Exclusive Interview - Ella Veryde
Ella Veryde, welcome gorg to Spill the Tea!
Hello Gorg! Thank you so much for having me, its an honour! :)
To start, when did you discover you wanted to do drag?
I first dipped my toes in the drag pool at Brighton Pride in 2017 and from that point on all my creative outlets kind of clicked into place with DRAG being a way to express them all. Being a performer, an artist, and generally a very creative person, I’ve always loved fancy dress parties, dressing up, and putting on costumes and make up. Discovering drag was kind of like opening up a new world of possibilities of where I could take my gender expression to new heights and put my creative ideas into fully realised ideas and concepts via the performance vehicle of DRAG. An explosion of dance, make up, gender expression, fashion, performance art, and my commentary on politics and society.
“For me drag is about blurring the lines of masculine and feminine, highlighting that all forms of gender are performative and interchangeable”
How did you choose your Drag name?
My first night out in drag I tried out “Heidi Ho” but I knew this didn’t feel right at all but it was just a one night kind of gig. Then the name “Ella Verfuq” came to me whilst in the queue for G-A-Y Late a couple of weeks after my first drag experience at Brighton Pride. Me and one of my best friends Cody came up with some crackers that night (at least we found them hysterical) but it was from there that “Ella Veryde” just seemed to fit perfectly with me, my energy as a drag performer, and also sounds a bit classier and family friendly than Ella Verfuq haha. Also I love that some people pronounce it “Verydé” because it sounds sophisticated and French, and then I can correct them - “no babe I’m really not that posh, I’m Ella Veryde ;P “
Did you have any rejected names and if so, what were they?
Heidi Ho was the first. And I have many others but they will probably become my drag daughters in the future so I’ll keep my lips sealed on that front (makes a change) :P
You are a pro at #TransformationTuesday – how do you go about creating looks?
Thank you that’s very kind of you to say! For me drag is about blurring the lines of masculine and feminine, highlighting that all forms of gender are performative and interchangeable. For me personally, drag is an extension of my gender fluidity and a way to express all aspects of my personality through the medium of performance. I find inspiration from the most random things and then basically let my brain form the idea. I love colour and trying new things so I’m always experimenting with different styles and techniques, I believe you should never get comfortable and always keep pushing to try new things.
Did Covid change the way you did Drag?
Yes massively!! I guess I was still finding my feet on the drag scene in London just before Covid hit so it certainly gave me time to work on my craft and get better at make up, but it also put a spanner in the works as I am a performer and thrive off live audiences. It was really hard not getting those reactions in person and having feedback or getting to showcase to live audiences which is the whole reason I perform. Digital drag was fun for a time but the longer the lockdowns went on, I lost motivation as I felt completely disconnected from everyone including audiences which give me life. Covid may have made me a temporary bedroom social media queen but I can’t wait until this pandemic is over as I am best experienced up close and personal, in the flesh, in the splash zone ;)
With things starting to open up do you plan to do live shows?
Yes absolutely, I was born to perform, I was never supposed to be performing from my bedroom. I really need the live audiences and I’m so excited to get more opportunities to perform and showcase what I can do to people IN REAL LIFE :)) no more lockdowns please!!
What can people expect when coming to see you live?
High energy, professionalism, high drag, full concepts start to finish, political/social messages, campery, sex, comedy, excitement, sweat, a reveal or two, genderfuckery, some more sex, and a whole heap of surprises.
What is your go to lip sync song?
I’d have to say Burnin’ Up - Jessie J just because I used it in one of the first drag numbers that I created about climate change and my inspiration, Greta Thunberg. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
Shout out time! What one other Queen, King or queer performer deserves a shout out from you?
Tequila Thirst - she has been so supportive and encouraging since I met her just before lockdown during The Crown competition, she is so hard working, so down to earth, genuinely one of the nicest queens I know and I’m so glad to have her as one of my drag sisters. She’s a babe - go and follow her! :)