an original song. I really love it but the outfit was not for me!
The Countess - Piano - 9/10 - Incredible skill needed to play like that!
Juicy Kutoure - Spoken Word - 6.5/10 - For a very first performance Juicy did well but it also showed that it was her first.
Vanessa Van Cartier - Performance Art - 8/10 - A very moving piece even if I didn’t truly understand it.
Keta Minaj - Magic - 9/10 - Not my favourite art form but this actually ended up as one of my favourite performances of the night!
For the runway this week the Queens had to bring a look for ‘Nightlife Extravaganza’ and just like last season the Queens brought the looks!! My favourite had to be Keta Minaj for sure, the look brought the WOW factor and just took it to the next level!
Looks walked the judges then gave their feedback and they did not hold back! They really gave it to them, which again is another reason why I love the Holland version of Drag Race! Fred picks Keta Minaj as the winner of this weeks challenge and puts Reggy B and Juicy Kutoure in the bottom for the lip sync. I think I would have gone with Reggy and Tabitha if I’m honest. Lip Sync done and the judges decide to send home Juicy Kutoure who didn’t stand much of a chance bless her, but she did give it her all and even shredded her knees up with her stoned tights! As Juicy leaves she gives the most hilarious read to Fred which I think will go down as one of the most iconic exists ever!
And with that episode 1 was done and what an episode it was, well done ladies! We can’t wait for episode 2.
Drag Race Holland S2 continues weekly every Friday exclusively on WOW Presents Plus. Subscribe here.