Meet the Queens of Drag Race UK Series 4
It’s official! RuPaul’s Drag Race UK is returning to BBC iPlayer this September! See below for the next sensational drag queens about to make their Werk Room debut.
For each Queen I gave them a C.U.N.T rating (Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent) based solely on the promo picture… well, we have interviewed a few of the Queens at Spill the Tea before sooo…I mean I tried to stay impartial (also lets remember its just a bit of fun, all these Queens are incredibly talented and should be super proud for getting on the show).
Lets meet the queens shall we!
C - 9
U - 8
N - 9
T - 9
Total = 35
Pronouns out of drag: They / He
Pronouns in drag: She / Her
Tell us about yourself?
My name is Baby, I'm 25 years old, I'm from London and I’m London's afro punk princess.
So you’ve made it on Drag Race UK Series 4! How do you feel?
I’m so excited to be here and to show everyone what Baby is all about!
Were you when you got the call?
I was chilling at home when I got the call and I had a feeling in my spirit, I felt it was going to be good. They were like, ‘We want you!’ and I was like ‘I’d want me too! Sick!’ It was an amazing moment.
Describe your drag in three words?
My drag is pretty, punk and Black. I love to represent my culture and I love playing with in the area where black culture and alternative culture meet.
Where does your name come from?
The name Baby comes from being the youngest sibling out of five and I was always referred to as ‘the baby’. So, when I needed to come up with a drag name in a lip sync competition at university, I thought of “Baby” and now years later, I’m still known as Baby!
How long have you been doing drag?
I've been doing drag for about four years now. I started out performing around clubs around London and Brighton. I was at university in Brighton which is a small city and very queer. So, I learnt how to block my eyebrows throw on a lash, walk in a heel, I bought my first lace front wig and now, here I am. A glamorous queen!
What are your Drag Race strengths?
I pay incredible attention to detail with my looks and performances and I really see myself kind of shaking up the way things are done. 4
I studied Musical theatre so I can sing, dance and act – I’m a bit of a triple threat! I’ve been a stage school kid since I was ten and so now being able to showcase all of these skills on the biggest platform is awesome.
What’s the drag scene like where you’re from?
So in London, the drag scene has so many different parts of it which I really love. You have the theatre and Cabaret scene, the brunch circuit which is where I reside and then you have the club queens so I'm mainly darting around between brunches and clubs with almost no sleep all weekend. I love it!
Have you ever had any drag mishaps?
There have been so many! A wig has flown off, a tuck has popped out, a lash gotten lost.. but those were in my formative years. Thankfully, that hasn't happened to me in a while!
Why do you deserve to be the UK’s Next Drag Superstar?
I just have that spark! I have that flavour about me. I’m the girl who loves pop culture but also loves artsy stuff and I mash it together in a way that is so uniquely me I’m one of a kind – you’ll definitely not find another Baby!
Black Peppa
C - 8.5
U - 9.5
N - 9
T - 9.5
Total = 36.5
Pronouns out of drag: They / Them
Pronouns in drag: She / Her
Tell us about yourself!
I'm 29 years old and I'm from Birmingham. Who am I kidding? I'm originally from the Caribbean, but for the past few years Birmingham has been my home, and I love it! The drag scene is incredible. It's such a melting of talented performers that includes drag queens, drag kings, and non-binary queens. Honestly, I think Birmingham has one of the best drag scenes in the UK.
Where does your drag name come from?
I love spicy food and I always carry hot sauce in my bag. Back when I was growing up in the Caribbean, my mum always grew chillies in her garden and she made her own homemade hot pepper sauce and so I decided to call myself “Black Pepper”.
And later, I was inspired to change up the spelling after a chance watching of Peppa pig! I saw her hang up the phone on her friend because her friend could whistle but she couldn’t. Ha! I thought to myself Peppa pig is the OG, and that is why I’m “Black Peppa” with a twist!
How long have you been doing drag?
I've been doing drag for two and a half years. I was working in a bank before I got into drag and then I started doing gigs here and there and started to get bigger gigs in London and Manchester. I realised I could do this for a living! So in 2020, I quit my bank job and that's how Black Peppa became the queen you see today!
What’s a Black Peppa show like?
If you come to a Black Peppa show, you're going to be out of breath because I am going to give you splits, dips, death drops, and high jumps off the bar. you're going to be in for such a good time. I love performing!
What are your drag strengths?
My superpower is my creativity. I have the weirdest ideas in my head! I like making the impossible a reality. I love to think of myself as a creative genius! Also, I'm pretty good with a makeup brush now. Two years ago, I absolutely was not but then during lockdown I was like you know what? Girl, it's time to learn to do your makeup. Now, look at me! Drag is an outlet that allows me to be an oddball, show off my goofiness and soak up all the attention!
Would you say you're competitive?
Okay, I'm very competitive. I'm probably the most competitive person I know. I do scare myself at times!
Why do you deserve to be crowned the UK’s Next Drag Race Superstar?
I’m not just your average condiment inside your cupboard. If you sprinkle a little bit of me on your food, then you're gonna want
Cheddar Gorgeous
C - 9
U - 9
N - 9
T - 9
Total = 36
Pronouns out of drag: No preference
Pronouns in drag: No preference
Tell us about yourself!
I’m Cheddar Gorgeous and I’m 488 years old. I’m a living spectacle, cultural icon and dressed as a Mancunian busy bee . I've been in Manchester for 16 years. I absolutely adore the city and whilst I ‘m originally from Birmingham, I feel like Cheddar was very much manifested in Manchester.
Where does your drag name come from?
My drag name references the iconic British landmark Cheddar Gorge which I have visited many times in my many lifespans. A lot like Cheddar Gorge, I go on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and sometimes I'm damp.
Tell us about your drag?
My drag is a living spectacle. A collage of makeup, costume and performance. You could see anything at a Cheddar Gorgeous show as my drag is otherworldly and ethereal. Growing up, I was a bit of a geek and I was enamoured by aliens, gods, goddesses and strange monsters and now in my drag, I like to harness the energy of science fiction, fantasy and magic!
How long have you been doing drag?
I’ve been doing drag hundreds of years but the cover story is that I've been doing it about 13 or 14. I've been so lucky in my life. Drag has allowed me to travel all over the world from LA to Hong Kong and I've worked in the clubs, cabarets, museums and I've put it all over the streets. I've had an absolutely lovely time.
How does it feel to be a Ru Girl?
It's very exciting! I didn't imagine they'd be interested in outer world art pieces like me! Most of all, I am excited for the challenge. I don't know what’s going to be thrown at me, but I quite like having things thrown in my face and just seeing what happens. That's the pleasure of life, isn't it?
Copper Topp
C - 9.5
U - 9.5
N - 8
T - 9
Total = 36
Pronouns out of drag: He / Him / They / Them
Pronouns in drag: She / Her
Tell us about yourself?
I'm Copper Topp, I'm 38 and I am the feel good ginger of drag! And now I’m a Ru Girl and on top of a mountain!
How would you describe your drag in three words?
The first word would be “pantomime”. I love a bit of pantomime. The second would be camp and the third, ginger because I am ginger!
What is a Copper Topp drag show like?
Well, first and foremost it’s very camp and physical! Nobody expects it when a camp bird like me is singing and then suddenly jumps into the splits and everybody is gagged. You're gonna laugh until you wet yourself and by the end of that night, you will probably slide into my DMs because let's face it, she's gorgeous!
Who or what inspires your drag?
There are four people who inspire my drag. The first is Victoria Wood and the second is Julie Walters. I'm obsessed with them. And the third and fourth has to be The Cheeky Girls!
How long have you being doing drag?
I've been doing drag for nearly four years and I know that this year is going to be a vintage year!
Why drag?
I was always prancing around the house with a t-shirt on my head feeling fabulous and it only took me 38 years to start feeling fabulous again! I love singing. I love acting. I love performing and drag allows me to do every single bit of that.
Do you have a Drag Race UK game plan?
I'm an old school queen, and I plan on being the campest queen. I love a look. Yes, I love a dip. Yes, I love jumping into the splits but it's all about comedy and camp and serving it to the world. I love to sing. I rarely lip sync but don’t worry, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Those girls better watch out!
Why should you be the next UK’s Drag Race Superstar?
I've got it all. I can act, I can sing. I can dance. I can host unlike anybody else. Drag is for everybody no matter how old you are and I’m repping it for the old fogies!
We actually interviewed the lovely Copper Topp back in November last year and you can read that exclusive original interview here.
C - 7
U - 7
N - 8
T - 8.5
Total = 30.5
Pronouns out of drag: She/ Her
Pronouns in drag: She / Her
Introduce yourself Dakota!
I'm Dakota Schiffer, I'm 22 years old, I'm from Sussex and I’m ecstatic to be making Drag Race herstory as the first trans girl to walk through the doors of Drag Race.
What’s the drag scene like in your hometown?
There’s absolutely no drag scene in Sussex! Sussex is not the best place for a six foot one trans woman and drag queen to grow up. I always stood out but simultaneously felt invisible but I think certainly, it's made me the person who I am today.
Where does your drag name come from?
The name Dakota comes from a cartoon reality show from the early 2000s called Total Drama and Schiffer of course, comes from the iconic 90s supermodel, Claudia Schiffer.
How would you describe your drag?
I’m generation Z’s answer to Sharon Tate. My drag is a love letter to the 60’s and the 90’s. I’ve always been intrigued by the 60s and 90’s supermodel era and my number one Hollywood icon is Sharon Tate in Valley of The Dolls and I worship everything she's ever been in – she’s such a style icon to me. My drag aesthetic is always beautiful and fashion first.
What are your drag strengths.
I’m great with hair and I think that my fashion sense and sewing skills might elevate me above the rest. I’ve got a good eye, and my most impressive drag talent is being able to put looks together.
Why drag?
I have always loved fashion, hair and makeup and drag allowed me to combine all my favourite hobbies into one amazing profession and I've been doing drag for about four years now. Initially, I struggled to embrace my feminine side and drag gave me the escape I needed to come out as trans and embrace all of my inner femininity.
Why Drag Race UK?
I’ve dreamed of being on the show since I first watched it and being here is quite surreal. I hope everybody likes me!
Danny Beard
C - 10
U - 9
N - 9
T - 9
Total = 37
Pronouns out of drag: They/Them
Pronouns in drag: She or They
Tell us about yourself!
I'm Danny Beard, I’m 29 and I’m from Liverpool. I am a sassy, shady, singing cartoon clown!
Describe your drag in three words?
Sassy, shady and stunning!
You’re the first bearded queen to appear on Drag Race UK. How does it feel?
I’m a Ru Girl! I can’t believe it! I love having a beard, mixing genders and putting them in the blender. My drag is about throwing the rulebook out the window.
What’s a Danny Beard show like?
I work all around the country on the cabaret scene mixing club kid aesthetic with old school drag performance style. At my shows you get live vocals, interactive comedy and an hour's worth of entertainment for a very reasonable fee!
I like to belt out Adele and finish on a big Queen number. The thing that makes people want to come back to my shows is my singing. I love it and if anyone wants to book me…
Who or what inspires your drag?
My biggest drag inspiration is Leigh Bowery who was a club kid from the 80s, I love him. I've got a tattoo of him on my arm. He pushed the boundaries of fashion. He pushed the boundaries of drag, and he pushed the boundaries of queer culture and I love a boundary pusher.
How long have you been doing drag and what are your career highlights?
I’ve been doing drag for about 10 years. You name it, I’ve done it! I've got residencies in London, Glasgow, Manchester and Cardiff. I’ve performed around the world, and headlined Pride festivals across the country. I’ve also done a bit of television including Britain’s Got Talent!
What’s the drag scene like where you live?
I live in Manchester but I'm from Liverpool. I'm lucky enough to work on so many of the UK’s drag scenes, but in Manchester, the drag scene is so vibrant - it gives you licence to be whoever you want to be.
Why Drag Race UK?
I’m here to be better. I want to leave the other side of Drag Race UK transformed. I want to show the world my whole self. I'm ready to show them that I can act, I can sing, I'm funny and I've got a big heart. I know I've got the minerals. I just hope I can hack the intensity and not get in my head. If they want me to change it up, I'll change it up. Honestly, I am so nervous and excited to be on Drag Race UK. I can feel a fart brewing!
Why do you deserve to be crowned the UK’s Next Drag Race Superstar?
Drag Race is a dream making machine and I'm here to make my dreams come true. There has never been a bearded Queen on Drag Race UK and I am making herstory with my hairy chinny chin chin. I’m here for a laugh and… plus, I’m the best!
Jonbers Blonde
C - 9
U - 7
N - 7
T - 8
Total = 31
Pronouns out of drag: He/him
Pronouns in drag: She / her
Tell us about yourself?
My name is Jonbers Blonde, I'm 33 and I'm originally from a little town called Banbridge near Belfast. I'm a showgirl on a Saturday and an absolute binfire on a Sunday!
How would you describe your drag in three words?
In three words, I‘d describe my drag as high fashion pig. Oink oink!
I put myself into the fashion category. Although, I’m more than that, I'm a performer too. I love to perform. I've been around the world with Melanie C and I've danced as a backing performer for Years and Years and Jessie Ware. The list could go on!
What‘s a Jonbers Blonde show like?
You're going to see a lot of movement! It's like coming to watch a crab perform. There's a lot of moving back and forth. I‘m a storyteller too, so accompanied by my Irish flute, you‘ll get a great yarn with plenty of animal and Irish references!
How long have you been doing drag?
I've been doing drag for about 14 years - and good drag for the last six.
Who or what inspires your drag?
I'm very inspired by the 70s and I'm very inspired by fashion runways of all eras. High fashion really inspires my every day, but then again, so does “The Muppets”!
Where does your drag name come from?
One night, I was at my friend's house dressed to the nines and I came down the stairs and my friend's dad looked up from his paper and said, ‘Jonbers, looking like that you’re going to get very lucky!’ and since then “Jonbers” just stuck!
What are your key strengths coming into this competition?
I've got the back catalogue. I can dance. I can move. I've got fashion skills. I’m not afraid to be silly. I’ve got a unique voice. You put all that together and you got this big muppet here! What more do you want?
I really do have the fashion skills, as I'm also a stylist. I have worked at Vogue International and I have been fashion editor of several magazines. I’ve also walked the runways in London and Paris.
Do you have a Drag Race UK game plan?
I’m going to treat each runway as RuPaul’s Met Ball, Each week, I plan to go big and wild! Although, I am a high fashion girl, I'm not afraid to get mucky. I’m like a pig in muck!
How does it feel to be a Ru Girl?
I can't believe it. It's like getting 10 free drink tickets at the local bar! I've been waiting many Summers and Winters to be on Drag Race but I'm finally here. Winter has arrived!
Just May
C - 8
U - 7
N - 7
T - 7
Total = 29
Pronouns out of drag: He or They
Pronouns in drag: She or They
Tell us about yourself?
I’m Just May, I’m 32, I’m from Essex and I'm the world's premier Geri Halliwell impersonator – that’s Ginger Spice for those that don’t know! I’ve made it to season 4, and it’s about time, because they need to put a crown on a ginger!
How would you sum up your drag in three words?
Campy, nostalgic and ginger!
What is a Just May show like?
At a Just May show, you can expect an acoustic rendition of Wannabe by The Spice Girls, a bingo machine and a whale of a time babes ! You put me in front of people with a mic and I will talk the house down. The huns love me, they can't get enough.
How long have you been doing drag?
I have been doing drag for longer than Series 3 winner, Krystal Versace's life so that’s ooh… almost 10 years! I’m very well known as the go to drag host on the London circuit. It's a dangerous job being a drag queen. You never know when you're gonna trip over your own heels and end up face burst in a stranger's lap. That can be pretty tricky.
Why drag?
I wanted to do drag because Geri stopped being Ginger Spice and so I felt someone had to take over! Geri was always my favourite Spice Girl because she was the loud, bold, brash, bossy ginger one of the group and she just spoke to me on so many levels. The biggest misconception that people have about just me and my drag is that I will only do Geri. But sometimes, I wear a red wig without a blonde streak. Wild, I know.
How does it feel to represent ginger drag queens and Essex?
It's a hard job being a genuine ginger but I'm here to prove to you that all you need to do is whack on that factor 50 and head out there with your head held high. When people think of Essex, they think of fake tans and big boobs and I'm here to prove that we're really just all about the big boobs.
What are your drag strengths and weaknesses?
It has to be my sense of humour. I put smiles on people's faces. I do know my way around a hairbrush and I will fix a wig in 10 seconds flat. I am a triple no threat. I can't sing. I can't dance and I definitely can't act so you better be scared my fellow queens!
If you ever starred in a film, what film would it be?
If I was the star of a film, it would be the 2022 remake of Spice World because it needs to be critically acclaimed once again.
Do you have a Drag Race UK game plan?
I’m going to pick up that crown and sceptre and I'm going to wear it until it falls off my body. I’ve got humour, I’ve got comedy, I've got improv skills. I can't sing but that won't stop me. I've also got a whole host of red dresses and big ginger wigs and I'm going to be showing every one of those. You better get ready for the ginger invasion. It's May all the way!
Le Fil
C - 7
U - 8.5
N - 8.5
T - 8
Total = 32
Pronouns out of drag: He / Him / They / Them
Pronouns in drag: He / Him / They / Then
Tell us about yourself?
My name is Le Fil and I’m all your all singing, all dancing, Chinese pop star! I’m 36 and I’m from Brighouse in Yorkshire!
Describe your drag in three words?
My drag in three words would be androgynous, Asian and sensation!
How would you describe your drag ?
Le Fil is the intersection of art, fashion music and sculpture. I like the idea that I'm breaking genre, breaking gender and creating art. My background was in art and sculpture, and so I always aim to look like a walking piece of fine art!
What’s a Le Fil drag show like?
A typical Le Fil show is a full on epic pop performance meets fashion and art installation with my own songs, live vocals, my own band and backing dancers. I call my gigs ‘pop sculptures with extras”, because they’re music gigs entwined with stories, and performance art. I like to give my fans a pop extravaganza, where the sets are like sculptures, the costumes are like couture, and the show is like a piece of live art.
How long have you been doing drag?
I've been dressing femininely ever since I was born as I've been doing drag for years. My drag is basically an amped up version of my everyday wear! I’ve been doing drag professionally for a while now, and my career highlight was touring around the world with Spice Girl, Melanie C from Brazil to Australia to Europe. She’s my childhood idol so it was a dream come true.
Who or what inspires your drag?
My greatest love is art. I love anything that is innovative and rebellious. I love people like Andy Warhol, Duchamp Gilbert and also designers like Victor Roth and Marcela Westwood who have brought something fresh and new to culture.
I take inspiration from anywhere and everywhere. I've covered myself in clay in clingfilm. I've covered myself in mud, trees, anything! The craziest thing I've taken inspiration from is rice! I've made outfits out of rice and sculptures. Steamed, boiled rice… I love it – it’s a big part of my culture.
Is there a drag scene in Brighouse?
None whatsoever! Brighouse is a small West Yorkshire town, with no drag scene that I know of, but it did spawn me and fellow Series 1 finalist, Davina De Campo. We were in the school choir together. We’re both from Yorkshire and wonderful!
I’m proud of my Yorkshire roots, in fact the look I’m wearing now, is a homage to the Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band. Brass bands and now drag queens are big in Yorkshire.
What will be your greatest strengths in the competition?
I have a lot of drag skills required of a drag Race Superstar. I can sing, I can write songs, I can act, I can dance, I can style, and I can create. My strength in this competition is my eye for detail. I have studied hard to get here. I take notes and I’m going to use all my knowledge to beat the other queens. The other queens might underestimate me. They might not even see me because I'm only two foot four! But there is no way that I will fade into the background.
What does it feel like to be a Ru Girl?
I am so excited to be one of the queens of Drag Race UK Series 4! I cannot wait to bring you the looks, the energy, the optimism and the smiles!
Pixie Polite
C - 9
U - 7
N - 7
T - 7
Total = 30
Pronouns out of drag: He / They
Pronouns in drag: She / Her
Tell us about yourself!
I'm Pixie Polite, I'm 29 years old and I'm from Brighton!
How would you sum up your drag in three words?
Big, bold and beautiful.
What can you expect at a Pixie Polite show?
If you come to a Pixie Polite show, you'll get some powerhouse vocals, all the camp tunes anyone could want for and a little bit comedy thrown in for good measure. Who doesn't love a good time? I do.
Where did you drag name come from?
I chose the name Pixie because I've always loved Disney and Tinkerbell and I thought it was really funny that this large lady would be called Pixie!
I've always been a very polite young woman, and so Pixie Polite was born! Pixie Polite by name, And Pixie Polite by nature! But, drag gives you the licence to be naughty, so if these girls come for me I might get a bit rude!
How long have you been doing drag?
I've been doing drag now for about eight years and that makes me a veteran. I’m very experienced, and well known. I’m booked and blessed, so, sign me up for battle!
Why drag?
Drag is an incredibly powerful thing. Before I started drag, I wouldn't have said boo to a goose but here I am now and I feel so incredibly confident. It has the power to transform you into the most fabulous version of yourself.
Tell us about this hometown look that you’re wearing?
My outfit today is inspired by my hometown of Brighton. It is inspired by the iconic Brighton seafront. I spent a lot of time in my childhood wandering along that promenade, so why not dress up as a promenade?! It would be camp if I broke the drag race Brighton curse wouldn’t it?!
What are your drag strengths?
I think I'm quite unique and I've done a lot of things in my career. I sing, I dance and I act. I can do comedy and I host. I do a little bit of everything reasonably well. You’ve got to be versatile. You can't just be a one trick pony. I'm a many tricked cow of the camp variety. I'm hoping that I can stand out from the crowd in this competition.
Do you have a Drag Race UK game plan?
I have been known to be very competitive in the past. I've been nominated and won quite a few awards and so I always want to win.
My game plan coming into this competition is basically just to be the most talented, the most stunning and to win! I know I'm fabulous and I want the rest of the world to know how fabulous I am too!
How are you feeling about being on Drag Race UK Series 4?
I'm so excited. I think the world is ready for Pixie Polite to be the Queen of the UK, don't you? It's honestly a dream come true. I never thought a big ol’ camp cow like me would make it here but here I am! I'm very excited to get to all those challenges and shake my booty all over that Werk Room, honey!
Sminty Drop
C - 6
U - 8
N - 8.5
T - 8.5
Total = 31
Pronouns out of drag: She / Her
Pronouns in drag: She / Her
Tell us about yourself?
I’m Sminty Drop, I'm 23 years old, I'm from a small town in the Lancashire countryside called Clitheroe and I'm a sexy cyber supermodel from outer space.
How would you sum up your drag in three words?
Drop dead gorgeous!
How would you describe your drag look?
My drag look is Anna Faris in The House Bunny mixed with Megan Fox in Jennifer's Body thrown into the adult sized body of a Bratz doll, who has crashed landed down from Doja Cat’s Planet Her.
I am literally the embodiment of contemporary British drag. My look isn't just beauty pageant glamour. I ‘m so much more than sequins and tight gowns. I’m a fully conceived concept from head to toe.
What could you expect to see at a Sminty Drop show?
You are going to see stunning looks, you’ll see a gorgeous face and lots of hair. I love a good time and I know how to entertain a crowd!
How long have you been doing drag for?
I've been doing drag for about three years now. There was a year before then but I count that as a trial run so it doesn’t count!
What would you say been your career highlight thus far?
I had a good 8.3 seconds in the new Duran Duran music video. That was pretty good. My mum says they're really big!
Where does your drag name come from?
The name Sminty Drop comes from me being a on a night out and wanting to kiss some boys so I would always take some mints with me just in case! But, I’m also a very clumsy girl so I would always drop said mints on the floor so… Sminty Drop I became!
Why drag?
Drag gives me the power to draw something on a piece of paper and make that drawing come to life ! That is literally what I love.
Now you’re friends with Gothy Kendoll from Series 1. Did she give you any words of wisdom?
Yes, I’m in the house of Gothy Kendoll and she said that if I go home first, I’ll be doing the dishes for a month when I get back so that won’t be happening! I will be getting into the top three in that case – thank you!
Should the other queens be worried about you?
These Queens should be very worried about me. I’m not just a pretty face and body-ody-ody baby! I’m going to take that crown because I’ve got exactly what it takes to get it! I will slice, dice and chop up the runway in my nine inch heels and when I unpack my bags the other queens will wonder, ‘Oh god, should I just send myself home now?’ and I say ‘yes, yes you should!’
How does it feel to be a Ru Girl?
I feel overwhelmed with happiness. I can’t stop smiling. I can't believe I’m here but it feels correct! This is my fantasy. This is everything!
C - 8
U - 9.5
N - 7
T - 9.5
Total = 34
Pronouns out of drag: He / Him
Pronouns in drag: She / Her
Tell us about yourself!
My name is Starlet, I’m 23, I’m from Surrey and I’m the polished, silver screen beauty pinup of Series 4.
I live in Surrey but I'm originally from Johannesburg in South Africa. I moved here with my family six years ago. Growing up in South Africa, I had very little understanding of LGBTQ+ culture and I’d never even seen a drag queen, but now I’m in the UK, that’s all changed!
How would you describe your drag look?
My look is about exuding the vintage beauty and glamour of the silver screen. I’m a beautiful young rising star of Hollywood and all eyes are on me. I’m a living walking vintage movie star!
What can you expect to see at a Starlet show?
I’m quite an established looks queen, but I’m gently tippy toeing into the performance side of drag. If you came to one of my shows, you’d see the perfect woman on stage with loads of rhinestones, and a feather fan or two.
Where does your drag name comes from?
My drag name pays collective homage to all of my favourite old movie stars. They were all beautiful starlets dresses in stunning couture. My favourite starlets are Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Lana Turner, Grace Kelly and so many more!
How long have you been doing drag for?
I’ve been doing drag for three or four years - you lose count after two!
What makes you stand out?
I have a unique and distinct look and I've got a very good eye. I’m creative and versatile. I put all of my energy into perfecting every tiny detail of my look and every one of my looks has its own unique fantasy. Drag is my greatest passion.
Are you competitive?
I think I'm the most competitive person I know. I've always got to be the best at what I'm doing. People sometimes think, I’m a bitch. I’m not. I'm quite sweet. I blame it on my eyebrows!
How does it feel to be a Ru Girl?
It feels amazing to be here. It’s something I’ve been waiting for my whole life. I genuinely love drag. It’s the first thing I think of in the morning when I wake up and the last thing I think of when I go to bed at night. Every second of the day, I’m thinking about my next look. It feels pretty good to be here. I’m getting a chance to live my fantasy.
I mean what a line up! We can’t wait for season to start on BBC iplayer this September.
Drag Race UK Series 4 will air weekly from the 22nd September on BBC iPlayer.
Imagery - Courtesy of the BBC